Genetically altered corn with the same nutrients as meat

Pragmatic Aristocrat
Pragmatic Aristocrat: It is probably known to a good number you that a large percentage of our food is cloned. That means animals and that means things like corn as well. If you want to make sure that its not you are going to want to buy organic food. Now of course meat has always been a lot more expensive than regular food and stuff you get from a can is filled with all sort of preservatives and salts. So a lot less healthy than fresh meat.

Now a lot of farms are factory farms and the animals are often kept in disgusting overcrowded discussions. Yet I had an idea to fix this. Since we clone most of our corn anyways why not extract a lot of the proteins and vitamins you get from meat and put it in corn.

Corn is almost heavy enough to replace meat and corn is very filling. So why not genetically alter corn that has products which can only be found in meat products and sell that as a cheap alternative to meat. You could make a super vegetable that has the nutrients of both vegetables and meat. Eating too much meat and not enough veggies also creates digestive problems. So you would also be getting the much needed fiber from this product.
8 years ago Report
ToasterFork: But then if they did come up with "genetically altered" corn, there would be a few drawbacks to it. For example there might be unknown health risks that come along with it and It wouldn't sit well with some people who may even protest it. It's a good idea though considering that corn is very filling.
8 years ago Report
Pragmatic Aristocrat
Pragmatic Aristocrat: @WeirdDee: it can be argued that we are having negative effects from cows and animals which are raised in unhealthy living conditions. Also anything that saves animals is going to be supported most likely by most animal activist groups and most vegan/vegetarian organizations for the humane treatment and preservation of animals. Vegetables and fruits are also a lot cheaper than meat at markets and cheap meat is not the healthiest meat in the world. Good meat can become pricey.
8 years ago Report