Why do you believe?

Gamerguy_: Why on earth are christians believing this crap they've been taught all their life about a mystical being that can do all things, well ya know, if he could he woulda casted their "devil" to death ohh yeah like well ya know i will let my people suffer even though I love them haha, and honestly it has gotten annoying at thos point, he really doesnt exsist, if he did then where did he come from? How did he come to be it is amazing people believe it still, we dont have him around to help us its never been that way... its really weird to jump around and joy at the thing that sits up there sent his son to kill himself like what the f***ing hell
8 years ago Report
iqoverlord: Gamerguy ... That is a good question... I would say it is fear..... Fear of the unknown, fear of being an outcast, fear of being rejected by family and peers. Everyone is searching for the place they belong. A place of acceptance and security. People tend to flock toward like minded individual in hopes of getting conformation. I have noticed that the more doubts they have the harder and stronger they try to profess their "Faith". It is just like dealing with a hypocrite and I think it is funny. If you are a good person then why do you constantly live in fear of going to hell. Why must Catholics confess their sends to a priest to get absolution? Why do they blame "The Devil" for temptation when they give into their desires especially when they are caught. I have looked at all religions, faiths, and ideology you can think of.... Most of them have something in common. Some contain a type of trinity, most some form of after life, and then there is the matter of consequences or rewards for actions of ones life. The one that gets me the most is the use of the teaching to justify action especially action that contradict those very same teaching. No matter how you interpret it there is also some form of indoctrination/brainwashing whether it be teaching belief to young children or constant recitation of the ideology. Of course some offer exaltation for being a strong example of the perfect follower and great rewards for over whelming sacrifice. Personally I can not claim, condone, or condemn any one religion, faith, or ideology. Nor do I feel the need or right to stand on a soapbox in hope of imposing what I believe on others. What I will offer is a little unsolicited concept. "To each his own, if it makes you happy and harms no one else. Go for it". An example would be if you want to run naked in your back yard put up a fence so I can't see it. When we impose on other our ideal and concept we are causing harm. If a none believer comes to someone and asks then by all means teach. But attacking, condemning, or even harming another while using your beliefs to do so I personally think it is wrong. Not because of my "faith" or ideals but because of good common decency. We as living creatures should have some form of compassion or at least one could hope. Unfortunately if you turned on a television today good common decency is very hard to find. Yet we wonder why things are the way they are in the world today.... this is simply "Food for thought" and it is up to you to form your own opinions.
(Edited by iqoverlord)
6 years ago Report
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