Do you want to learn native chinese?

Chinese Language Club
alexjcwang: Do you want to learn native chinese? do you want to visit most beautiful Historical Sites in china? Do you want to know mysterious chinese culture? so learn with me!
I'm a student of hfut,a famous colledge in china.I like travel,cooking,and most important chinese culture. different with other teacher,i'm from Shandong Province,the hometown of Confucius,so if you want i can teach you the dialect of Confucius!!Also i can teach you how to cook chinese food!
Come on! To learn the most native chinese,and chinese delicious foods are waiting for you! :-)
14 years ago Report
rosie12954: I have always wanted to learn to read and write chinese...Ima Id love to learn more about the regional foods...Im excited...get back to me soon!!!
14 years ago Report
rosie12954: so is this like a fake club???cuz I havent heard anything...and sick of joinin stuff were no1 participates
14 years ago Report
LillianK: I think learning mandarin is more important at first. At least everybody in China with education understand mandarin, but not every understand local languages.
14 years ago Report
rosie12954: well i guess it doesnt matter since i never get a reply
14 years ago Report
LillianK: Well, I can only tell you how to make a drink called ginger coke.
You need coke and ginger.
You should boil the coke, and when it boiled, put some ginger slices into it, and wait for a few minutes. Stop the fire when you think the taste is receptable, then take out the gingers.
This drink is usually offered in winter, since it can make you warm and let out the coldness. It was extremely popular since the SARS, because it is believed to keep people away from cold and flu.
Hope it can help you^_^
14 years ago Report
rosie12954: wow thx Ima try that tonite!
14 years ago Report
LillianK: 'acceptable',not receptable, sorry.
cooking Chinese food needs experience~ I can't describe the reciep well. Maybe you can find more you like online.
I guess what really work for cold is the ginger.
I can translate one for you as I'm free~Wait a minute~
14 years ago Report
LillianK: It's from a Chinese website
You can see the final pic there.

Main: potato
assist:vinegar,green onion,oil,Bunge prickly ash(I guess it should be its seed in english),dry red pepper(not big one,as long as your thumb is ok)

1, 土豆切丝,放入凉水中泡半个小时,沥干水,葱切段。

1. cut potato thin thread(looks like thin french fries), put them into cool water for 30min, dry them then. Cut the green onion to parts/section/something like that.
2, 锅里放两大勺油烧热,放一把花椒炸至表面开始变黑,把花椒捞出。

2.Two big spoons of oil(don't ask me what's 'big spoon',I guess it should be the thing we usually use to cook~I can't tell the size.)
make it hot, put the seeds to it become black from red, and take the seeds out(you can use spoon with holes).
3, 放入3,4个干红辣椒,再把沥干水的土豆丝倒进去,动作要快,要不干辣椒会变黑。

3.put 3 or 4 dry red pepper,put potato(not wet) into the pot. You shall be quick when doing this, or the pepper may get black.
4, 翻几下土豆丝,放点醋,放点盐,继续翻炒,等土豆丝差不多熟了加入葱段,鸡精,拌匀了出锅。
Turn over the potatos for a few times, put vinegar(this dish shall be a bit sour,so put as much as you guess it should-_-|||).When the potato nearly be cooked/ripe(don't know which is the word),put the green onion into them. Mix and take out all from the pot.

Keypoints(I guess you should make the flavour right first...)
1, 土豆丝要切的细而均匀。

1.thread should be thin and in average size(It's easy I guess, as you're a cook)
2, 土豆丝要用凉水泡一段时间,炒出来才比较脆。
2.potato need to be cooled, to make it crispy after cooking

3, 炒土豆丝油一定要热,醋要早放。

the oil should be hot,and vinegar ought to be put early

Don't know if I can make you understand...since I'm a high school student, this is what I can do best. Dictionary is always needed for me...G@z^ luck~~~
14 years ago Report
LillianK: Who can translate this? I'm eating this these days.

Main:Chicken chest meat 150g,ginger soup2.5g,egg white half,cooking wine(Shao shall be the best)7.5g,yellow source(黄酱,a chinese source...)25g,wrought lard500g,sugar40/20g,wet starch7.5g,sesame oil 15g(I guess some of them can be changed).

1. put the chicken meat in cool water for 1h, clean things besides MEAT, cut to o.8cm cubes(...I can never do that),put into eggwhite and wet starch, water 5g(how can they weigh),mix
put lard(part) into pot,small fire to 40%cooked, put into the chickens,immediately use chopsticks(or any other things) mix(let themseparate), until 60%cooked. spoon them into a spoon eith holes.
put 15g lard and the sesame oil into pot. Big fire to make it hot,put into yellow source, cook until the water in it out(Big voice at first,when the 'bibo' get small,it shall be the time)
put in to sugar,when it melt,put in cooking wine and ginger soup/source,when things become thick gruel,put the chicken back, cook for another 5s.
That's it.
14 years ago Report
rosie12954: thx alot!
14 years ago Report