Global Warming is fake (Page 41)

Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Maybe but the making up is fun
4 years ago Report
Asiababe: embarrass me
4 years ago Report
loin and asiababe sitting in a tree......... something something ing
4 years ago Report
risendragon: It's funny they don't call it global warming anymore it's climate change but do you know that everything they been feeding society is a crock of shit its climate change for sure but not from carbon not from fossil fuels you people are fucking ignorant lazy uneducated and live in fear. We are in the midst of a pole reversal the magnetic north is moving rapidly it's going to happen mother earth has already slowed down the weather is extremely out of character the ocean temperature are off the charts the ground is heating up volcanoes erupting every where the moon shows what's going on the sun is popping of solar flares daily asteroids are moving closer to earth we live amongst evil lying fucks your government has been lying corrupting killing society you believe any and everything they say fools their is a twin binary system that has moved into ours back in 2007 they known this was coming since the 30s this binary system has a brown dwarf star which is known as our sun twin their is seven planets along with ten moons theses planets are massive their magnetic field is the reason for the changing within the earth and our planets mars right now is undergoing major volcanic eruptions do to these celestial bodies they have been causing all sorts of problems to the other planets as well our magnetic field of earth is failing the Heliosphere is failing cosmic radiation is blasting through our atmosphere picture this earth is in between two huge planets their magnetic field is tugging and pulling earth causing a lot of pressure to Earth contracting as a woman in Labor the the amount of down force to earth is the reason for the Earth's core to slow down the volcanic activity is the venting of the pressure that earth is going through from the tugging and pulling from those planets they are 5 times the size of Jupiter on December 31st 1983 Washington post their was an article about the discovery of a celestial body much Greater than Jupiter go look it up this is no joke you fuckers need to stop believing in lying ass government paid scientists to lie and schooling funds the lies as well their going to be a major announcement and everything you ever learned and based your life from is getting ready to come to an end your going to be so fucking lost like you been mind raped in away that you won't understand shit you will be faced with the most important thing you ever could imagine they going to flip flop your beauty and everything else is wasted your inner peace inner fire gone because you have let them lie corrupted your mind spirit and soul this is what society wanted they ate the lies they lined up and took the fuckery that the government and these corrupt world leaders who in the fuck would ever trust in a group of people that has planned your demise you thought they cared hahaha why do you think they have these military bases in the deserts in the sides of mountains in the grounds those mt weather bunkers all over the world you fuckers are stupid to have thought you were important like your freedom of voting for the presidential election it's a sham it was to keep society in check because if society really knew they had no say in the United States of fuckery the government wouldn't exist there is more of us than them but you fuckers believe in a lie looking for answers from men to save you to give you freedom haha that's where society fucked up because individually to have freedom doesn't come from an outside sources freedom comes from within ourselves wholeheartedly laws that define society is not what gives freedom it's the laws from within our actions our words our thoughts our spirit our soul energy the life we choose is wether your free or in bondage God is your understanding within yourself not trust in men that's not what you want to read was it well to fucking bad because I have no reason to lie and about 28 days remember what you read because the revealing of what I said is coming they already begun with the archives In the Vatican
7 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Interesting Dragon. I'd like to see what's in the Vatican archives too
7 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: It's called climate change now because that's far more marketable than global warming and many people are making fortunes from it
7 months ago Report
risendragon: You will have a chance to well what they will show and of course they making money off of it but the money worth shit it always has been
7 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Not quite shit Dragon. Gore has become a billionaire from it, last I heard Greta has made $26million and trading banks, investors etc are taking in billions.
7 months ago Report
risendragon: I don't care what gore made what government prints on worthless paper when it comes down to it money holds no value just as their bull shit global warming climate change all of it I know what's happening it's spiritual and they keep society in chaos because they feed off that the fear of people the energy that feeds the evil that consume in the darkness as he who follows those will Perish become consumed by the fire that burns from within themselves of their own damnation prepare for the day is near and The Lord The most high The king of Kings Our creator God Jesus is coming to take what is his
(Edited by risendragon)
7 months ago Report
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by Angry Beaver 2 months ago)
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: So they say but I reckon it'll be a mini ice age by 2050
2 months ago Report