What do men really want out of a woman?

Just_Me1978: I have been in the dating scene now for 3 years...and my question still remains...what exactly are guys looking for?
13 years ago Report
memberX: Someone to cook for us, to clean for us, to raise our children, and if she is good enough, we will grant her with s*x at night so she can relax and be ready for the next day.
13 years ago Report
missapplefritter: eh? then why I am not being picked? wahahhahahhaha......
13 years ago Report
Styles_P: I am looking for a woman compatible with my personality, industrious, she must love family, be sociable and believe in God to some degree. We must have things in common too!
13 years ago Report
Alina_Alexander: > memberx
you should find yourself a nice little Asian girl, they usually do all that you have asked and more, including bowing before you...
MEN....always thinking with the wrong "head", want to program us according to their needs, not ours, feel the need to control, yet they can't even control themselves...they attempt to overcome their feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem by "acting out" several roles of being that strong, well equipped individual that "knows it all", where is fact, they know nothing - only to hide behind a wall to protect their image so no one will think they are anything less that "A MAN".

Truth be, a man should stop being a "human doer", and start being a "human being" - a person that does not fear showing his feelings, is able to cry, open up, without fear of being rejected - because by closing down and hiding his true self, he has already rejected himself - his true, inner identity.

Just my opinion............
13 years ago Report
Scopinitout1: Um, Alina, please don't paint all men in the same color - that's a HUGE overgeneralization! So who says we don't think about women's feelings or open up to the right person? Sweetie, that's what gives relationships the spice of life! lol! And who says we're trying to play this big role? It sounds like you don't know too many of us. You need to get to know us, as we need to get to know you. I would think you'd know that part of any successful relationship is studying the other person, getting to know them and learning what makes him or her happy, and then bringing them some happiness along the way.

I, for one, am reasonably comfortable with myself and don't feel the need to be someone I'm not. And, the women in my life, from all I can tell and from what they've told me, have been very happy being with me. I wish the same for others. It really doesn't seem all that hard - be kind, considerate, and creative. Be up on things, learn some new and fun things, and share these things with the person you're with. Life's hard enough - let's bring some fun into each other's lives.
13 years ago Report
missapplefritter: WoW!!!! Alina, reading your views on asian women made me smile. I think, it's not about race, it's not about color, it's just individual's choice and belief. Your opinion is very stereotype, but well, everyone has his/her own opinion right? Being a racist behind this site is a sign of cowardness. If you are an educated human being, intelligent, full of wisdom and fair you should not be saying that. I understand that we are different, still you can't say that you are better than anybody else. I am asian, I'm proud of that. I respect my man's position in the house but it doesn't mean that I am a doormat. I know my rights and if I have to- I can kick his happiness and make him kneel down.
13 years ago Report
Alina_Alexander: Yes, you are both right, I did make an over generalization, and meant no disrespect to Asian women - actually I was teasing memberx - agreed, there are many men who do open up, are true and caring, supportive, unconditionally devoted, and are truly genuine. Also, the "male identity" various from culture to culture, whereas in some South American tribes the women are the servants of their husband, and if they disobey, they are beaten, and in the extreme, excluded from the tribe. In addition, the treatment of woman greatly vary from one Islamic country to another - some better, others worse. In the Mexican culture there seems to be the "macho" image - and so forth.
Having said that, the role of the man, or better said, how that man thinks, feels and acts if solely based upon his cultural environment and the beliefs, traditions, and shared values which he learned. I hoped that has clarified my opinion.
13 years ago Report
missapplefritter: Alina: Well said. Thanks for clarifying your past statement. My heart goes with these women but I agree with you, culture plays a significant role why things like these are happening. Best wishes to you!!!!
13 years ago Report
Just_Me1978: Wow....we are getting way off topic here. I just simply want to know where I am going wrong with finding a guy to compliment me and be happy with...so my question still remains...what do guys really want?

Every man and every woman is different. I just want to know if there is something I can improve on...or something I can learn ...(that I didn't already know) from this topic.

So...guys...I want to hear from you...what do you really want?

Does starting a relationship scare guys? When something comes your way and it feels too good to be true...does that freak you out? Do you really want a woman to 'take care' of you...cook, clean, look after the kids...and yes even sexually? Or do you like the independant woman who can care for herself? Do you guys really feel the need to 'be the bread winner' of the family to feel whole? Do you feel good when you have helped your g/f out financially? I am just curious?
13 years ago Report
swampcritter: What do guys really want?... Hmmm Lets see..

1. We want to play with your toys.. (I ain't talking about your BOB either). After all you do come with all of the fun parts.

2. We don't want you deciding we are everything you ever wanted in a man, and then going about fixing us all the time.

3. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Example.. I alway thought fine meant fine.. When a woman says fine, it usually means someone screwed up big time.
13 years ago Report
memberX: Heyyyy...What is wrong with my opinion...I adore succsessfull multitasking females.

The same thing as you like Man to be.

And its okay, we Man have 2 heads and sometime we think with the wrong one I do admit it, but its much better than thinking with none-having 2 emptiness(holes) .
13 years ago Report
☀▃▂▁/V\iragε▁▂▃☀: My experience has taught me that men wants us women to be thier cheerleaders

13 years ago Report
memberX: Yeah, we will place you on our piedestal...on a brink finestone you will sit and navigate it across the seven seas of your flood stormy waters...ahahahahaaa
13 years ago Report
oldtimeracer: What do men want in a woman? Well, lets just mention a couple of things.

1. A secure woman. If he walks into another room, don't follow him or question what he's doing.

2. If he answers his/the phone, don't be standing over him mouthing "Who is that"?

3. If you want something, say so. Most men don't take subtle hints. Come out and say you want it.

4. Don't play the silent game. Do this long enough and I guarantee you that he'll fine someone who will talk to him.

4. If you hate s%#, tell him before you get too involved or married. It is not very wise to tell your man you can "take it or leave it" when it comes to s@& after your married.
13 years ago Report
☀▃▂▁/V\iragε▁▂▃☀: I'm Sorta guilty of #1.... Have a habit of askin' "what ya thinkin?
Definitely guilty of #2

@X...... Navigating would be tough... Constant wind change
13 years ago Report
memberX: Well I have a fit closure for your winds.
13 years ago Report
ThatGuy: OldTimeRacer:

We know much about you and your personal life based on what you said.
13 years ago Report
memberX: Oh yeah, if it was like that...im sure that we would all be now in some institution for insane people.

Cause when the lights go down and curtains up...the play begins...
13 years ago Report
oldtimeracer: Amazing, a guy who has never met knows all about me. I just don't know how some people do that. I guess it's a gift.
13 years ago Report
LawsonLachelle: I think a better question to ask yourself is what do you need from a man.. Every Man is going to have different needs and wants in women but if you know who you are and what you need out of the relationship you will save urself alot of time from dating guys that will never be able to complete you and guys that you will not be able to make happy.
I see way to many girls that completely change who they are to make the guy there are dating happy not that every relationship doesnt need compromise but they change who there are trying to make him happy and in the end the can only hold up the act for so long and then become unhappy with themselves.
13 years ago Report
☀▃▂▁/V\iragε▁▂▃☀: Adaptation is a blessing & curse..... Blessing-we live longer then men.. Curse-we get to be unhappy longer!...... If my body isn't fuctioning and I'd have to depend on others to wipe my bum, that would make me UNHAPPY!
13 years ago Report
memberX: We live less,. because of women.
13 years ago Report
Just_Me1978: I have no intention of changing who I am for anyone. And I don't expect the guy I meet to be changed either. I know what I want from a guy...and have found it...but he doesn't seem to want me...or visa versa.
13 years ago Report
LawsonLachelle: So you think you have found the right guy but he doesnt want you then i would have to guess he isnt the right guy .

Most of my friends our guys and once you get beyound looks they want a girl that is laid back not bitchy , up tight or moody, who has some self esteam non of this do i look fat crap who can hold there own in a converstation and doesnt mind trying new things. NO CLingy /needy girls or people who cant get over there past and make them pay for there ex's mistakes.
13 years ago Report
13 years ago Report
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