*I am*

Imperfect_Perfection: Who are you?
Such a short sweet question but an infinite amount of responses. Can you describe who you truly are?
11 years ago Report
Serabi: I am, therefore I think, I think!
11 years ago Report
Coffrey: Perfect opportunity for a rant

It's a good question to ask to interpret their answer, but not necessarily take themselves at their word. Fundamentally, we are totally biased in favor of ourselves, if you want to be smart, you'll say you're brilliant. If you want to be pretty, you'll say you're beautiful, if you want to be funny, you'll say you're incredibly witty, and so on. Ultimately, whatever someone says about themselves, outside of actual facts like "I was in Chicago once", cannot be trusted. You can only know someone after taking all they've said to you, sometimes this can take many months, and interpreting it.

As for how I answer this question.... I am nobody.
11 years ago Report
Serabi: Nobody is perfect, I'm a nobody too!
11 years ago Report
harlett: well i am a earth bound misfit ..for the moment....& time being ....

hmpf.....@Coffrey & Serabi..... you can't be nobody... ya have to add a number behind the name...so that your nobody #???......................then... you have a body.... soooooh saying your no body is a distortion..what's ya hiding.....about U....other than u think you gripe really well...
11 years ago Report
Serabi: Serabi: Nobody is perfect, I'm a nobody!

Get it?
(Edited by Serabi)
11 years ago Report
harlett: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....i'm very dull.....in case ya haven't heard.
11 years ago Report
harlett: dang wit-slingers......
11 years ago Report
Farwuq: I am Me.
11 years ago Report
Comrade_: I am what I am, am I?
11 years ago Report
deuce916: I am someone who finds it hard to accept christianity in all its various forms. I want to expose it for the lie it is. Other than that I'm very shy, not the life of the party at all. See, I haven't got anything more to say at this time. Typical.
11 years ago Report
DA_NAME'S_DOING: Before I was born I was no-one. Now that I'm alive I'm One. And when I die I will once again be no-one.
11 years ago Report
Farwuq: DA_NAME'S_DOING: Before I was born I was no-one. Now that I'm alive I'm One. And when I die I will once again be no-one.
1 day ago • Report

Yet, in the "absolute" sense, you have always existed. According to science; on the atomic/molecular level, you are made of the same "stuff" as the stars or water. Just differing combinations..........
11 years ago Report
Stassi SUR
(Post deleted by Stassi SUR 11 years ago)
Stassi SUR
(Post deleted by Stassi SUR 11 years ago)
Nathaniel Nirvana
Nathaniel Nirvana: simply being. "God" said "I am" so if it's enough then there needs to be no more to that sentence....so just I am, full stop. (Ummm, except sounds a bit, umm.....)
11 years ago Report
M3lK4t: I am a seeker of knowledge...unfortunately any knowledge i learn is stored away in my memory vault and i cant remember where I put the key
11 years ago Report
Imperfect_Perfection: In response to M3lK4t... Not sure if this random fact is helpful but are you aware that anything learned in an impaired state can only be fully remembered when in an impaired state?... Maybe you left your keys next to your bottle or bong? *Ha ha*
11 years ago Report
M3lK4t: Hahaha i guess thats a possibility... Does that mean I'll have to start drinking again??? ...darn I was hoping to make this a sober year

(my intention with this comment is only to make fun of myself and in no way is designed to make light of alcoholism or drug addiction)
(Edited by M3lK4t)
11 years ago Report
edricleeboneham: I don't think I exsist. I don't think the statement "I am" is anything more than a conciet of convieniance for the things that happen before the eyes that see, and things that think. All "my" thoughts are like things that arise from things thought in the past, and are noticed, acted upon (sometimes), and fade into new things like a river that flows and flows. But each thought I thought was me, is the thought of its own self thinking that thought and fading away into new. It seems like its 99 per cent habits and habitual ways of acting, and 1 per cent real conciencous thoughts that make up an "I am", and even then the awarness is awareness and not a self, thats comes and goes and changes constantly. And yet here is the things that make me up writting this statement, one that will fade away with time into nothing. We are here now, gone tomarrow, what purpose was this life then? Does a self deserve to exsist unless its purpose is to better itself or others , and for what, to make itself real?
11 years ago Report
Nathaniel Nirvana
Nathaniel Nirvana: I mostly agree with you edricleeboneham.
I dont think there has to be any 'deserving' to exist tho.
The saying goes...the 'I' when sought flees. I think it (we) lack exisistence, but somehow we need to establish a core or reality in ourselves else we'll just disperse away. To me it's being aware of the non-existence of 'reality' & of 'consciousness', we are simply imposing existence on ourselves and objects/the world around us,...yet this implies there is something real in us that we can do this imposing
I am......made real by my belief in my own existence
11 years ago Report
James 407
James 407: I am everything that I must be to succeed.
11 years ago Report
edricleeboneham: I AM I am Iam; We the EGO thinks: I am the greatest guy ever, and everyone needs to know about me! I am the best person in the world because I precieve the world through my 5 senses. Everything I think of is original and greater than anything any of you have ever have done period. I am quite possibly god, or at least destined to accomplish great things.....

but in REALITY: I work at Mcdonalds to pay off those 188,000,000 dollars of student loans I have after getting my BS degree in Business science from DEvray university, after which I learned that every job I applied for wants 66 years of experiance and a PHD, so I live in a phantasy world online playing WOW 19 hours a day.
11 years ago Report
thor1112010: I am Joel.
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
4 years ago Report
haroldguillen: what I am is curious, having room for improvement, asking questions, willing to learn something new, carry this outlook to work everyday, asking what else I could do, what can I do in a short amount of time
4 years ago Report
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