Good Teen ChatRooms.

Shiro_Kun: Ten chatrooms lack, in almost everything, the main problem is Toxicity, please share your thoughts on how to fix this below
2 years ago Report
margarita_e_montalvo: Silently hate them and work on not being petty
2 years ago Report
Shiro_Kun: I'm making a ChatRoom, one that must be the best, in terms of everything, I just need help?
2 years ago Report
Corwin: Any Wire member can create a ChatRoom.

And as the Room's creator, you have Room Host privileges, which means you can dictate how friendly the room is by removing unwanted members and people making the environment "toxic".
A standard room removal lasts a few hours, but if you want to prevent a member from ever entering your Room again, you use the [Block] feature on their account.
You can also appoint others as "assistant" Room Hosts, and they would have similar abilities to remove unwanted chatters.

To create a Room, click the tab at the top of the screen called [Chat Rooms]
The right hand column will show Rooms you may have bookmarked, and below that is a blue tab called [Create a Room]
Or follow this link --->

Then just follow the steps. It's pretty self explanatory.
2 years ago Report