Making Your Own Salad Dressing

Bytr: Yesterday the only thing I had in the fridge was a gigantic fresh bag of Spring Mix and NO salad dressing. SO I go online to get a recipe for italian but since i don't have vinegar I am screwed. But then I see that I can use peanut butter to make a creamy dressing so I try it and it is great! I mixed some frozen chicken stock because it was oily and veg oil didn't seem as appetizing in with the peanut butter 1 part to 3 part and then a dollop of mayo and lots of cayenne powder and mustard and then stirred in some milk and then a bunch of teryaki marianade to account for acidity and it was really really good.
I call it TeryakiPeanutButter Dijon Dressing.
(Edited by Bytr)
12 years ago Report
Bytr: Here's the link See for yourself and please post successful (or not) dressings here.
12 years ago Report
don: is great
11 years ago Report