Time Travel into the past

Doubleoh: If you could travel in time to witness 3 events in history which events would you choose? Let’s assume this would be to simply observe and not interact in anyway. You would not physically be in the event but could observe it? Also you will have unrestricted accesses to anyplace on Earth. Would you find out who shot Kennedy? What happened to Amelia Earhart? Who was Jack the Ripper? Or maybe just listen to the Beatles? or stand at ground zero when they tested the first hydrogen bomb? Maybe watch Babe Ruth play? Or see Nelson at Trafalgar? Where in time would you go?
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Very interesting

1 observe the individual who invented the practice of WORK, that person was a genius into how to inslaving millions of people voluntarily into doing things

2 old saying "" it's the best thing invented since sliced bread """
I would like to see the previous invention prior to the sliced bread dude

3 Undergarments I would definitely like to go back in time to watch this individual and why was IT needed,
There bloody expensive 😡😡😡😡😡😡
(Edited by The giant midget)
3 years ago Report
Aura: 1588--Roanoke Colony
To see what exactly happened to the 112 people of an early American settlement who disappeared off the face of the earth leaving only the word CROATOAN carved into a tree trunk.

I'd go to Woodstock

And just a week in 1920 in Berlin--so much to see and do there.
3 years ago Report
allie16f: I want to watch them start building the pyramids, then go back half way done then again when they put the last stone in... how???
3 years ago Report