Uniqueness in Heavy Metal

Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: Some very original artists have graced my ear holes and I decided to make a list of great influential bands or just very unique ones.
5 years ago Report
Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: Abigail is sort of special. Demilich isn‘t renowned for over polished vocals. Funereum has made music that is unique and entertaining and I would recommend the band to anybody that likes underground metal.Magus‘ release Ruminitions of Debauchery, Hidden are astonishing and unique and among the better bands I have enjoyed. Katharsis- Eden Below. Penetralia ard a unique band. Gonkulator is mildly interesting but it now has my attention because I want it to. Broken Bones‘ song Death is Imminent. Barbados- Baby Baby Baby! Darkthrone are better than Mayhem in every way possible and have influenced many, many, bands. Mayhem made the song Deathcrush. Skepticism is unusual to say the least and do not play with melody. Impetigo- Mortado for being very listenable.
(Edited by Fog Swept Glade)
5 years ago Report
Fog Swept Glade
(Post deleted by Fog Swept Glade 4 years ago)