HIPPIES where did they come from, where did they go.

larryhemeon: I do know where they oridginated, where they went is open to debate.

It all started with a goverment program to experiment with mind control, using LSD
There were many study groups, but we will be looking at what happened on the west coast, namely Berkley College. Two friends signed up for the group, Kesey and Osly. Osly was a
chemist major, who enjoyed music and having fun Kesey was a run of the mill genius, who had
a problem with the way things were, a great writer that went on to have several best selling novels. After injesting LSD 25 they decided, as well as the spooks, that their minds could not
be controlled in this manor and believed the good times should be shared with the populas.
Osly had a different approch, his idea was to have a good time and get rich. (although Ken
benefited from the sells as well) or so I've heard. So, after getting the formula, they went into
the manufacturing of, at that time,a legal mind altering substance. Friend Garcia enjoyed the
drug, and shared it with friends and band members, playing at the local clubs.

Garcia, soon to become part of the Grateful Dead, started playing music around northern California. When they put on concerts, (then called hoe downs), it was their custom to hand
out 4 doses of Acid with the price of a 4-5 dollar ticket. Jerry would start playing, the fans
would get high, and soon begin taking their clothes off and partake in Free Love. During this time, Garcia refined his music, Osly was getting rich, and Kesey had a small following of peolpe interested in an anternate way of life .
Garcia got tired of traveling after several years and decided they could stay around San
Francisco and make their money playing larger theaters. Well the folks out of town started to
miss the music, drugs, and getting naked, and migrated to an area in Frisco, called the Haight Ashberry District.

This was the spark, the power was due to friends and relatives being put to death in
a country that was precieved to have no threat to our safey or freedom.
...........................to be continued.

(Edited by larryhemeon)
11 years ago Report
Corwin: I'll finish this for ya.....

Everybody got high, and protested everything that was, especially some kind of status-quo. In their delusional states of altered consciousness they actually perceived a possible utopian society where nobody had to work, there was no war or hunger, and everybody could just flit around with fairy-wings having sex with whomever was handy, without any repercussions or responsibilities of any kind.

Sometime near the end of 1969, after the disaster-area known as Woodstock was over and done with, the Hippies sobered up... and realized that they were broke, homeless, hungry, and dirty. They thought they were starting a revolution that would change the world, but all they were really doing was getting high all the time and smelling bad.
The ones who didn't overdose or contract some incurable disease decided to trade-in their Volkswagon vans for station-wagons, get an actual job, and move into the suburbs, get married and raise a family.

- The End

Although the original Hippie movement was dead almost as soon as it started, it spawned a new "right-of-passage" ritual in modern-day society that we now refer to as "the college years". It's still all about drugs and drinking and overindulgence, and lax sexual morals... but now these young people have much better fashion sense and personal hygiene, understand the value of money and work, and have a bit better understanding of politics and know not to protest the very status-quo of society that provides them with their toys and cushy lifestyle.
11 years ago Report
larryhemeon: yeah, very, Seems to be the beginning of disaster, doesn't it, If you were there, you might see things a little differently, I do agree with your overall view, but there was something that wasn't there before, the willingness to look at something besides what they
were programmed to see. They started questioning the governing
systems, (pretty sure that's how the US started and it should be encouraged). the reasoning of 12-16 years of school, work 47 years, retire and die, no longer held their imagination. Not saying this was a good thing, but are we sure that this should be our path, basically schooled and programmed for the national
gross product. They certainly could incur ridicule and harrassment,
for their lifestyles, but thats the point, they wanted something different.
There were many that were not riding on the movement just for
kicks, they were a large part of ending the War, maybe you did
not lose any loved ones, if you had, as I did, I am thankful for their
efforts. The point is that what happened in a few short years changed the way of thought, maybe it has progressed to something worsening every year since, I would buy that as well,
Freedom is freedom, should be embraced and without judgements, if the choice is to wallow in the mud, so be it, or try
to make positive change with the people like Kesey, Hoffman,
Lennon, and Biaz, or keep things going without questioning Hoover, Rockafellas, and the powers that be. In my lifetime, I've
seem so many freedoms taken, that it would be like a slap across
your face if it happened overnight.

All and all, I think your taking the narrow view, as is your right,(and
if I may say so, your damned good at it) Over all the ugliness of
that period of time, I still see some shine.
By the way, around these parts, they traded the VW for a BMW
with a gun rack.
11 years ago Report
larryhemeon: So, to carry on with the story, there was a mass exodus to the bay
area, people tuned in and dropped out of whatever life that was
planned and experiance a second younger childhood. From poor
to rich, under educated to the brilliant minds of the generation they
all sought refuge in the excitement of the new plan. There had to be
bumps along the way. Hoover and the exsisting power folk did not
want the young minds to have any abbarations of their propaganda.
So trouble began between the freedom child and what was goverments idea of american freedom. What I have next is only
a theory shared by many of the longhaired generation, The facts
of what happened are forever sealed away. If you would consider the people who posed the biggest threat to the normal day to day
operation of the USA, you might come up with Abbey Hoffman, a crusader for a new order, Jimmy Hendrix, motivating the black community, Janis Joblin, promoting womens rights and desires,
and Jim Morrison, who could move crowds with his poetic ideas
of the old world isn't working for us any longer. The last 3 were reported to have od ed on something or another, some people feel
they were offed by spooks, in order to tame the masses, their deaths happened over a very short period of time. Hoffman left
town according to joan Biaz and was safe for a number of years.
I have not heard anything more, maybe he's OK. And then there
was that horror at Kent State. The war ended and the movement
slowly died.
The way the movement began and rose is remarkable, especially
how much coverage of the nation it got to. It was all go to the city
to get the knowledge of whats coming, then you heard songs that
were geared to going to the country with the message. I think it
was well planned out, as phaze 3 or 4 to whats happening now
with the youth and the world as a whole. Seems we keep progressing to choas, the flower children were babes compared with the new world antics of todays youth.
.I certailnly am not judging what happened as good or bad, just observing and letting
some know that did not. and being from that time period thought maybe I could shed
some light.
.......................to be continued
(Edited by larryhemeon)
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by sky_deep 11 years ago)
sky_deep: At least we were peace-loving people...
11 years ago Report
they're comin up from below!
11 years ago Report
lori100: Corvin, soooo you're against drinking and sex huh? right...... and all the hippies did not die of drugs or disease, some continued their goals of changing society, growing their own food, being their own boss, fighting against wars, corruption, protecting the environment, working in charities helping people, many are involved in taking down the evil govt members, in the occupy movement,,,.....their positive influence is everywhere........ stay tuned and watch what happens.......
11 years ago Report
jink88: Hey larry I'm still here and remember every bit of it. I LOVED those years!! Peace brother.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by larryhemeon 11 years ago)
Corwin: Most Hippie communes failed when their provisions ran out. They imagined, in their LSD induced psychosis, that if they did away with organized society the Earth and God would somehow magically provide for all their needs as if they were returning to the Garden of Eden...

... but what they found was that subsistence farming is damned hard work... and it was actually the work they were attempting to dodge in the first place. Mass produced food and mechanized farming is far more efficient, and is the foundation of our modern society. Even thousands of years ago the Egyptians knew this, and built an empire around their irrigation and advanced agricultural techniques.
The Hippies thought they could somehow improve on their lifestyles if they set themselves back 10,000 years. Pfffffft!! (stupid Hippies)

And these occupy movements are bollocks... the majority of people who protest do it for the mere act of protesting something, and have no friggin clue about the real politics of what they are protesting about. If they really want to make a statement and save the environment and say "up-yours" to the "corrupt" governments, then they should stop driving cars or using any public transit... stop buying food provided by grocers... refuse themselves the education society provides them... refuse health-care of any kind... stop using electricity... they should hand-pick their own cotton and make all their own clothing by hand... and while they're at it they should also live in caves to save the trees necessary to build homes.... yeah........ I'm sure they'd just love that lifestyle.....

What they really should do is combine their DNA with plants and REALLY "go green"...... then they could just plant themselves in the dirt, lay back, and photosynthesize... which is about as useful as a Hippie is to begin with.

I'm reminded of December 31, 1969.... in many ways, that was the day when the 60's truly ended.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
Corwin: I suggest you read the works of Hunter S. Thompson... that guy knew how to tell it like it is.
11 years ago Report

Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect.
11 years ago Report
sky_deep: To make the world a better place, more love and less materialism. Exploring the possiblilties of your mind through artistic expression and stop the pretensious from becoming mainstream. It was a step in the right direction, and then it effectively recreated a counter revolution and the kids of the next generation rebelled against that.
11 years ago Report
lori100: Hunter was an a##, there are forces behind the occupy movement you are not aware of , but will learn about one day, it is part of a movement that has helped wake up multi-millions to the extreme corruption that exists, and will lead to true freedom for all on the planet.....
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Freedom is an illusion. Read more Nietzsche.

I'm surprised you disapprove of Thompson, Lori.... I thought you were all about "uncovering the truth"? I suppose it must be because of the fact that Hunter exposed actual truth, which likely contradicts your own special version of truth that you cling to.

Oh, and I really love the Hippie master-plan to make the world a better place....

#1 - Get really really high
#2 - the middle part
#3 - World becomes better place

It's a really great plan.... they just gotta work out the bugs with that "middle part".
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
lori100: you want to talk about illusions......? time is an illusion, your physcial existance is an illusion, your limited consciousness is an illusion....... THERE!!! Take that!! ...... and what's wrong with getting high once in a while.....? mind altering substances exist on this planet for a reason.....
11 years ago Report
sky_deep: All I can say is..
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Oh, I have nothing against a little indulgence to wind down after a long day... I just don't believe that it's the foundation for an entire philosophy of world-revolution... it's merely a pleasant past-time and should be regarded as no more than that.

Oh, and yes... psychoactive substances were put here for a reason... they're insecticides.
Almost every mind-altering substance and pain-killer is something created by plants to ward off insects...... THC, caffeine, opiates, nicotine, ASA (aspirin).... the list goes on...
The fact that these natural insecticides induce psychoactive responses in Humans is purely coincidental... and associated with the fact that Humans enjoy mildly poisoning ourselves for shits and giggles.

Oh, and in case anybody doesn't know this, LSD is made from poisonous Ergot mold... slightly altered chemically to make it non-toxic.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
11 years ago Report
larryhemeon: Thanx for all your comments. So nice to have different opinions.
The communes were a diaster, they were not prepared, for the most part, yet there were many that were sucessful. It was'nt the
failure, it was an alternate choice from the program. 1968 a commune started in my neck of the woods, all from Berkley, very
intelligent, but no common sense. I came to their home one late
fall day, 8 souls building pipes, wonderful creativity, they were
burning their funiture to keep warm, they did not realize you could
not cut a green tree and have it ignite, I had some extra wood, so
helped them through the winter, They began horse logging with some sucess, several still live here in the valley, wonderful folk.
11 years ago Report
lori100: the CIA created LSD .....hmmmm, wonder why.....?
11 years ago Report
larryhemeon: Actually, THC is at the base of procreation and many self healing
chemicals in your body. Not all hippies did harder drugs, other than Grace and the Airplane it might be fair to say most smoked pot.
11 years ago Report
Corwin: THC is an insecticide produced in the species Cannabis Indica... it is NOT found naturally in the Human body or any other animal species. (where do you get this stuff???)

The pot they grew back in the 60's was crap... it didn't have a fraction of the THC found in modern hybridized strains of Indica. The harder drugs were pretty much the only option to get a proper buzz-on back in those days. Cocaine and Heroin are lethal as well as expensive, so LSD was the more preferred drug of the Hippies... and although acid is non-toxic and doesn't kill you if you overdo it, it turns your brains into a temporary state of mush... and permanent chemical imbalance occurs with prolonged use. (basically, it makes you psychotic)
Which is why it was of NO use to the military... they wanted to create some kind of Super-Solder..... instead they created Hippies.
A soldier high on LSD is of NO use to anybody... just as a Hippie high on LSD is of no use to anybody or themselves. It creates such a twisted slant on reality that a person cannot function to any degree of effectiveness with anything..... with the exception of maybe music and literature... but the music and literature produced makes much more sense if one is high on LSD.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
11 years ago Report
lori100: yesss, post more hippy-dippy stuff! Let's see if it will cause Corvin's head to explode!!
11 years ago Report
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