Suicide (Page 2)

Zanjan: I've been to the other side. I've died and come back to life. If you're not a devout believer in God, I guarantee that when you die, the first thing you'll say to yourself is "They told me about this but I didn't listen".

When people pass on, they continue in the same state they were in before they left. From that point, a transformation begins to occur where all the bad drops away and only the good remains - how long that takes *totally* depends on prayers from others. It's never quick in the afterlife. There's no leaping past the lessons there. You can't move forward under your own steam there like you can while in this world.

If a person has no one to pray for them, well, that's a shame. If only they knew, they'd have stayed on earth long enough to make friends with someone who'd pray for them. Is it wise to gamble?
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
bethk: Hey, I don't care WHO ya listen to, Me or....ummm I don't SEE any "CREATOR" posting here lmfao..........No one here is God. I DO believe in a Higher Power, But unlike some of you here, I am not CRAMMING my beliefs nor my Spirituality down anyone's throat. Everyone is FREE to believe what they wish! People can take a little from here & a little from there and use what works for them. Nor am I knocking God Believers. Peace Out.
6 years ago Report
loveandinspire: I have been in institution care...thank you to those of you that were concerned and reached out
6 years ago Report
TB928S: Apart from my ageing sick cat there is no other reason to be on this planet. Sometimes, dead is better.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: "Dead" never gets you a better life - it's not a trophy you win. If that were true, we'd ALL wanna be dead.

What do you think souls do in the next world? Telling me you don't believe in the hereafter wont change reality. You'll most certainly believe when asked what you've stored up for yourself during the time you were on earth. Maybe you'll say "I don't believe I was ever there - it was all a dream"?

Better to serve others in THIS world, while you have the chance to do it the way you want to, than have to serve in the next by someone else's command. Sometimes, dead is worse.
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Blackshoes 6 years ago)
dave3974: good to hear
you are ok
6 years ago Report
hornchurchmale: an area in society that is not fully addressed. often a combination of circumstances.lack of support and issues coupled with chemical imbalance in brain ( causing many issues including sever depression etc) sadly society often fails to see or notice anybody suffering until after events. being aware soem whom suffer this and one or two whom have tried suicide.. including a friend. who's mate did commit that, I am water this is a serious issue and is not given as much publicity it needs nor an easy helpline or access to those trained to assist .
hopefully some will get past or learn to deal with this . long term we need society to work to overcome any such issues.
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by TheCovenant 5 years ago)
(Post deleted by TheCovenant 5 years ago)
TheCovenant: There is some good news for you.
Researchers at the Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center are enrolling patients in a study of the Responsive Neurostimulator System (RNS) made by Neuropace to determine if it is effective in stemming seizures. The system contains a computer chip that detects seizures and then delivers electric current to the brain to stop them.

Soon we will have implantable computers chips that control how you feel and what you can do. We wont even have to use technicians or doctors to control people, we will have a computer AI to control you.

So don't give up hope, and look to the future.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
5 years ago Report
kylepecs: I might be able to point you to the right direction. please reach me on here
5 years ago Report
khanabuzzed: Also aproved for use, ketamine nose spray. works in an instand. no ideaif it available in the US already, i sadly have to wait a few months more.
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by TheCovenant 5 years ago)
TheCovenant: What did the psychiatrist say to the suicide victim:
"eat shit and die"
What did the suicide victim then wish for:
"same to your kid,Maricon"
2 years ago Report
Blackshoes: RE : " bethk: I truly hope that Loveandinspire is still with us. Those kinds of feelings are the worst EVER !"

It doesn't appear that way
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: RCMP doesnt condone violence, unless its to kill and torture indian kids, then they are ok with it.
2 years ago Report
Blackshoes: RCMP ?? to whom are you addressing your Post ??
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: to the rcmp twat who said they dont condone violence, but use it on kids when they are feeling sad
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Strokes and Heart attacks, CIA's specialty...
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Putin is starting to sound like the moustache. Oh Christ, not these guys again... ...

A Russian General said "We aren't going to bomb residential areas. My cousin lives there!"

900,000 Kalashnikovs on the street. "This isn't Tommy Hop scotch anymore,you idiots are going after Guards"

A Greek and and an American, sounds like narcs. Hay, my uncle is a Greek(Canadian Thanks), and my other uncles are American (Love your Bars).

The Pacific gave the two (the boot) sergeants K-bars with magnets (out of balance, you forgot my hair net,эй, я знаю этого парня). When you give someone a knife it means they are no longer your friend.

Alright another police barbiecul.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Every time I go to the psychiatrist, I shit myself, because I have to say to myself, how is this guy going to get me in prison or strap me down. This is no way to live.

, and the word which you speak shall not abide with you, for God is with us. For we do not fear your terror, and we are not troubled, for God is with us. But we will ascribe holiness to the Lord our God, and Him will we hold in awesome fear, for God is with us. And if I put my trust in Him, He shall be my sanctification, for God is with us.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: 80 000 dollars a year just to sleep with me, plus 400 a year from my end. I should have stayed a lawyer. I must have been one monumental piece of shit. You just kant fight chalk (thanks a ton Doctor). Well, its marking time till judgement day, time for another drink. Coke and Ice, please.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: In my head the switch must have flipped a hundred times. And yet here I am paying rent to live in the basement of my mothers house, chewing on chalk, while intelligence is working all angles to find a way to can me. pretty pretty pretty.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: If the rcmp cannot help me, and tells me it is not their department, why does this PD think that I can help it. When you put on a uniform, you loose your "virginity" status. This is the law. If you do not like the law, go to your MP and change it. You are the police you can do anything you want. We do not adjust the goal post to suit our whim because we are partial to one person or the next. Besides you are just not persuasive, and you ask for everything and offer nothing. Gotcha.

As to my special relationship with the commies, rough, rough. Another British legacy playing tough. Maladetz, Ja precochil. Is that a NATO uniform? Is that the Queens signature? You just stepped on a landmine. Your welcome.
Contact, contact 187 Y Y, friend lies engaging us from behind, return fire.

Biden you want to leave the Ukrainians swinging in the wind. send those jets. nous nous souvenons,

My grandfather died in the middle of the path with his guts spilled out on the dirt, while wearing a catheter and a load of hay on his back. Dont play the victim or the sympathy card on me, Your mouth is writing checks that your ass cant cash. Ask your friends for help, not me, I don't do favors anymore.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report