Support Ukraine in its fight for European Union! (Page 3)

Oksunny: Dave, do you watch only Russian channels? Actually Putin wants to start the third World War. His troops are on our land. There's no civil war!!! By the way, when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined. On June 1, 1996 Ukraine became a non-nuclear nation. In return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity, a pledge that was arguably broken by Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.
Now we regret about it so much, but it gave a very good lesson to other countries, which are working on their own nuclear weapon.
Dave, are you Putin's KGB agent???? You repeat all his stupid words. Our government was formed by legal parliament.
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Personally, I think the US needs to stay out of any free election where a populace has had a fair election and has voiced their sentiments. The the population of the Crimea has held an election and while it may not necessarily meet the standards in the US, the vast majority of the population has agreed to join with Russia.

Russia has never, and would never agree to give up their warm weather ports or marine installations in the Crimea and to think that it was ever an option was foolhardy on the part of the US, or quite frankly, any other country.

As far as the Ukraine goes, we'll have to see what happens. Putin's man was in power and ousted and we can argue about how that happened until we all turn blue in the face. Putin did not invade the Ukraine. What has happened is that he allowed them to become financially destabilized long enough until the US and the EU has to support them (which they are unable to do) or they will turn to Russia and then Putin will then hold all of the cards without ever having to fire a shot.

Face it, Putin has made his intentions clear. He wants a united Russian union and the west has spent itself into oblivion while Putin has enlarged his markets, has more or less propped up Russia's flagging economy, he has strengthened ties in the Middle East and has made Obama look like the fool that he is. Oh, and did I mention, he didn't have to fire a shot to do it?
10 years ago Report
Oksunny: The elections weren't held honestly. How could it be that more than 123% voted in Sevastopol? They were held under the guns. Putin has already shot more than 500 Ukrainians, but not in honest fight, but just hiring criminals for this dirty job. Putin is a killer and a mad man, who' s got a nuclear box.
10 years ago Report
Oksunny: By the way, Alaska was a part of Russia too. So one day this mad Putin will decide to join it to Russia
10 years ago Report
Oksunny: Now, I see that ukraine lost informative war. You watch only russian channels and all the information get from them
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Let me ask you something, Oksunny. Since the majority of people who live and are employed in the Crimea are Russian or of Russian descent, why would they not vote to join Putin's Russian federation rather than the rather fickle EU? The EU isn't doing well financially and the US is flushing itself financially down the toilet as fast as we can.

How many of the descendants in the Ukraine were born or lived under the USSR? The majority of them. Only the youngest do not know of the USSR and want an alliance with the west. For those people, I sympathize. They should be allowed to travel freely to another country, but to be honest, there are not enough young people to make an independent Ukraine possible and the nations that the Ukraine are pleading for help are butt ass broke. Europe can't afford to be cut off from Russian gas.

Russia is never going to be like Western Europe or the US any more than China or N. Korea are. And you know the reason why? Because the state controls the press. The state controls natural resources and the only rich people in Russia are in the hands of the Russian government and the criminal syndicates. Everyone else sits and takes what they are given, pays off the police and government officials and keeps their heads down and do not involve themselves in politics. The ones that want to get out work hard to find a way out.

But having a Russian as a family member and many friends from Russia, Ukraine and Georgia, I can tell you that Russians love their countries. They know their politics and politicians suck fish lips, but they have a love of their country as big as we do. And yes, the Ukrainians that we know still refer to themselves as Ukrainians, but they are also strongly rooted in being Russian.
10 years ago Report
Oksunny: Putin is a new Hitler. You don't have enough information about the situation in Ukraine or you get it from the pro-Russian channels. So many people gave their lives for our independence from Putin. Putin is a mad man. The world is scared, because a man who is mad has a nuclear weapon in his arms. A lot of people from the Crimea are calling now crying and telling that they don't want to live in Russia, so they'll have to leave their houses. Russian soldiers killed an Ukrainian soldier today in the Crimea and wounded a captain. Putin's hands are in blood. Of course the world will keep silence only because of the nuclear threat. Just imagine that Germany now wants to get back Koningsberg. Now Japan can get back the Kuril Islands. One day Russia is going to get back Alaska. It's the beginning of the third WW
10 years ago Report
calybonos: A Russian and a Ukrainian greeting each other....


Do svidanja

Do pobachennya
10 years ago Report
Racism is not going to help you piggy.

We know no one is living in the Crimea. Schools have done Geography projects about why no one lives there.

UK and Russian schools shared a ' What can we do on the internet' project about what projects they were doing......and it was of course Geography that they all shared.

The UK knows no one is living there.
10 years ago Report
Oksunny: "Putin’s real Ukrainian problem is free people who speak freely in Russian, and might set an example one day for Russians themselves”
10 years ago Report
dave3974: the Russians in Russia speak freely to , I can see no problem in an area that was always Russian any way voting to return to Russia.

why do the ukranians want to oppress the Russians who want to be free of them
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: I don't listen to, read or watch pro-Russian media. Putin is certainly no angel and neither I, nor Russian family members or Ukrainian friends are all pro-Putin. Why do you think they immigrated to the US? Life in Russia sucks. They know this.

Putin is not an idiot. He will go as far as the US and the West allow to reform the former USSR under a single umbrella of power and resources. He will, however, go to the very brink. Europe and the US ceded that power to him when they refuse to place dire sanctions on him. Even then, as long as it only affects the lives of the Russian people and does not reduce his ability to wield power, he is not going to care.

You can blame the US and Europe for being weak and financially foolish for allowing Putin to move forward, but we elected our leaders just as you elected yours. Now we will all get the chance to enjoy it while Putin laughs at us all.
10 years ago Report
Putin hasn't gone anywhere. That's the point we all know.

The only thing he has done is refuse to give in to the gays.

10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: Haha sunny's as bad as your typical conspiracy theorist.....if you don't agree with her, it isn't because you have a valid point or unique opinions- it's because you aren't reading what they're reading.

Anyone wanna count how many times they've dismissed another persons opinions on the basis of "you don't know" and "you're reading pro-Russian media"
10 years ago Report
Hey Piggy someone saw you coming....,

10 years ago Report
Oksunny: Dear Russian brothers (not all of you). Thank you for the rejoicing at someone else's grief and death. I would never have expected that some would be so marooned and zombified into saying what you are saying. This is no way a brotherly love. What a brother could praise Stalin and regret there are no more Stalin camps for us Ukrainian banderivci? And let me tell you that Putin is cursed so many times, in so many different occult traditions, that no converted governement-propaganda of can ever help him.
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Oksunny 10 years ago)
LiptonCambell: Isn't this what you asked for, though? At the beginning, you were calling for foreign governments to get involved in your civil dispute.

Now one has, and you complain that they aren't in support of your political ideology. You have no problem with foreigners forcing your countrymen into policies they don't agree with- just so long as your beliefs are the one being forced.
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Totalitarianism or Democracy

Hum....Lets see...

Which one would you support Lipton?

10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: That's not the point, david. Prior to Russia getting involved, users like sunny we're asking that foreign governments should get involved in their civil one has, and go figure, they aren't doing what sunny wants.

There was no way to win in such a situation.
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Hell, the Russians are not doing what I want either. They invaded a sovereign country and took it over. Should the US invade....Mexico?

10 years ago Report
calybonos: Not unless they want to start paying them minimum wage.
10 years ago Report
Wild__: The Russians do have military bases and a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons in the Crimean region.
10 years ago Report
calybonos: I do think that we should invade Canada, though.

We could turn it into an American Siberia, and send all our dissidents and street performers.
Not all of them, just the white rappers and mimes.
...and maybe those irritating Jehovah's Witnesses who always knock at my door when I'm trying to watch porn.
10 years ago Report
Wild__: But then where will we deport Justin Bieber to? The Ukraine?
10 years ago Report