Love old perverts (Page 2)

1 year ago Report
1 year ago Report
MandiSoCali: can i ask a question please?... what does it mean to be a pervert? when I here that word I think of a man who is bad and creepy to girls. but im not sure that is what it really means
1 year ago Report
deacon7771: @MandiSoCali, the word "pervert" is both a verb and a noun, the verb means to twist or misdirect something, and the noun is anything that has been twisted or misdirected. Now I do not believe that answered your question, no, you want to know what someone today means, not the dictionary definition, but the real talk meaning of what the word means, so here goes.... there are LOTS of words that many people use, and they use them improperly, and people tend to be "subjective" or "judgemental" when they use nasty words like "pervert, slut, whore, horn dog," and so many others. When someone calls me a "pervert" (yes, I have been called that before) I usually give it no thought, most people who use the word don't really know what they are saying, in reality, prudish PRIGS who throw such words around are themselves very twisted and misdirected, they are the "perverts."
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 1 year ago)
bipaman1970: I agree with deacon
1 year ago Report
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MandiSoCali: thank you I guess... im still not really sure what it really means. but I guess your saying that its not really a man who is mean or bad to girls?
1 year ago Report
straywlf: MandiSoCali what you seem to be asking is what is the pervert referred to here or in many sexual contexts. Deacon gives you the definition from the book. Now take that and use it to describe someone that takes something innocent and beautiful and turns it to satisfy thier own narcissistic needs.
Many perverts will use a nieve individual to gain self pleasure. Not all will agree and some will even take offense but either way to pervert something takes it to a level it wasn't meant to be.
There are many that like the perversion. Hence this forum.
1 year ago Report
MandiSoCali: thank you, so you are saying that if a man is a pervert he is a bad person that uses people?
1 year ago Report
deacon7771: @MandiSoCali, What I am saying, is that someone who is truly a pervert IS IN FACT A BAD PERSON. But I really want to emphasize something, there are a LOT of people out there who quite wrongly call someone a "pervert" who is NOT a pervert. I have been called a pervert, mostly because I ENJOY some fun and pleasurable things, all of the things I call "fun and pleasurable" NEVER involve hurting anyone (except maybe myself when I get together with a dominatrix sort of woman) and NEVER EVER involve anyone who is not giving informed consent, that is to say nobody under 18, and nobody who is tricked or fooled or anything else (drunk, drugged, mentally unstable). There are truly a LOT of people out there who hate to see anyone else having fun or enjoying themselves, they are PRUDES and PRIGS, and these prudes often call anyone who enjoys sexual pleasures a "pervert." Anyone who is really and truly a pervert, usually is abusive and selfish, coercive and deceitful, I am none of those things. But because I do really enjoy some sexual fetishes (for example, S&M, MFM, CD/TS, etc. etc.) I am called a "pervert," but I have never ever hurt anyone for my sexual pleasure, I don't lie, I don't steal. Overall, I feel that I am a pretty DECENT person, absolutely NOT a pervert in the real sense, but my kinky fetishes cause all the prudes and prigs out there to call me a pervert.

I get VERY angry and upset when I hear some prude or prig call women some nasty names like "slut" or "whore" or even "nymphomaniac" just because she enjoys sexual pleasure.

Please, do not ever be one of those horrible people, a prig or a prude, someone who "slut shames" or in any way hurts someone else who is not hurting anyone. Obviously I have some very strong feelings about this subject, sorry if I seem a bit too strident, but I have been hurt terribly in the past by prudes and prigs, PLEASE don't you become one of them.
1 year ago Report
straywlf: No Mandi I'm saying many are but not all. We all should be careful who we associate with. Many twist things for thier own benefits and not to share with like minded people.
1 year ago Report
MandiSoCali: I didnt ask so I could be mean to anyone or call them names... I would never do that.
I just asked because I there was a older man at the mall looking at her and she called him a pervert... he didnt say anyting or do anyting he was just looking at her because she was wearing a short skirt... she was upset but I didnt think he was being creepy or mean.
I promise I didnt ask so I could hurt anyone... he wasn't hurting us he was just looking probably because she looked pretty.

I know not everyone is bad... I dont think he was twisting anything, I think he just liked looking at her... I guess she dosnet have to like it but she shouldn't have called him that.

thank you both.
1 year ago Report
gnarly319: seems like the only way to learn is to ask questions. I applaud your effort Mandi. Doesnt mean you are being mean. I think it is funny that your friend with the short skirt called that man a pervert. Would she have called him a pervert if he had been 22?
1 year ago Report
MandiSoCali: I dont think she would have if he was 22. she was more upset because he was a older man... I dont think she should have called him that because he wasn't hurting anyone or anything... he was just looking.
1 year ago Report
clayco104: very open minded biperv
1 year ago Report