The good life

feminanb: General
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Captain
3 years ago Report
feminanb: lol
3 years ago Report
“It is easy to become a Christian” This remark is something carelessly made 2 prospects
4 conversion. It isn't true! 4 the matter of surrendering 1's life to Christ facing up 2
sin & submitting 2 Christian baptism requires much courage & humility.It is more
accurate 2 say that it is simple 2 become a Christian. The steps by which a person may
may obtain 4giveness of sins & receive the hope of salvation R reasonable simple.
Unfortunately however even the simplicity of the New Testament plan of salvation has been
lost by the church.There is a widespread confusion as 2 what is required 4 man's salvation.
Since no topic is so important as this 1, it needs 2 B made very clear
From the many methods by which God could have communicated His message of salvation
2 the world, He chose human preaching. As Paul put it, “It pleased God by the foolishness
of preaching 2 save them that believe”.1 Corinthians1:21.The quality of the message preached
is a primary consideration.It can be nothing more nor nothing less than the gospel declared by
the apostle Paul & referred 2 in 1 Corinthians15 “Jesus came, died 4 our sins, rose from the
dead & is coming back 4 those who put their trust in what He did 4 all of us who believe
& follow Him” 1 Corinthians15:1-4.In his famous parable Luke 8:4-15 says Jesus indicated
he necessity of proper hearing, & responding 2 the message heard.
Paul declared that “Faith comes by hearing & hearing from the Word of God” Romans 10:17.Faith
is simply “acceptance of testimony” A small band of simple but sincere men have testified that they
say their Master, Jesus Christ, alive again after He had died a cruel death & had been buried, These
men were so certain of this that they risked their lives 2 proclaim it 2 the world. Is their testimony 2
be accepted or not? The acceptance of testimony leads 1 2 act upon what he hears. So faith is also
trust & commitment. The News Testament is clear in showing that true faith entails action. The Old
Testament heroes listed in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews all accomplished something “by faith”
Repentance is perhaps the most difficult & most misunderstood step 2 salvation. It is difficult
because it involves a change in a person's attitude & way of living. It is the step in which he/she
must admit his/her sin and resolve to banish it from his/her life. This step need not be misunder-
stood, 4 it is again not a complex response, but simply a definite break with the old life.
The necessity of repentance is echoed throughout the New Testament, Jesus said “Except U
repent U shall likewise parish” Luke13:3. Peter commanded the multitude on Pentecost ,”Repent
& be baptized every 1 of U & receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38. Paul informed
his hearers God now commands all men everywhere to repent Acts 17:30. Occasionally people
will suggest that they R 2 wicked or ungodly 2 repent. Actually this recognition of personal guilt
& unworthiness is the first step toward repentance. A heartfelt sorrow 4 sin is the next step; & then
as Paul said, “Godly sorrow works repentance 2 salvation 2 Corinthians 7:10
Faith, in order to save, must be expressed in acts of obedience. So God included among the steps
to salvation two essential acts of obedience - confession and baptism. Confession is a public
declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. Paul notes it's important in Romans 10:9,10.
The statement the repentant believer is asked to make publicly is not lengthy or involved. It is
the same confession that Peter made to Jesus of Nazareth near Caesarea Philippi; You are the
Christ the Son of the living God” Matthew 16:16.
The subject of Christian baptism is a great favorite among members of the Christian Church &
Churches of Christ. They have been accused of overemphasizing baptism, but if this is so, it is
understandable. The New Testament teems with reference 2 the practice & it's importance, while
the Christian world of today either ignores it or relegates it 2 a position of unimportance.
The most obvious New Testament key 2 the purpose of baptism is salvation. Acts 2:38 again Acts
22:16; Romans 6:3-6 Galatians 3:27 & 1 Peter 3:21 R among the scriptures that indicated this.
Baptism saves, not as a meritorious work, but as the expression of a sincere faith & its the only
way you get into Christ.
The Scriptures uniformly point 2 penitent believers as the only proper subject for baptism. Those
who would seek Spiritual support4infant baptism turn in vain to the household baptism recounted
in Acts 10 and 16. There is nothing in these accounts 2 indicate that infants were baptized
“heard the Word” Acts 1044 & had the Word of the Lord” spoken 2 them Acts 16:32. Infants
could not have met these conditions. Nothing in the New Testament indicates that any form of
baptism other than immersion was used in apostolic times. Certain expressions clearly indicate
immersion. Much water was required (see John 3:23) The subject went 2 the water, went down into
it, & came up out of it, (See Acts 8:36-39) Baptism is compared 2 the burial & resurrection Romans
6:3-6& Colossians 2:12
Christians Living
Of the 5 steps previously mentioned only baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime matter. The baptized
believer must continue 2 hear the Word of God, & be a doer of it & not just a hearer only James
1:22-24. He must at all times live by his faith, as Paul sought 2 do. Galatians 2:20 – Since we
R sinners by nature we will sin but we must go to Prov 1:9 & confess our sins “He is faithful &
just 2 forgive us our sins & cleanse us from all unrighteousness” as soon as U know U have
sinned. & as opportunity comes, we must constantly confess our faith in Christ 2 others when the
opportunity comes your way.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I was going to respond but it turned into a Christian bible reading shitshow
3 years ago Report
audreyalhmbr: Hello! does Norma6 come in here?
2 years ago Report
audreyalhmbr: Norm6 invited me here
2 years ago Report
audreyalhmbr: I will return tomorrow
2 years ago Report