Is the universe truely endless?

Nayr_Eraew: post what you think, whether you think the universe has an end or not?
15 years ago Report
Dragonmaster55: I haven't found the end yet
15 years ago Report
meu_traseiro: no anethin created must b destroyed lololol
15 years ago Report
Dragonmaster55: The problem lies within our minds. If space continues on and on, we cannot imagine it simply because we have finite minds. We cannot conceive in terms of "infnity" or "eternity". Our human minds demand a limit even if there is none.
15 years ago Report
averagejoe222: I believe the universe is like us, always expanding with infinite potential.
15 years ago Report
meu_traseiro: do u by ane chance knw "da secret" ??
15 years ago Report
averagejoe222: the question is are u ppl living "da secret".. but thats off topic..
15 years ago Report
unsub: no1 will ever know
15 years ago Report
xx24kt: As you might have heard, "impossible is nothing" or nothing is impossible.So I think, its possible to learn more about it.If man can discover about many stars and planets, why not universe.Its possible but it will take time.And not just time, it needs a really good and dedicated scientist to work hard on it.It might take more than 10 - 100 - or 1000 years to discover, no one knows that.But I think its possible and the first step the scientist need to take is create a robot and a nice spaceship that can travel far enough to go out and measure the distance.

lol, that's my thought.
15 years ago Report
oliverfist: Is the universe endless?
my theory is that it expands until by the force of gravities will contract in on itself starting the cycle over.I believe that the big bang theory is an illustration of implosion to explosion.
All of these gases falling into one another to recreate it self.
15 years ago Report
mtzam: based on my understanding, this world will end..then we will live in the new place which is the permanent place...
15 years ago Report
Monthma: What I know, the universe is infinite, just as the amount of universes and dimensions. Every possible action in any given moment will birth a new universe and/or dimension, and every action as a slight possibility to be shifted in to an other action, the amount of universes and dimensions are infinite. At least that is what I believe, there is no actual proof (until I see something solid go straight through something else that is solid, or an object changes to an other object in the flash of a second or less).
15 years ago Report
mtzam: i am sure that this world will end, and we all together will die, no one left....
15 years ago Report
natowar: Is thought connected to material? Proven to be true.. therefore imagination could very well be as limitless as the universe..unless we stop believing and the Nothing comes for us.. damn where did i park Falcor?
15 years ago Report
mtzam: cant u feel the strange happen now in our world, the tsunami, big flood, earthquarke everywhere....all of these show that our world is in unbalance condition..have u heard about all these before? may have occurred before, but it is not the same as nowaday which is more worst and dangerous...
15 years ago Report
natowar: perhaps no different than previous species here felt, however of little consequence to the limits of the universe that it may be.
15 years ago Report
missteree7: The Universe endless yes, what form it will take unknown. Humans as we know it long gone.
15 years ago Report
Outbackjack: I guess the big question is "Is this universe endless"
If it is true that we live in a fourth dimensional curved space then that is unlikely.
But what of other universes?
15 years ago Report
JuneAndAnyotherMonth: Einstein sais that there are two things endless: the universe and the human stupidity, as for the 1st one he was never too sure.
15 years ago Report
jayvictor: There are many universe how many is hard to tell but its most likly many built in a matrix as large as this seems ther may be some proof of their existance indicated by the epanding known universe while some look for dark matter and others dark enegy I believe it is simpler that that. Gravity seems seems to be every where pulling the galaxis towards its expanding edge if the acelleration is simular than the matrix of this matrix probably ocurred at the same moment as the known universes big bang. This follow the principal that the energy released at the big bank provides an initial acelleration which slows almost instanly after this first event
15 years ago Report
xt3000: the universe yes
stuff outside of the universe nope
15 years ago Report
jim-jim!: quark-quark!
15 years ago Report
Geoff: Quantum and string theories aside the universe itself contains a finite quantity of matter, therefore the contents of the universe must be spread over a finite space. Whether space as a whole is infinite is a different matter. And may be the wrong questions.
15 years ago Report
MaThinker  (M.T.)
MaThinker (M.T.): Infinite, limitless or illimitable are words used becoz the colossal magnitude of the known Universe is astounding and baffling! Perhaps we, humanity will go on exploring further reaches of the known Universe, for aeons more time. It is yet inconceivable and beyond the scope of our imaginations how the sciences of say, a thousand years from now will be like. There wud be things discovered and accepted as the basic science yet unconceived by today's best minds. So discovery and knowledge will continue to expand so very much that it seems unlimited in its scope ! Perhaps new "energies" will soon be discovered and harnessed for constructive purposes (hopefully not destructive)and again, the hypothesis of various dimensions, worm hole portals, time jumps and spacial dimensional shortcuts that may make intergalactic communication possible ! Or Perhaps it is all wiser that each developing civilisation follows its own course and not unnaturally gain the sciences of a more advanced civilisation on other planets, before their natural time and capacity of intelligence, morals and capacity to handle it. Power is potentially destructive. And KNOWLEDGE is Power !
14 years ago Report