Why are people so afraid of death? (Page 5)

TheGreyOne: Ive thought about death alot, more so when im reminded of it, which is alot. I know for once that near death experiences cant be taken for evidence, cause for all of them, the brain never died, the heart might have stopped, but not the brain, people who have those situations sometimes see lights and other things, but coma patients that stay years in a bed wake up and think its been a few hours or days, personally i think death resembles coma alot...and i think that death is exactly that, the lost of notion, consciousness and awareness of basically everything, you just cease to exist, cause lets face it, YOU are in your brain, everything else is biological machinery to give you life, to create YOU.
10 years ago Report
TheGreyOne: I also thought of death in a different way, it might not be very accurate though, but can't death be like what it was for you, when you weren't born...? i mean there's been like 100something thousand years of humans living and things happening in the world, and you have no notion of it, no memory of it, your existence started the moment you were born, wont it end the same way, with the fading of "you"...?
(Edited by TheGreyOne)
10 years ago Report
Ms_Mafdet_The Great
Ms_Mafdet_The Great: Because the ppl that fear death are realists?
10 years ago Report
jimeeze1: I disagree with the great one....why would you fear the inevitable .....the reality is you are going to die one day!

9 years ago Report
deuce916: I don't like death. I will be leaving everyone I know behind. It'll be like all I did was for nothing.
9 years ago Report
jimeeze1: Millions of years from now a neighboring galaxy will collide with ours....before that our sun will play out and envelope the earth...but before that a natural catastrophe will happen wiping out all are most of humanity....like a super volcano eruption or perhaps world war 3; or maybe a plague of some sort....possibly an asteroid strike or solar flare wiping out all the oxygen .....to make a long story short....our lil planet is doomed and there is nothing we can do about it.....so what is the point I used to ask myself.....well the answer lies in who you are....some peeps think they should just do anything because it doesn't really matter anyhow....but I feel that everyone should find something to live for and then death will have a meaning....I live for my son to teach him...he is 11 and I am 61.....I feel that when I die that at least I have done some good and my life will have been meaningful....he will die one day taking all that I have taught him to the grave; but what if he teaches his children and so on like ripples in a pond.....we have been given this precious lil thing called life (by creationism or evolution) which ever you believe.....no matter how miniscule this seems in the vastness of the universe it is still an amazing thing to have been given.....so why not make something of it and enjoy the time you have with family and loved ones and when you are slipping away from it all have the knowledge that you did some good for this universe no matter how small it may seem to be....like raising a child or fighting for something you believe....I read once that you are not fit to live if there is nothing that you would die for!
9 years ago Report
deuce916: Well I did some good - helped spastic kids, helped old people, but that will all diminish when I'm dead.
(Edited by deuce916)
9 years ago Report
jimeeze1: That's all anyone can ask of you as a human being.....if you think there is more; its really up to your religious outlook....I think peeps cling to religion because it gives them hope and there is nothing wrong with that....if it gives them strength to face another day of knowing it will all end one day....I view things a lil differently; but what ever fulfills you is the right thing for you..I enjoy a sunrise every day and the laughs of children or just watching a bird go on about his busy day...life is full of free pleasures so enjoy as much of it as you can get and don't sweat the rest; but always be vigil for there is as much chaos as beauty in this strange existence of ours...
9 years ago Report
lori100: From book Seth Speaks:on death------

“You will find yourself in another form, an image that will appear physical to you to a large degree, as long as you do not try to manipulate within the physical system with it.”

“For those of you who are lazy I can offer no hope: Death will not bring you an eternal resting place. You may rest, if this is your wish, for a while. Not only must you use your abilities after death, however, but you must face up to yourself for those that you did not use during your previous existence.”

“There are teachers to explain the conditions and circumstances.”

“The afterdeath environments... are generally far more intense and joyful than the reality you now know.”

“All necessary explanations are given to those who are disoriented. Those who do not realize that they are dead are... told of their true condition, and all efforts are made to refresh the energies and spirits.”

“There are always guides to help you understand your situation...”
9 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: I think it's natural to fear death and what lies beyond, which all evidence proves to be nothing. I think people feel a great sense of worthlessness when thinking about death. There's so many encyclopedias of great names that we can never live up to. So that means we get one try to get it right so if our entire lives revolves around the love from our family, or being the richest, or being the best at a sport or hobby and we are not, then is all for nought?

Isn't it natural that we regret a lot of the decisions we made?

Did we make the world a better place? What will they say at your funeral?
9 years ago Report
Evelyn99: I believe death is nothing more than absolute freedom
5 years ago Report
thor1112010: They are afraid because they do not understand it. Death is Fate. It allows the soul to exit. I do not fear it.
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: I wish that Stuck in the Sixties guy was still around Wire. He seems neat.
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver:

I'm not afraid of dying I just don't want to be there when it happens.

Spike Milligan
4 years ago Report