Have you ever had a paranormal experience? (Page 4)

LOVE 1 ANOTHER: Do you believe that a person can be haunted and not the place there living at ?
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by LOVE 1 ANOTHER 12 years ago)
JeanYves72: I believe that for sure. There have been cases where a ghost has followed a person or families.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by LOVE 1 ANOTHER 12 years ago)
LOVE 1 ANOTHER: Many people say I have to see it to believe it .
12 years ago Report
Fairy_Godmother: yes I believe that Love..
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: And yet the same people believe that there are billions of galaxies in the universe without seeing them.
12 years ago Report
CSB90: Hello :o) I'm new to wire club as well, had nothing to do so I thought I'd just check this chat line out, and I saw this topic and thought this was interesting. I've had a couple of paranormal experiences, but I don't really feel like they're paranormal, I think its natural to feel sensitive to the spiritual every now and then. I was once visited by a friend after she passed away but I didn't know that she passed on until after a couple of days later. I woke up in the middle of the night after a horrifying dream about her where I was with her in a cabin with her boyfriend and the grim reaper was at the door and had taken her away with her boyfriend standing next to me. When I woke up I sat up on my bed and saw at the end of my bed an apparition of a women's face. She was very sad, like this despairing sadness and it was almost like she was howling at me trying to express her sadness and calling me. This happened every night along with the dream until I learned that she had taken her own life and it was her boyfriend who found her. It was very sad knowing this and especially because of how she came to visit me because I definitely felt from her that it was something she did not want to do but she was just so sad and I felt she definitely felt trapped. That was definitely one of the clearest experiences I've had so far, I think mostly because I knew her. The other times when I've had experiences similar to this was when people I've known, not necessarily personal friends, like when my grandfather passed away (I never got to know him because he lived abroad and I only met him once when I was very young), and when my ex's mother's neighbor passed away. Both times I experienced this strange sensation of smelling smoke like from a blown out candle, and I would smell it throughout the whole day, very strange manifestation I guess you might call it? I also agree that it runs in the family because my youngest aunt had full blown supernatural ability a while back. It just all of sudden hit her one day and she started seeing people that weren't there, spirits but it was everyday all the time and everywhere, like people squatting on the streets. She said it was really shocking and unnerving for her because it was so constant, she ended up seeing a traditional sooth sayer? (I think that's what you would call her, I wouldn't call her a witch because its pretty traditional in china) and she helped her get rid of most of that energy although she still sometimes see some things every now and then. All I can say is I hope that never happens to me one day! It would be too scary!
12 years ago Report
suhaana_forsaken: hello
Is it possible to talk to someone who has recently died??
12 years ago Report
LOVE 1 ANOTHER: Would say yes
12 years ago Report
VinceMoon: My paranormal experience is passed down from my grandfather...back in the 70's, my grandfather was having a party and eventually only a few people remained in the living room while he was at the kitchen table, playing solitaire. An hour later, a man wearing a heavy coat came into the kitchen and asked my grandfather if he wanted company in a card game. My grandfather agreed and he and the new stranger played until dawn. They drank, hung out, and talked through every game they played. The stranger excused himself from the table and when my grandfather watched him leave the kitchen, the stranger had a chicken leg instead of a human leg. Now, from what I've learned in legends, the stranger was Lucifer and my grandfather had no idea. While telling me the story, he always ended with the same lesson: never play cards after midnight.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by an_anne 11 years ago)
smoke4ever: its not possible to talk with someone who recently died, if you are, its an evil spirit imitating someone else
12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: terrestrial spirits are not human spirits
12 years ago Report
Np19: i frequently go on ghost hunts and have had my fair share of experiences to know they do exist. the question that needs to be asked is that are ghosts the spirits of loved ones who have passed or are they deamons/jinns? i agree with smoke forever that its evil spirits imitating loved ones.. i could go into why the evil spirits do this but time does not permit me to do so. but yeah theres alot of stuff out there and just go on a few ghost hunts and sooner or later you'll find what ur looking for
12 years ago Report
Kish: So asassin...tell us about one of your experiences then. and personally I dont believe our spirits linger after death. I think that the paranormal has more to do with Jinn than anything else.
12 years ago Report
suhaana_forsaken: Thats a dissapointment _ i hoped there would be something there
a way i could connect to my brother again he died few months ago in a road aciident and there are people with spiritual realizations who told us that he did not go because of his own death it was a plot and he would certainly come back
i dont know but is there anyone here with this kind of knowledge?? my whole family is shattered
Is it possible? what can we do to bring him back?
12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;

and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

John chapter 11 verses 25-26
12 years ago Report
Np19: kish what iam referring to is jinns.
12 years ago Report
Np19: suhaana_forsaken the truth is that they dont really come back at all according to what i believe, but your religion or belief maybe the opposite to what i believe and i respect that. if you dont mind me asking are you religious and what religion do you follow?
12 years ago Report
Np19: there is a special Jinn called "Qareen". it's a special Jinn that is very attached to humans, you could have one and you may not ever know. when you die, this Qareen jinn may copy what you do and would know you and your secrets inside out. so those who claim they talk to spirits (dead) and that the spirit tells me it's him (the dead man). it can either the Jin is lying to the man or the man who is talking to the spirit is lying.
this is when you get people who record EVP's and say oh the dead spoke to the recorder etc and you would think that its your loved one when infact its not. jinns are known to take on many forms and can imitate humans and even the voice.
12 years ago Report
an_anne: so does that mean every individual has their own jinn?? n what happens after the person is dead?does the jinn stay back?
@suhaana: sorry but people who die never come back...it s the reality uve got to accept and move on...may ur brother s soul rest in peace
12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: evil spirits are dead half human half angels
12 years ago Report
Np19: most individuals have a jinn and when a human passes away the jinn continues to live until its the jinns time to pass.. i dont believe eveil spirits are half human half angels because there is a world of a difference between the two. evil spirits, demons, poltogiest are all jinns,
12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: check out Enoch chapter 15 verse 8
12 years ago Report