What do people think of legal prostitution? Cam work to any sort would any one consider ever doing it kink to fetishes? (Page 2)

Sinlgef9: @The giant midget ROFLOL. well in that case, I'm a multi-billionaire housewife flying around the world in my gold-plated plane - or a waitress who had her hours cut while the world came crashing down an microscopic virus. --- damn reality sucks
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: @The giant midget then I am living in a magical world where I can poof anyone into my home to do anything they wish and where one never has to beg for food to survive. I had these troubles before this particular virus even as working poor that never pays out issuance for the family even if you pay into it with whatever one can at a minimum wage retail job
(Edited by AretoNyx)
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Wow Sinlge I will admit , I am jealous of that gold plated aircraft,one thing for sure is that incase it crashes the whole world will be looking for it because of all that gold .
3 years ago Report
Sinlgef9: I grew up an orphan, got pregnant as an early teen and pulled myself out of poverty in a backwards semi-3rd world country. If i can do you, so too can you.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: They say the price if gold goes up in info mercials all the time. Lol
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: @ Sinlge
Hardships and falls makes us stronger mentally into fighting anything even all the superheroes of the world
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
3 years ago Report
Sinlgef9: @The giant midget - my cape is an apron and my batmoble is a broom and dust pan (hmm that might make me a witch too)
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I gave away all my superhero outfits I just kept the 45 year old underwear full of holes
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I grew up in poverty too and then things got better ...then things didn't circumstances. Likely would have to do porn for a living to catch up but hubby may not like that. Best insurance I gave for my kid with scoliosis is what the government is giving. If I make to much it will be years paying doctor bills again. Had to pay a few years each child given birth to out of pocket working retail. That was trouble for food, travel, and barely affordable daycare. I could not get begging help a hair to much money being made.

3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Yes one can pull themselves out but it doesn't mean natural disasters to other reasons one may be still stuck.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: @The giant Midget time to use that like captain underpants perhaps? Lol
3 years ago Report
Sinlgef9: it takes a great support network and i have not always done things I am proud of to get there
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I grew up in a upper middle class beef cattle farm
I ran away from home at 15 worked my big ass off in construction,went to university,started a construction business, got married 3 kids ( oldest passed away in a work related accident in the Middle East 3 years ago) been a single father/ mother past 20 years
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Some days I thought about that. Getting pretty close even if infidelity because hubby can not and I cannot provide enough it seems at times. Though begging churches and other places first while trying to find other ways so not to end up arrested, or in a possibility of risky or dangerous situation.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: We do what needs to be done
Never regret
3 years ago Report
Sinlgef9: sorry for your loss giant midget. cannot be easy. sounds like you got life together for youself pretty good
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Hugs to all who want and need it. Lets just hope the new year is a better one.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: True Giant Midget
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: It is sad so many have lost so many loved ones in so many tragic ways. Condolences
3 years ago Report
Sinlgef9: 2021 will be better. it can always be worse, but we stay positive as much as possible. hugs to all
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: If it is not better trying to keep making it one is a goal
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Thank you young ladies
3 years ago Report
Sinlgef9: hey thanks for being a good dad and mom. its hard
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: What I truly wish for myself I wish upon everyone else
3 years ago Report