The Red Revolutionist Renaissance Academy

junyabee: FOR THE SAKE OF THE SOUL Building on the background gifts and talents that have been nurtured over the different levels, than indoctrinating them to be the 'Manchurian Candidates' for some soul-less institutional agenda....
9 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: do you think there is such a thing as predisposition to mental illness?
3 years ago Report
junyabee: As a RELATIVE determination-Yes
As an absolute matter, No
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: fear is the only thing compromised
3 years ago Report
junyabee: Elaborate on that, pls..
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: fear is the bodies way of signalling danger of recognising it and processing it (danger). if it is not operative through a corruption of life it reverses on itself and creates strong internal delusions and idiosyncrasies of disorder which are enlarged to be all-consuming unreasonable and unworkable conceptions. I pin it down to the nature of fear in the sense that overriding everything in the body is the body's defence mechanism and this is just a defence mechanism. But it is also a madness and the sum of life for the person who can't escape the metaphysical (overall) implications of being in such a circumstance which constitutes a mental illness.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: Neuroses to a psychoses, ehh? Cognitive dissonance.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: comes off as a dragon. big or small. is recourse to animal instincts. Foucault called it animal spirits. but constitutes a hunt within.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: WHAT EVER AVATAR, it's a neurotic or psychotic state that is fetishsized
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: the avatar may be important though to understanding what is happening. neurosis or psychosis doesn't really happen in a conscious sense.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: True.. It does give the unique nature of the neurosis or psychos... I'm not as curious or invested in any mundane syndrome rather than the telling extremes.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: what do you mean by telling extremes? i think it means functioning under pressure no matter what the avatar when the avatar can be a burden. using your lexicon to penetrate mundane reality to the point liberation is achieved. any insight into why this is extreme? could it be the pain of receiving the signal generated by birth and that in contrast to the fear of death and restriction.
(Edited by DIAMONDfire)
3 years ago Report
junyabee: Extreme expressions indicate the frontiers being breached, other than the mundane permutations of the routine. At the breached frontiers there will be the indications of amplitude intensity f these manifestations
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: my definition of soul is it is psychic substance not necessarily spirit. spirit resides on the mental plane and is timeless. but in respect to the soul what do you think is its essential purpose? words like freedom and liberation aren't real impactful in our world in this respect. the soul may find more or less expression more life or more death. we are not all alike. even a word like truth doesn't hold much meaning.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: Soul is the interlocuting medium of the spirit
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: and it would seem that the spoken word is the only medium that could transcend spirit. as imperfect as words can be. would you agree that we will be judged on what we speak? in the afterlife.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: Not necessarily...
"They" have the overview of context of our condition. It IS determinative on the consciousness which makes our karma and next incarnation..
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: what are the metaphysical implications involved in having on a 'war of words?' does it automatically reach into the physical sphere? could this understanding reshape the way we look at war? or conflict?
3 years ago Report
junyabee: A "War of words", is it really a contention of energy forms in a particular relative context? The contention/"conflict" is just coincidental to the obliged path of the dialectic of the words' aggregation and associating themselves to a better coherence for itself.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: i think the issue is where do words come from? figuratively speaking they have the power to move heaven and earth. to the greatest condemnation to the greatest liberation we are surely placed at the mercy of words. words come from a source in us that is the greatest thing we as humans partake in. we don't know that power.
(Edited by DIAMONDfire)
3 years ago Report
junyabee: Could words be metaphors of commonly shared, audio vernaculars modified and improvised by time place and ethic idioms-mechanics given artistic license for their form
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: it seems to me there is always a judgement occurring when we speak no matter how subtle or sublime. you can speak pain or joy. art. commonalities. i tend to think words can kill. or give life. and that they are in a sense eternal. if you were to say the crashing waves represented the destruction in his life you'd be stating a metaphor which is called figurative language. that is art a creation of a form. but as life proceeds we are bound to definitions. and making sense of things. words define who we are. and we are all bound to physical death.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: We're the inheritors of lexicons whose origins could have been exclamations or oral evocations. As they became more organized, habitual and customary to formalities of institutions we have now. It does NOT exclude innovative formations, as improvisational jazz does with the vernacular of its original and common musical standards.

The need to symbolize provides the necessity for communication. The uniqueness of need initiates the kind of form the communication would take.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: uniqueness of need. which is plausible and would also indicate a way. despite the existential origins to survive is the purpose of communication. it also sheds light on the meaning of free will. we are free.
3 years ago Report
junyabee: In situations that provide a sufficient latitude for spontaneity. We have license and liberties that in social situations circumscribes the free will to modifications of its full expression-unless our energy is over-powering to the point of impunity
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: the notion that free will can be modified sounds tripe. free will is a gift attained that can't be negated. it is the entrance point for all.
3 years ago Report
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