The Legend of Lee More

LeeMore: Hello fellow humans, I’m a new author on the scene and are looking for some fans, advice, criticisms’, and anything else anyone cares to share about my ebook The Legend of Lee More, along with my website. You can check out both if you like at It has links to my book. Also, Smashwords gives a free sample. Feel free to blog and leave links. Thanks for your support, and I look forward to supporting you supporting me.
For only $3 you can get a laugh, a memory, and a social reflection that is worthless, or price less, depending on your own perspective. The Legend of Lee More is an autobiography that should really be classified as fiction. You would have to read it to understand what I mean. It is available on ebook for oyur Kindle or Nook at SmashWords,, and Barns&
11 years ago Report