What will happen in the future ?

GeraldtheGnome: Maybe it will be so bright that we have to wear shades. What do you think the future will be like ?
1 year ago Report
Just_Bear: Don't Know...Don't Really Care...I'd Rather Die a Fast Death from a Nuke and Get it over and Done with than Struggle for the Rest of My Life With Emphysema...But Hey I still Got Enough Breath to Laugh at Life...
1 year ago Report
festival  foxie
festival foxie: want be proud to have started on food waste
1 year ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I have had the pleasure of letting the past being a distanced memories.
Not worried about what happens the day after next week as my scheduled days is golf,some fishing, go for lunch take motorcycle rides, stop by work and say hello to everyone and tell them what a great job they are doing.
Dinner with friends and family or just a stroll down the foodie street vendors by myself
Next day really just repeats itself or I can just change up and do nothing.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Avoid at all costs the association with selfpitty, negative, ignorant people. many new different beautyfull people will enter into your life, regardless of your personal status in life .
Its sometimes true that it not who you are it's the people who you know
1 year ago Report
festival  foxie
festival foxie: I'm good person I'm in same boat
1 year ago Report
LoisS: Are you retired now giant midget?
1 year ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Yeap
It officially happened in May of 2022.
Still have not let go of my little construction projects here or there.it helps to aliviate some boredom.
I am blessed with a couple of young guys as crew leaders that really know on how to get things done.
I will eventually just give them the company in the near future
1 year ago Report
LoisS: Good for you. Congratulations
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Gestalt, apparently it's a word for form or structure and psionics is the proposed idea that engineering can be be applied to the study of anything paranormal or to psychic abilities and so on. So do you think the video shows what the future could possibly be like ? I'm still trying to work out that the best technology in the claimed future when it comes to computers is a computer from last century. An eighties version of what the future will be like.

1 year ago Report
Reroll: The government will force digital currency on everyone so that the new world government/religion can track and control people's purchases, those against the new government will be slowly eradicated under the radar thereby solving both resistance and over population. Gender disphoria and mental illness will continue to increase and abortions will be legal, but decided by the government, which will also decide who gets impregnated by who, and eventually, who's clones will make up the majority of the human population. The one good thing about it is that the hot iron they'll use to forcefully brand all humans with a bar code will actually leave scars which can be scanned online to earn a few yearly box of coke and toilet paper.
1 year ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Thank you LoisLane.
1 year ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: When possible try to beat or stay ahead of the police,every level of governments,the banks and insurance companies,avoid all them at all costs .
Keep cash in a secure place around the house.dont trust the banks.
Keep a loaded gun in your property to protect yourself and your loved ones
Full tank of gas/petro in your car .
Yeap the future will not be a rose garden for very long ,maybe 5 years the world will see a civil uprising,hopefully sonnet than later
1 year ago Report