Life a steaming pile of shit? (Page 3)

Metaverseguy: Sounds like Dragon Ball Z
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: I just picked up a book called Candide by Voltaire. He wrote the book in response to many optimistic philosophers of the day who were very upbeat, but not necessarily objective. I've seen this before. Some people would rather feel good and be in good spirits than see things the the way they really are. I will post back when I have read a few chapters.
12 years ago Report
CoIin: ^^ All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds
12 years ago Report
CoIin: @ Casanova

Yeah, it was mainly a stab at Leibniz. But it was also a reply to Rousseau who claimed that the massive loss of life in the recent catastrophic Lisbon earthquake and tsunami was a result of "civilization"

Let's all get down on all fours
12 years ago Report
CoIin: Leibniz, despite being a genius, provides another good example of religious nonsense skewing one's outlook. He claimed that this world may not be perfect, but God is good and therefore it must be the best of all worlds that it is possible to create.

You mean we couldn't do without haemmorhoids? C'mon now.
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Did you read Candide?
12 years ago Report
CoIin: Yeah
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: That's cool. I'm finishing up Choke by Palahniuk and I'll start it after.
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Read through about 20% of the book today while doing laundry. Hey if one thing is clear it's that even if times are hard they were much more difficult 300 years ago. Already men have been shot, hung, infected with syphilis, and killed from poor foundations (which probably wouldn't happen by today's standards).
12 years ago Report
CoIin: that's why we must tend our gardens
12 years ago Report
AngelOfMusic: Brofessional and her Jackie Chan moves would go down quick with a punch to the neck or better yet, a Darth Sidious move involving throwing heavy objects at her.

Women, tee hee hee thinking they are worthy combatants.
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Thank you for your contribution to a post about suffering, AngelofMusic. I'm about 2/3 through this book and Candide has gone through quite a hard time throughout his journey, except throughout El Dorado. I can't wait to see how Voltaire finishes off the story.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
Godzirra: Emperor Palpatine don't got nothin' on me.
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Yes DMT thank you for sharing with us why you will never be hired at a suicide hotline service. Candide ended very well. My favorite part of the novel was the last 20 pages. The book was short, but sweet. I'm very glad I read it and it's comforting to know that a highly respected philosopher feels the same way about things as I do.
12 years ago Report
Outbackjack: A lot of my posts on Wireclub in the politics section and Environment would be deemed negative.

Despite these I feel very positive about life.Life is what you make it!

12 years ago Report
Serabi: Hi Casanova, I don't think that unhappiness is an inherent trait. If life is getting you down to the extent it has, you might have a chemical imbalance affecting your moods. If all the nonsense and pain in the world just gets to you, try making a difference to other's unhappiness. Why don't you volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Helping others has been proven to really make you feel better. Why don't you start to look for the smile within you - it might be something small, then walk around and give that smile to others on the street. Someone might just need that smile and you won't lose anything.

If you are so depressed that you consider suicide, please see a psychologist to see if it isn't an imbalance and medication might help.

If all else fails, get 2 kittens, you will roll around with laughter. Once you have laughed, treasure it and build upon it.

Please do not pay attention to the atrocious, vicious comments above, if they are as happy with life as they said, they would not have given you such horrible, horrible comments. Stick with the positive comments and ignore the negative b/s. There are good people with sensible advice here on WireClub.

I really hope that you will get to change your emotions by whatever means. Many people have been where you are now, myself included. Whenever there is a major disaster, 9/11, tsunamis, earth quakes, train accidents, ferry's' sinking, I can watch in horror as most sane people would..... then about 3 days after the event, I will just break down and cry, insane or not, I can actually hear the screams of pain and agony in my head. It is difficult to lift yourself up but doable. We cannot change what has happened but can change the here and now.
(Edited by Serabi)
12 years ago Report
duncan124: Voltaire's Candide is a scam, all cut and paste from other authors, even his joke about people eating their buttocks wasn't his own work. So it dumps us the pile every time he and it are mentioned
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: A lot of artists and writers borrow their work from somewhere. The secret to being original is to hide your sources. I thought the book was well put together and humorous and a good read. I see no reason to knock it.
12 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Thanks serabi. I'm not suicidal, but I think humor is a great way to deal with hard times. I don't really focus on horrible things very often, but I do enjoy being up-to-date with current events.
12 years ago Report
CoIin: good poets borrow. Great poets steal.
12 years ago Report
hippyrockchick: i think the world would be a better place if we didn't need money. nobody would go hungry, or freeze to death on the streets. and i beleive in love and peace. the world would be a better place if everyone loved and accepted everyone for there soul and personality!!!
12 years ago Report