First four pages from my book Breaking the Mystical: Discovering the unknown dark

Philosophy and Spirituality
Darkconis: Spiritual energy: Brief overview and emotion.

Spiritual energy has been philosophized and debated about amongst the greatest occultists, from likes of Crowley, Abulafia, Le Fay, even as far as Isaac Newton, for centuries. It's origins, it's structure, how ritual seems to produce and intiate spiritual energies through symbolism. The power of thought and the power of will. But only a hand full of occultists have ever looked to logic, spiritual experimentation and it's effects on the physicial world, or the physicial world itself for a more comprehensable understanding of it's reality.

Spirituality has been cloaked in a veil of mysticism and false teaching that lead to only a faction of understanding to the whole of spirituality. Leaving the rest of us to dwell in a false and broken reality of material gains. We are also trapped by distractions and ideologies(Religion, capitalism, socialism, god or no god, race, hertiage, ect) of our day and lives to give much thought to the underlying reality that is the only reality at all. It's like looking at a plant cell and calling it the entirity of the plant itself. And accepting that and taking that with you for the rest of your life.

But there are those who understand more fully the higher side of spirituality. And I don't mean the low rank masons. They are just pawns like you and I. And I don't mean those from the likes of the golden dawn and the many other occult groups who don't question the very foundation of their knowledge or it's origins. The people I speak about are not the illuminati, but they could be seen as the real enlightened ones, but they are very corrupt in the sense of the future.

They will do anything to keep the secrets they hold, because without their secrets, they have no power over you at all. And without you, they can only muster a small amount of energy to perform their works. They are very weak in the sense of their own spirituality. They have learned to make you believe and/or worship something, in the form of an ideology or thought form. Giving your own energy to what is only a thought form without a will of it's own.
Creating vast amounts of energy at their finger tips at anyone time to do with as they see fit.

There is no three fold law, or any justice law at all. That is, if you don't believe in one. Your own beliefs, thoughts, and wills about such a subject will create that spiritual law that your own spirit will do unto itself. Making you a masochist, which they love. They have much use for your fear and hatred. And even use for your joy that they allow us to have. Which brings me to the first level of spirituality.

The base of all spiritual energy is emotion, to be more specific three emotions that mixed in a certain percentages together give all of our other emotions. The three base emotions are hatred, fear, and joy. All emotions come from these three. Love being the most interesting one, being a perfect balance of all three emotions together. So love has the compasity to become any other emotion at any one time. Making it a very versitile emotion, and a very powerful and dangerous one.

The capasity for you to feel strongly and control your emotions is one of the most important aspects of becoming spiritual. Without this, you will very easily get lost in the currents of the spiritual realms. Unable to find yourself, and make clear decisions on anything. What I am not saying is that every emotion that you feel can be controled. Love can get out of control quickly and become something that doesn't even resemble love. But with a good hold on yourself, you can hold the change of the energies of love at bay, or at least rebalance them quickly.
13 years ago Report
Darkconis: Some emotions you should feel, and learning to control your emotions too much will make you question what emotion you should feel at this moment. Coming to this point of control can deaden you to your spirits, so there is a fine line we must learn to walk. Learning to control your emotions through your mind and logic are good first step to learning to control them. But learning to completely harness their power takes a lot more than that. It takes learning to either completely change or bring up new emotions within you quickly without a thought to it. And the stronger you feel the emotion, the stronger the energy will be. This is why symbolism and ideology is used so much in ritual. Because they are meant to stir strong emotions within the people doing the ritual. So that they can harness it's power and put it to use.

There are ways to increase your over all power over time, but it takes a strong mind and body to withstand the emotional viberation of the energy. Meaning you must learn to control your emotions as they grow stronger. These emotions will rack the brain and body of an untrained novice, even to the point of death by heart attack or stroke from the stresses incurred. You have been warned.

But there is another way to be powerful, and this brings me to the second piece of the structure of spirituality.
13 years ago Report
Darkconis: Thought form

A thought form is a thought made of encoded information with little energy of its own. There are broad ranging thought forms( from here on out I'll call these Ideologies) that have smaller detailed thought forms connected to them(I call these narrow thought forms or NTFs). Example, a ideology such as christianity will have many NTFs connected to it, such as the trinity, Yahweh, Jesus Christ, the many versions of the bible, ect, ect. But these NTFs are also connected to each other via the ideology.

For thought forms to have power, they must have people who believe (give their emotional energy to) in them as true. So your believe in even one NTFs of an ideology, you are giving the whole ideology itself power. Power that can taken out of the whole of the ideology by the non-believer in the ideology. And maybe cast a bit of it back to the believers so they keep believing. This level of power is what I call mass power. More power doesn't mean better power though. The quality of the energy used in any works is important, though most time you can just keep pumping energy into it to over coming the other various energies that such ideologies may hold within. And filtering makes it almost not worth the effort.

But thought forms serve many other purposes. A thought form gives direction, but not action, to emotion. So injecting a thought into someones head may make them reconsider their options, but it will not ensure success in most spiritual endeavors . Unless your wish is to just make them think about their situation. And it depends on the level of consciousness and awareness of the person you are trying to influence. They may get the thought and discard it, or they may think about it deeply. It depends on the attributal spirits and emotional currents of the person AT THE TIME of accessing the thought form. I'll talk more about this part later.

Thought forms, and the ideas themselves can be beautiful, but one must understand that a thought form must be allowed to evolve to stay with the situations it maybe presented in. Otherwise, the thought form deserves to fade in belief and therefore energy. It is through thought form that both people and the spirituality are controled, both directly and indirectly. From being born into such an ideology, to converted through the use of emotional manipulation.

But the thought form itself, while it can be a good energy battery, it cannot do anything itself. And this brings me to the final piece of the structure of spiritual energy.
13 years ago Report
Darkconis: Will

Will is the most interesting and without a doubt the most dangerous of all the pieces of the spiritual structure. Will cannot exist without both emotion and thought form. Will is action, the stronger your personal will the easier the energies will be able to manifest themselves into material reality.

I classify will into three catogories. The ego will, the soul will, and the collective will.
The ego will is very mundane and involved in your everyday actions, it is influenced by your thought forms that you believe, the attributal spirits, and lastly the emotion you are feeling at the time. The will of the ego can be a stubborn one, as we can be. It is the will of your material brain and self.

The will of the soul is the objectives, desires, and experiences the soul would like to have this life. But it's more than that, your soul can effect(spiritually inclined people, this only applies to you) your mood, your thoughts at times, and even your desires. It can bring out a person in you that is the real you, without the facades of your daily life, to a more pure you state, some call this the higher self, but I degress from such hirarchal rthertic . Learning to feel and hear the will of your soul gives you unpresidented guidence. Everyone feels this to some extent in the form of intuition. Which is the easiest spiritual ablity I have yet discovered.

The third is what I call the collective will, and within this are three more levels of will. Local collective will, extended collective will, and complete collective will. The collective will is the will of the souls you are connected to, all life and all souls are connected to varying degrees. Your local group of souls, your soulmates are few in number, but command great will over your life, especially when you meet them in person or meet one of their spirits other than the soul. The closeness you will feel to them will be natural and, unless the situation is very complicated, complete. I will talk about that later, but the will of your soulmates and just their presence will effect you greatly.

The extended collective is a larger set of souls that you have experienced a some lives with and this kind of will normally isn't too powerful until a crisis arises and then you can feel it's power manifest itself fully. This will is almost powerful enough to override a local soulmates will, but not quite, individually speaking. But on larger projects and crisises, the extended wills will over come.

The third and final level of will, is what I call the complete collective will. It is a very low viberation will. It guides the passing of time to some degree. Some experience it as "The will of god", but that just fills it with egotism unbound. Trying to understanding something with so many, in one. Some call it destiny, and to some extent this is true under my understanding of what destiny is through spirituality. This leads us to the experience our souls want to experience, but it is up to us to make the correct decision to reach the goal. Destiny as I see it now is the possiblity for your soul to experience the things it wants to experience, and that includes finding the soulmate it wants you to be with this life. Though sometimes, that is a very difficult task.

This is where I would like to touch on free will a bit. Though our life is directed, like a thought form to a few set experiences, it seems we all do have the capsity for complete free will. But this requires free thought and the breaking of our ideologies to see a deeper truth that exists in the grey. So it is rarely seen in the age of ideologies. As most peoples minds are controled to do certain things a certain way without question.To question may seem egotistical, but your mind and your ego's will are the door way to the spiritual realms. But I advise most people upon opening that door to seek a certain level of ego death, or your head might end up bigger than the planet you live on.
13 years ago Report
Emmet2Tim2_7: Your definition of 'complete free will' conflicts with the disciplining of emotions.Your writing and logic in this literary work is exemplary.It was a rare pleasure to read something this extensive(i usually dont read something this long).However i question the source of spirituality.U say it is seated in the emotions.The emotions ,being chemical reactions in the brain,are still bound to physical parameters of said individual(s).Spirit ,by its existence ,must originate within a 'higher frequency or vibration' than what can possibly be initiated on a temporal , earthly level.I see emotions playing a role but in my experience and understanding, emotions only recieve the effect of spiritual energies that we then must interpret and maybe re-direct via will through our bodies.I see emotions being intricately linked to the soul but the soul in itself is greater than the emotional connections.The collective free will is something else i wish to address--free will by definiton is the ability to make any desicion with out restraints or costs.For us to discipline our emotions , we eliminate free will.We create safegaurds and restrictions by which we can exercise control over spiritual energies by which (in my opinion)are discerned through our emotions initally.Again i applaud your work of logic here , i personally find it very refreshing.I look forward to any response u can give to my postulations and queries.
13 years ago Report
Koalemos: Is hard to center the spirituality only on human emotions when i feel it is much related with a supreme entity. When you center the spritual world on the human and its enviroment as a whole, its when the humanist thinking start to try to explain thing that are realy out of its grasp.
13 years ago Report
Darkconis: How does learning to control your emotions eliminate free will? That makes no sense at all. The power comes from the emotions, the thoughts give direction and your will gives action. This actually increases your wills power. And your power over all. I said control, not discipline, don't put words in my book that don't exist.

It's important to learn to control your emotions so you have the correct emotional energies in which to ensure the your works work always. Knowing what emotions to feel and when to bring forth in any work can mean success or failure. Along with many other things. And this is common.

And on the chemicals... What does any chemical reaction create? Energy.

Anyway on to your next point.

"Spirit ,by its existence ,must originate within a 'higher frequency or vibration' than what can possibly be initiated on a temporal , earthly level."

Completely untrue, at times the ethereal spirit and the ether spirit can be seen with the naked eyes. As they are both so close to this realm of spirituality that you also live in that you call earthly. This is also normally the first two levels that people who's mind's eye is open can see.

And Koalemos, are you saying that humans are the only creatures that feel emotion? Are you that spiritually dead?
13 years ago Report
Darkconis: By the way, out of it's grasp? How many times have I heard that. Like the title says, this is breaking the mystical. I expect to get a lot of those on this thread. lmao
13 years ago Report
Koalemos: Thats cool draconis, it looks like u have all the answers.
say hey for me to the Dalai lama, when u speak to him in another realm.

Pd: U got my comemtary all wrong.
13 years ago Report
Emmet2Tim2_7: Thank You Darkonis for your timely reply.I stand corrected,on what i had thought was a contradiction.I dont mind ,whatsoever,being corrected-it is yet another avenue in learning.
13 years ago Report
Darkconis: "Is hard to center the spirituality only on human emotions when i feel it is much related with a supreme entity. When you center the spritual world on the human and its enviroment as a whole, its when the humanist thinking start to try to explain thing that are realy out of its grasp."

How is it hard to center it on emotions, even though that's just a part of it? And I guess your supreme being doesn't feel emotions that you believe in? And just because the things I've discovered don't fit into your ideology of spirituality doesn't make them false. A lot of people thought what crowley was doing was full of shit because he used logic and experimentation, look at his reputation today. He's one of the most revered and influential occultist since Paracelsus, one of the last occultists before crowley to use logic and experimentation.

I'm just continuing their work and building farther on what they understood and progress of their formulas. Now they both had some things wrong, but they also didn't have the level of logic that one can find and teach themselves today. Plus both were more focused on worldly experiments. I do those too, but I think experimentation with the spiritual energy of the other realms directly and seeing the results both here and in the other realms has allowed me to greatly improve on the understanding that most logical occultists presented before this day and age.

I'm glad to see more spiritual people now than ever. But I would like to some how separate the spirituality from people's religions. Much like science has to do to remain true. Honestly though, I think once people start getting to higher levels of awareness on large scale, religion will be a thing of the past. We won't need religion or anything else to tell us about spirituality, we'll have the experience.

That is one the reasons I'm writing this book, to educate and help people not only understand spirituality better, but maybe show them that it isn't so far away from them as most mystics try to make it out to be. That it's so hard to learn, it can be a bit hard because it takes time to learn.

And not just the mystics, but the religious ideologies too. I'm sorry, they can't all be right. And since only one of them can be right, and they all seem so wrong on basic fundamentals of todays life, I just vote none of them are right.

When I get into the kether archive meditation, I see the currents of whole lives passing between the souls of people, the souls are sharing not only experiences but ideas for things in your life. I see no source linking them all to one thing, just a complex web with many currents coming off of each soul. It's so amazingly beautiful. I say currents for a lack of a better word, the currents are so different in so many different ways. There is just no words to describe some of it, so sometimes I have to try to create new words that make sense. Or just teach someone and let them experience it, and then they normally understand my word usage.

But most of my word usage is known through out the occult. But words like Kether Archive, they don't quite understand. They know kether and the kether meditation. But not the kether archive meditation.

The kether archive meditation is a technique that focuses solely on the sigils within the soul from the different past lives. Through this meditation, you can experience whole lives that you soul has lived. It's quite an learning experience for this life. It helps with wisdom and knowledge to a great degree. I would like for someday all of man kind to be able to use the kether archive meditation. Just the advances in social structure alone would put us millions of years ahead of our time, not to mention the technological advancements.
13 years ago Report