Have you been vaccinated for anything? (Page 7)

Metaverseguy: So I was at the bookstore today and there was a book about negative effects of vaccines. Even as soon as 1994 some girl was loaded up with vaccines and turned into a vegetable. I think it's that mercury accidentally got added into the concoction. She was practically mentally retarded and I think even got an IBD disease. That's not to say that they still don't work, but I guess be cautious.
10 years ago Report
miss gege
miss gege: as in all medications moderartion
10 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Now I'm reading mercury is an element in thiomersal that is used in vaccines and there is no evidence that thiomersal leads to autism.
10 years ago Report
miss gege
miss gege: years ago they said bread caused cancer........research and remember pre-disposition or dna is a factor
10 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Here's something I didn't know. Smallpox was completely eradicated in 1980 in the whole world. Polio could be eradicated within 1 to 5 years and already one strain of the virus is gone (out of 3 strains). Apparently, WHO and other organizations have tried to rid the globe of about 6 diseases but have only been successful with one.
10 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Good news. There's now a cure for hepatitis C. This is better than the previous treatment to try and control the disease. Just keep knocking down the diseases doctors.
10 years ago Report
Astronaut Squiggle
(Post deleted by Astronaut Squiggle 10 years ago)
Metaverseguy: It's now springtime and I had the flu vaccine. I didn't catch the flu for the entire season. Good news. I guess it does work.
10 years ago Report
hitsugaya252: I've been vaccinated for Hepatitis, Tetanus and Polio. I feel no difference. Good to know this stuff.
10 years ago Report
CurvyKooky: I've obviously been vaccinated against love and its sure is working...lol.
10 years ago Report
hitsugaya252: i need one of that too..
10 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: They were able to eradicate smallpox in the 70s from the entire world and measles and polio is eradicated from most areas of the world, hopefully soon they will be gone forever.
10 years ago Report
CurvyKooky: They will never be eradicated they are always changing with different strands all the time...One strand becomes use to the vaccine and hence another one begins...My opinion anyway,,
10 years ago Report
lori100: by Todd Zwillich
November 26, 2002

from Rense Website

WASHINGTON (Reuters Health)

Attorneys for the Bush Administration asked a federal court on Monday to order that documents on hundreds of cases of autism allegedly caused by childhood vaccines be kept from the public.

Department of Justice lawyers asked a special master in the US Court of Federal Claims to seal the documents, arguing that allowing their automatic disclosure would take away the right of federal agencies to decide when and how the material should be released.

Attorneys for the families of hundreds of autistic children charged that the government was trying to keep the information out of civil courts, where juries might be convinced to award large judgments against vaccine manufacturers.

The court is currently hearing approximately 1,000 claims brought by the families of autistic children.

The suits charge that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, which until recently included a mercury-containing preservative known as thimerosal, can cause neurological damage leading to autism.

Federal law requires suits against vaccine makers to go before a special federal "vaccine court" before any civil lawsuit is allowed. The court was set up by Congress to speed compensation claims and to help protect vaccine makers from having to pay large punitive awards decided by juries in state civil courts. Plaintiffs are free to take their cases to state courts if they lose in the federal vaccine court or if they don't accept the court's judgment.

The current 1,000 or so autism cases are unusual for the court. Because it received so many claims, much of the fact-finding and evidence-gathering is going on for all of the cases as a block.

Monday's request by the Bush Administration would prevent plaintiffs who later go to civil court from using some relevant evidence generated during the required vaccine court proceedings.

Plaintiffs' attorneys said that the order amounted to punishment of the families of injured children because it would require them to incur the time and expense of regenerating evidence for a civil suit.

"Wouldn't it be a shame if at the end of the day our policy would be to compensate lawyers," said Jeff Kim, an attorney with Gallagher Boland Meiburger & Brosnan.

The firm represents about 400 families of autistic children who received the MMR vaccine.

Kim accused the government of trying to lower "a shroud of secrecy over these documents" in order to protect vaccine manufacturers, who he said were "the only entities" that would benefit if the documents are sealed.

While federal law clearly seals most documents generated in individual vaccine cases, it has never been applied to a block proceeding like the one generating evidence in the autism cases.
10 years ago Report
Queenie The Poo
Queenie The Poo: I'm vaccinated against everything I can be (and need to be for where I live). If I travel overseas I will have to get more vaccinations depending on where I go (but that will never happen). My daughter is vaccinated and I will continue to vaccinate her.
The ''Anti Vaccine'' groups here have been shut down for spreading lies and rightly so.
10 years ago Report
sena11039: Yes, fleas and ticks, cuz I'm a DOG šŸ•
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I am vaccinated what I can and my kids too. Going to get vaccines because they do help.
3 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: "Vaccinations" more relevant now than when I made this thread over 6 years ago. Yet, experts say about 1/3 of people will not get the coronavirus vaccine voluntarily. So if by now already half the population (of the usa) has one shot then we are pretty much at the finish line (just 16% more).
3 years ago Report
papertiger: Too bad we don't have a vaccine against stupidity and conspiracy nonsense. Some people have reactions to vaccines but it doesn't kill them like viruses. Also, the body has many abilities but is not very effective at wishing away disease.
2 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Everyone will need a booster shot in about 6 months to keep the antibodies strong against Covid-19, and its variants
2 years ago Report
charlesjavier44: Vaccinated against polio, several types of flu, shingles, small pox, Covid, typhoid, possibly mumps and measles. I can assure those diseases harmed and killed millions upon millions more than the few people that had 'bad reactions' to the vaccines. The anti-vaccers are a cult of anti-science lunatics.
2 years ago Report
marilee78: Absolutely everything. Even had to have multiple painful shots for rabies thanks to an attack when I was a teenager.
2 years ago Report
marilee78: When I go traveling, Iā€™m good getting more
2 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Zika was a worry for awhile. More like hay fever though. I don't think the planet will ever go back to the way it was. Watch will all still be wearing masks in 10 years from now begging people to let us remove them and show our sharp teeth
2 years ago Report
Dustyrose1958: yes i have, but just the 1st one 4 weeks ago, waiting on 2nd one, was told july , so i wait, i take this lockdown in Toronto till june 3rd seriously
2 years ago Report