Why Do You Dance?

Mangusu: Why do you dance? Does dancing help you express your creativity? Do you feel empowered when dancing? Tell me why you dance. Share your reason for dancing with others.
11 years ago Report
Mangusu: When I dance I forget about everything that's going on in my life. I just concentrate on the steps and perfecting them. It's like little bubbles of happiness, when time stands still. I lose myself in the music. I love all the jetes and the pirouttes and I love how it feels like im flying. I've made such good friends through dance. Dance is amazing and I love it.

I forget everything when I just go for it and dance. If I had a bad day just find a song and let my emotions out. A good day, I dance in appreciation. I don't even know what I would without dance. I really don't.

I live for dance. It's a way to express yourself and free yourself from any problems you may have. People told me I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't make it and I did. If anybody tells you can't make a career out of dancing, they're dead wrong.
(Edited by Mangusu)
11 years ago Report
Myrashka: Why I like to dance? Why...???
I like to dance because:
I like how I dance. I enjoy it.
I like my motion. They are smooth and flexible.
I like how trying my mind and body during my workout.
I like how our coach "works" with us.
I like to breathe fresh air through an open window in a dance class and again "go into battle" with my emotions and movements during the dance.
I like tiredness after training.
I like the excitement before performances in huge halls.
We are a team!!
Everyone makes their movements and together it looks beautiful.
We dance Contempo style.
9 years ago Report
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