What do you feel is the number one thing that women don't understand about men? (Page 2)

junyabee: anthropology courses and casual readings..
One in particular, a human species located in SW Africa (pre-neolithic times) had an over-sized forebrain as the fictionalized aliens are portrayed and similar to those w/birth defects. The number would rule out anything but a colony of placed birth defects
the cranium was significantly larger than ours
(Edited by junyabee)
1 year ago Report
craig_rodgers_09: Everything
1 year ago Report
risendragon: My heart being judged my feelings my emotions misunderstood she thinks iam a certain way she thinks i do what I do with hidden intentions i here to tell you there's nothing behind me loving a person with the thought of getting in return that shit is not love you love someone because there no different than you they feel they see they bleed they make mistakes they are on the same mission in life a journey to rediscover who and what we are and along this path we get a opportunity to meet other people for understanding they have lessons and blessings to share with one another we got to have compassion respect self love understanding and lifting up one another so what we create can be great and when that greatness is achieved others take notice and if you have children in that kinda of environment then they two would have a positive energy field around their being and it's contagious. If that is the hidden intentions then I say yes yes I do though I don't think of love like that I feel love in that way instead there's relationship with the tearing down one another and constantly battling to survive instead of talking people can't take criticism to good they take it way to personal and because a problem for the individuals this goes both ways men and women not choosing sides both have faults both need to accept respect and support
7 months ago Report