I think therefore I am (Page 2)

lori100: I think it is what the physicists are talking about....but people who traveled out of body hundreds of years ago knew of other dimensions first. The dimensions have been described as concentric circles....you can travel to the outer rings when more experienced.-----------------------------------Wikipedia ---multiple dimensions------The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.----------------------------Parallel universes are also called "alternative universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "alternative realities", "alternative timelines", and "dimensional planes," among others.----------------Physicists disagree about whether the multiverse exists, and whether the multiverse is a proper subject of scientific inquiry.[2] Supporters of one of the multiverse hypotheses include Stephen Hawking,[3] Steven Weinberg,[4] Brian Greene, Max Tegmark, and Alex Vilenkin. ------The quilted multiverse works only in an infinite universe. With an infinite amount of space, every possible event will occur an infinite number of times. However, the speed of light prevents us from being aware of these other identical areas.---------In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, scientist from the Lebedev’s Institute of physics, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University. Linde explained: Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity. In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.
---------------Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ------------ “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
― Albert Einstein -------also...look at the Multiverse thread in science here...---Multiverse: Is it just a theory? Or is it real?

(Edited by lori100)
9 years ago Report

I am, THEREFORE I think!
9 years ago Report
diolover71: ^^^^^^Buddhist?The 5 aggregates.
9 years ago Report
bdrobinson519: Anyone there
4 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: where does consciousness come from?
4 years ago Report
MJ59: I think therefore ah shit, forgot where I was goin with this......
4 years ago Report
haroldg206: having spent more than half my academic life in special ed, i was limited in learning, everything was pretty much repeated over and over again and again, thinking was limited, i wasn't given a chance to be curious or if there was a concept i grew curious about the teachers would merely say that it wouldn't be required to pass the class, math was repeated over and over again especially, and i didn't get the the chance to learn passed division and fractions in high school when other students were getting exposed to algebra, because of my growing curiosity into math, i went on to be a math tutor, and i always encouraged my students to apply math to something personal they might be familiar with, one liked basketball so i had him draw and analyze diagrams of basket ball courts and the angle in which the ball would to into the basket, or the point system in basket ball, the curiosity factor in thinking can expand the process of thought, shaping the human mind and building character in the individual
3 years ago Report
MJ59: I knew a bloke called Ed once...nice fella
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: i just realised consciousness comes from the unconscious.
3 years ago Report
VaronaCirus: I think it would be quite difficult to answer this question since we don’t really know what makes us, us. Does a brain dead person hear, feel, dream and think?
3 years ago Report
haroldg206: it takes the brain to know if a person is hearing, feeling, thinking, as far as dreaming goes, it may happen if a brain dead person is asleep, but images may appear as the person sleeps marking a dream
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: We must ask a question whether thinking is attributed to the body or to another entity
And how do we have the ability to receive the experimental world? so there must be something pre-prepared in the human senses in order to receive possible experiences
The topic will remain controversial since a person obtains prior knowledge through the senses.
A newborn baby will have this knowledge, but that knowledge is possible through experience
Also as long as human lacks knowledge of his fate and the reason for his existence, he will still lack knowledge, and there will be previous knowledge out of his control.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: the unconscious is the thing that consciousness comes from?
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: i always attributed thinking to a black and white process, or mathematical if you like that really worked like an abacus. consciousness being separate from this process and stemming from the body and beyond that the physical world. but that the unconscious is privy to, in the sense of a fine thread perhaps a spiritual thread? but a thread that is located somewhere. if only in the mind.
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: @swamp99
What is consciousness? Isn't dealing with the environment and others, or a case of awakening from sleep or it's life itself ?
Maybe we should wake up with our thoughts towards consciousness? and truly realize the reality of consciousness? is that possible?
Though we try in various ways to understand existence and non-existence
If the thread you are talking about is in the human mind as something of non-existence, then perhaps this means the thread of death that connects us to the unconsciousness..
(Edited by Greyfeather)
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: if you woke up and focused on consciousness wouldn't it be a misnomer because consciousness is consciousness. the reservoir is in the unconscious so dreams are our most accessible link. but the imagined thread is all one can practically claim to the unconscious. there is no proof. i guess looking at life through the myths we know and through history is a decisive factor in determining it. i don't think death exists in the unconscious. though it can predict physical death.
(Edited by DIAMONDfire)
3 years ago Report
jeandeforge2020: Waking up focused on consciousness puts you into the present moment. Humans wake up every day and immediately fall into their reality. This reality is ego based. Consciousness is heart based and therefore is fueled by emotion. We barely understand the complexities of the human brain but you don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to understand how self-centered humans are if they believe they are the only intelligent being in this galaxy. There’s elegant beauty and wisdom to quantum theory that explains life, physics, cosmology, and how energy can be harnessed for much more than we can fathom.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: from what i can tell there is no difference between metaphysics and quantum theory?
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: Metaphysics is the thing that's outside of our knowledge, physics is under the control of our minds meaning our observation..
In metaphysics, we simply cannot observe that and therefore we are confused about whether or not we have life after death.
The mind is built on certain aspects and it observes its different states, but in the state of sleep it becomes random and works different than the state of consciousness.
I think this is similar to the double slit theory, but I assume that in the world of dreams, which is randomness, as for awakening, it is organized in a specific form.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: if you take a bell for instance a definition of metaphysics is the inside and the outside of it. in the inside you have brass and leather and further the crashing of metal into sound waves and the waves piercing the ears of those near and far. and the neurones sending messages to the brain and the brain stimulating thoughts and remembrances and so on and so on. on the outside you have a metal worker who takes what he finds from the earth and his employer who pays him and the society he serves and the customs of that society and so on and so on. the inside eventually meets up with the outside that is metaphysical. one thing that we know is we are either waking or sleeping and it could be argued death is like sleep. we are born. so sleep might be a passage way to the otherside whatever that may be?
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: You assume that the inside and the outside are one thing,
the tangible thing is the material that created the sound
and the sound is the intangible thing or can be considered tangible, since the ear realizes its existence..
If we consider that being comes from non-being, which is the unconscious
so it will be part of being, and it seems that non-being is a thing and not nothing. We consider absence as a thing and not nothing, when a thing is absent or broken, that is something that makes us pay attention to its importance
Likewise, death and life, we knew death, which became necessary to create meaning for life.
Life and death seem to be one thing together
Thus death is like sleeping and sleeping is part of life, and life is part of death and death is part of us as the last station that we knew, meaning non being is part of us and is a thing that we realize its existence, we could realize something without understanding but what is the thing that makes our understanding true? what is understanding? you may speak language that I don't understand but I could realize which language without understanding what you mean,
so existence and non existence we realize there is non- existence but we don't understand it
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: truth can be said to be relative to something else giving it viability as truth. if you position truth in an eternal sense you are asking the most difficult of questions and generalising overly. even the word reality came from the latin realis which meant property. so there has been blanketing of meaning. i think in a world where individuality is dominant humans will always struggle. but meaning itself is the goal of philosophy and meaning must be established. we take nothing with us when we die but I think the unconscious proves there is a spirit and that something else does exist.
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: Yes , in ancient greek myths, the gods decided to hide the day of death, because when human knew the day of his death, he prepared false witnesses to falsify facts..So because of falsification of facts, many people entered the island of happy people unjustly and they were from the oppressors..
Therefore, the gods decided not to know the day of death. So I take the symbols of the myth to understand it's elements in reality, justice , meaning created because of death. The person leaves all his positions in death and death does not distinguish between positions.
Eternal truth is not possessed, for the possession of truth means fight..
I believe it's something that's generated by dialogue as a socratic truth
3 years ago Report
jeandeforge2020: A basis for reality is narrowly defined by human constraint based on their belief systems and experiences. Therefore humans are limited in their understanding of consciousness. It isn’t until humans learn to live in the present with no judgement (ego) that humans can truly know their true reality. Dreams are insight into varying probabilities of outcomes in reality, or a glimpse into new possibilities. Einstein, Tesla, Stephen King have all admitted to finding great discoveries in their dreams or altered states(in the case of Stephen King).
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: There are types of dreams,some of them are funny, some are frightening which are the nightmares, and others with meaning and solving problems.
Some of them reveal the future which predict according to the existing info of the person, either as symbols or in the same form in a dream...
All dreams have something to do. the funny one sometimes produces an opposite reality to help the mind or solving psychological problems,desperate or negative side , or just because the person was watching something like that, as well as nightmares that can treat a disorder or warning such as a loud sound in dream that can wake a person from a wrong sleep..
3 years ago Report