Astral travel

Damiencage: Astral travel
8 years ago Report
Geoff: Travel in the stars?

The discredited notion of projecting the human consciousness outside of the organic circuitry (for want of a better word) that creates it?

The name of a band?
8 years ago Report
lori100: It's out of body travel in the astral dimension. The astral dimension is the plane of emotions, passions, desires which are manifested instantly as you create them, often scaring the creator who doesn't realize they created is why a calm mind is needed when out of body..-------------Seth---------------"At a very simple level, for example, your consciousness leaves your body often in the sleep state. You communicate with people in other levels of reality that you have known, but far beyond this, you creatively maintain and revitalize your physical image. You process daily experience, project it into what you think of as the future, choose from an infinity of probable events those you will make physical, and begin the mental and psychic processes that will bring them into the world of substance,---------"Projections... are a mark that the personality is progressing in important ways. The inner senses are allowed their greatest freedom in projection states and the self retains experience that it would not otherwise. When this knowledge becomes a part of the ordinary waking consciousness, then you have taken a gigantic step forward."
8 years ago Report
Geoff: Oh, it must be so much fun to make up evidence for your beliefs in the comfort of your own armchair.
8 years ago Report
lori100: You will learn how to travel out of body consciously is everyone's destiny to manipulate in the physical and non-physical dimensions consciously as they learn they are multi-dimensional beings....
8 years ago Report
lori100: Seth----------------"-Now this honorary guard is made up of people in your terms both living and dead. Those who are living in your system of reality perform these activities in an out-of-body experience while the physical body sleeps. They are familiar with the projection of consciousness, with the sensations involved, and they help orient those who will not be returning to the physical body."......Robert Monroe and other out of body travelers have helped the recently dead to realize they are 'dead' and can't return to their life and body on Earth currently....some are sad but soon enjoy the freedom of flying without a body,....some know they are 'dead' but are waiting to find out where to go and Monroe and others help them meet up with dead relatives...
8 years ago Report
lori100: : "Transformation" by Whitley Strieber---he tells of visiting a friend who lives far away while out of body--------"On the night of March 14, 1988, I was talking to writer
Barbara Clayman when I realized that she could give a certain
man a type of information that he appeared to me to
need very badly. I realized that I had to go to Barbara on
the nonphysical level in order to prepare her for her encounter
with this individual. I told her nothing of my thoughts,
and concluded our conversation lest I even subliminally reveal
my plan to her.
At four-thirty in the morning I found myself at her bedside.
She lives about a thousand miles from New York.-------------I projected my voice into Barbara's ear. I do not hear
myself when I do this. It is a form of thought. My experience
is that it sounds to the listener like a small speaker or
radio in his or her ear. I said, "It's me, Whitley. Barbara,
it's Whitley. " Her eyes flew open. A flush of fear went
through her and she appeared to me to start yelling . This
startled me and I told her rather frantically to quiet down. I
am a leaf in the wind at moments like that, and if her husband
woke up, I would not be able to maintain my presence.
Barbara then became silent and I felt myself give her the
material that she needed about the man, who is involved in
making a policy decision of fundamental importance.-----------------The next evening Barbara called. She left a message that
it was "important. " I did not allow myself even to hope
that she had remembered our meeting.
To my everlasting delight, when I returned her call I
found her full of amazement. She had remembered our encounter
vividly and in detail, right down to the words I had
"said" to her."
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The witches of old could fly through the air with the greatest of ease, or so they claimed, but they could never save themselves from being burnt at the stake. It is what you can do in the cold light of reality that counts, not what you claim to be able to do when nobody is watching.
8 years ago Report
lori100: who says? Real witches probably never got's said they used a lotion or salve that they rubbed all over their body to cause an out of body experience...btw...Strieber had an experience of doing just that..I will look for that reference...he called himself a witch..-----------wiki----The use by witches of flying ointments was first described, according to known sources, by Johannes Hartlieb in 1456. It was also described by the Spanish theologian Alfonso Tostado in Super Genesis Commentaria (Venetia, 1507), whose commentary tended to accredit the thesis of the reality of the Witches' Sabbath.--------in the same article...interesting----The interaction between belladonna and poppy was made use of in the so-called "twilight sleep" that was provided for women during childbirth beginning in the Edwardian era. Twilight sleep was a mixture of scopolamine, a belladonna alkaloid, and morphine, a Papaver alkaloid, that was injected and which furnished a combination of painkilling and amnesia for a woman in labor. A version is still manufactured for use as the injectable compound Omnopon.
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: It's interesting that you know about witches rubbing ointment on themselves to give them the sensation of flying. It means they expeienced a drug induced hallucination. In other words it was all in their minds; certainly not for real. They just thought they were flying amidst the clouds. Their bodies remained resolutely on the ground the whole time.

This raises an interesting question. Why should "Astral travel", "Out of Body" experiences, and such-like phenomena, be any different? Why cannot they also be a form of hallucination, brought on by some bodily imbalance? The mind tricking itself into believing that it is floating free of the body.

8 years ago Report
lori100: yes, that is astral or out of body travel...they leave their physical bodies...people not using drugs travel out of body often uncle, a doctor, for one...
8 years ago Report
chronology: 'Me thinks Lori is getting confused'

Lori, yes witches did strip naked and rub ointment into their skin, but this was not for 'Astral Travel' it was to physically travel to the Great Sabbats held in France and Sweden.

If you believe their story they travelled there in their bodies, not out of them.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: It is clear that an individual's perception of reality can be modified by more than just drugs. If you have ever suffered from migraine you will know that it can alter what you see. So why should we conclude that Astral Travel and Out of Body Experiences are not also the product of some maladjustment of the brain?
8 years ago Report
chronology: Awe don't say that ghost. Some people are getting their juices flowing imagining wild orgies on the Astral Plane
8 years ago Report
calybonos: The Astral plane has a mile high club too?

And do I earn frequent flyer miles if I use my Capitol One card?
8 years ago Report
calybonos: What's in your wallet?
8 years ago Report
lori100: the astral plane does indeed have orgies...Robert Monroe found there was what he called "The Pile"...millions of souls trying to have sex with each other in a huge pile ,, never being satisfied...and smokers trying to inhale smoker's smoke, too...a type of hell for those addicted to physical desires...Monroe met one recently dead man who didn't realize he was dead and was trying to join a live couple having sex ....he was unable to but kept trying......he eventually joined the can't move on to a higher level of learning until you overcome the desire for a physical body and life and desires....
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
lori100: I'm not sure if the witches ointment was for physical or non-physical flying...I thought I read years ago it was for out of body flying..will have to find it again...
8 years ago Report
chronology: With respect Lori, no one can get their stories straight about life after death. Churches peddle so many different ideas it is impossible to follow them all. Catholics say people go to a place where they are burned and tortured for hundreds of years, and they are the lucky ones they have a 'get out of jail conviction' in that place called 'pergotory' . Others are thrown into a burning fire along with men women and children to be roasted and fed to worms for ever, and ever, and ever. Mormons say good people go to other planets to rule there as Gods of their own worlds with beautiful wives, Jehovahs Witnesses say 144.000 will float up into the sky and hug Jesus living with Him in bliss for ever, not sure what the fate of the 99.9pc of the rest of the world is.

And this is just Christianity so far, all with totally differing tales to peddle to you, other religions have even more different predictions about life in the 'other world' .

As for the witches 'flying ointment' , it is supposedly for their 'physical' bodies to fly. Among the folk lore about witches, or the truth depending on your viewpoint, witches have 'doubles' who stand in for them when they are away feasting and screwing at the Sabbats. These doubles look exactly like the witches. Makes sense in a way, if witches kept disappearing four times a year some one would put two and two together and conclude who was really a witch, so the double covers for them.

Curiously, people today who claim to have been abducted by Aliens tell of Aliens showing them doubles of themselves who stand in for them like the witches doubles while they are away.
8 years ago Report
lori100: I think many of various religious teachings tell truth but have been edited and distorted by people. ---found Strieber's ointment experience---"The Secret School"---the school was in San Antonio Texas in the 1950's...he and other kids were compelled to go to a wooded basin area at night where it seems an insect like alien taught them about the Earth's history and other teachings...he had another memory of around 50 B.C. Rome where he was a teen slave to Octavius who would become the ruler of the Roman Empire...he was the tutor to Octavius . He would meet with the same alien , then a young woman, and others having out of body experiences and other teachings to save the Roman Empire seemingly to prepare for the coming of Christ. ----"The woman looked at me gravely for a moment, then began to slap the substance on my body. ....As she covered me with it, there was a prickling sensation. Soon I began to feel loose in my body, as if my consciousness was about to fall out of my flesh.......I remember.....than a sense of simply floating up and right out of an opening in the roof of the temple....As we accelerated out of the temple and the sky above it, and beyond time, I began to see the world in a very different way."
8 years ago Report
chronology: Lori; 'Magic Mushrooms' .
8 years ago Report
lori100: and real experiences....
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: "The molecule DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a psychoactive chemical that causes intense visions and can induce its users to quickly enter a completely different "environment" that some have likened to an alien or parallel universe. The transition from our world to theirs occurs with no cessation of consciousness or quality of awareness. In this environment, beings often appear who interact with the person who is using DMT. The beings appear to inhabit this parallel realm. The DMT experience has the feel of reality in terms of detail and potential for exploration. The creatures encountered are often identified as being alienlike or elflike. Some of the creatures appear to be three-dimensional. Others appear to lack depth. ...

DMT is also naturally produced in small quantities in the human brain, and it has been hypothesized that DMT is produced in the pineal gland in the brain. The pineal gland appears in the developing human fetus around 49 days after conception. ... Naturally occurring DMT may play a role in near-death experiences and alien-abduction experiences."
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8 years ago Report
lori100: people who don't use drugs have experiences...
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that those "experiences" are related to some form of independent reality.
8 years ago Report