Seth by Jane Roberts---Excerpts on Life, Death, Health, Reincarnation... (Page 7)

CoIin: Another parallel you'll notice between the scientistic fanatics and the Creationists they so despise -- is their degree of anxiety vis-a-vis the truth/falsity of Darwinian doctrine. The former are desperately, almost pathologically, committed to its truth; the latter to its falsity.

They (the former) see themselves as disinterested, objective, heroic seekers of truth, apparently, and somewhat miraculously, immune to the social and psychological forces which afflict their hapless, indoctrinated, truth-perverting antagonists; any biases they do have will naturally be offset by the workings of "The Scientific Method" and science's much vaunted "inherent mechanism of self-correction".

Of course, when pressed by an anti-science devil worshiper like myself, they will either be unable to tell you what this "Method" and "Mechanism" are, or else any attempt at explication (as Geoff tried to do in a shockingly naive manner) can easily be shown to be false or inadequate. Nonetheless, it remains wholly inconceivable to them that these are just two among countless myths they have uncritically accepted. They MUST be real; after all Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins said so on the telly (just after "Star Trek" perhaps).

Similarly, they speak a great deal about "evidence" -- they have mountains of it, or so we're told; their enemies not a shred -- yet remain utterly incapable of telling us exactly what does, and what does not, constitute evidence, and the nature of its relationship with theory. (The best Geoff could come up with is evidence is "that which can be seen" -- ahem, little wonder, then, they have so much of the stuff! ). They will insist their theory is "well tested"; until now, however, not one of them has been able to provide me with an example of one of these "tests". Not even one! The list goes on and on ...

Clearly, these things are simply to be STIPULATED. And we're expected to bow obediently and unreflectively -- as they do themselves. Dissenters are immediately branded "anti-science" -- in EXACTLY the same manner the term "anti-semite" is abused by fanatics of a not-so-different feather.

Well, to any observer peering in the window, few things could be more obvious than the fact that devotion and objectivity are two concepts diametrically opposed to one another. As one increases, the other is sacrificed in equal measure.

This is one reason why I enjoy the writings of commentators like David Berlinski. Not only a brilliant mind, a rapier wit, but utterly laodicean with regards who wins and who loses the battle of evolutionary Armageddon. Like myself, he evidently finds the subject matter fascinating, but in layman's terms, couldn't give a whether God, natural selection, or something else did it. All that matters is getting it RIGHT, and drawing attention to problematic areas, wherever they might lie.

Now, that's where objectivity comes into its own...
(Edited by CoIin)
7 years ago Report
CoIin: I've just been browsing through your entire thread, Lori. Among other interesting comments I find is this one from Ghostgeek (whose thoughtful and intelligent remarks I always savour).

"Does anyone try to relegate the three dimensions of space to non-existence? Not as far as I'm aware, so why treat time differently?" (page 4)

The answer to the first sentence is "Yes"! Albert Einstein does, and "time" too -- if, and only if, his theory of general relativity is construed as a representation of reality, as opposed to a mere instrument.

This was the topic of my entire "There are no Quarks..." thread in the science forum, i.e., what is the proper attitude to adopt to scientific theories. We can either:

(i) Adopt a "realist" position: that is to say, we regard scientific theories as literally true; we take them at face value. Thus construed, all entities (especially those that are unobservable) and mechanisms posited by the theory are understood to really exist. Or

(ii) Adopt an "anti-realist" or "instrumentalist" position: that is, the theory is understood to be a useful instrument; helpful for purposes of prediction and control, but the unobservable entities and mechanisms posited by the theory should not be understood as being real. To do as much would be to misinterpret the theory. (consider, for example, Newtonian "point masses", or the "ideal gas" -- no one, I assume, supposes such entities actually exist.)

If the former position is adopted space and time as traditionally understood DO NOT EXIST; only a 4-dimensional entity known as "spacetime" has physical reality.

What was Einstein's own position on the matter? It changed over time. In his earlier years (his relativity period), influenced by the logical positivist movement, he adopted the latter (i.e., antirealist) position. In later years, dissatisfied with quantum theory, he converted to a staunch realist stance.

What do present day physicists think? You'll have to ask them (I've asked lots on other sites). The overwhelming majority, these days, I think you'll find, subscribe to some kind of antirealist view, captured by the popular slogan "Shut up and calculate".

""A few years after his work on general relativity, however, roughly around 1920, Einstein underwent a philosophical conversion, turning away from his positivist youth (he was forty-one in 1920) and becoming deeply committed to realism. In particular, following his conversion, Einstein wanted to claim genuine reality for the central theoretical entities of the general theory, the four-dimensional space-time manifold and associated tensor fields. This is a serious business, for if we grant his claim, then not only do space and time cease to be real but so do virtually all of the usual dynamical quantities. Thus motion, as we understand it, itself ceases to be real."

-- quoted from Arthur Fine: "The Natural Ontological Attitude". Read more here:
(Edited by CoIin)
7 years ago Report
lori100: I thought I felt you browsing...your wet nose tickles....
7 years ago Report
suchso: Hi guys,
I'm not a regular user here, but I like to check in sometimes to see if anything interesting is happening. I was looking on with interest at the 'science disproves evolution' thread and it suddenly vanished just as it was getting interesting.

I don't think it matters how old the Earth is or how we got here, as intriguing as that is.

That debate about our history is entertaining, but we live in the HERE and NOW, and can control our future. Our future is more important to us than our past.

I've read about this Seth character and some of the things he says are reasonable.
I'll keep an open mind about the things I don't know.

Well done Colin, for demonstrating the similarity in science fanatics, and religious fanatics.

As you said, "devotion and objectivity are two concepts diametrically opposed to one another. As one increases, the other is sacrificed in equal measure."
So it seems.
7 years ago Report
CoIin: Thanks for that, Suchso. Sometimes I feel very alone...

Actually, I'd like to revise a comment I made on the previous page: - "As if any more proof was required for the religious-like nature of scientism, we now see that heresy will not be tolerated."

This is not quite correct. As long as the heretic is not particularly well versed in the subject matter, and lacks the philosophical and logical apparatus necessary to expose the confusions and fallacious argumentation of the scientistic fanatics (as I feel Pahu was, with no disrespect intended), the party will be allowed to go on. After all, nothing causes them greater glee than ganging together in humiliating these clueless Creationists, while simultaneously having an opportunity to demonstrate their own "expertise".

On the other hand, when a more competent heretic enters, one who CAN expose their flaws, the result is a foregone conclusion: posts will be deleted, excuses made (it seems I was "hijacking the thread" -- curiously, though, they saw no need to reprimand one of their own for "hijacking" the thread with reams of spam in the opening pages), and ultimately, as we saw, the entire thread removed, since having their incompetence revealed time and time again was more than they could bear.

Fairness and getting it right matters not one iota to these people. "Winning" is all, and hypocrisy never fails to secure that victory. (Curiously again, apparently they see no difficulty with having one of their own both arguing their position AND moderating the thread. )

The "victory", of course, is one for dogmatism, not truth.

(Edited by CoIin)
7 years ago Report
lori100: seth-----“…you must be willing to be kindly to yourself. You must believe that when you send out pleas, they are indeed answered, no matter how impersonal the universe may seem at times.

“You must realize that your personal self grows as naturally out of that universe as, in other terms, any star does, or any flower, or any oak leaf. You are a part of that system. AND WHEN YOU SEND OUT A PLEA, YOU DO INDEED SET THE UNIVERSE IN MOTION, SO THAT THE PLEA IS ANSWERED! And so do you also send help to others, often even when you are not aware of it, as a flower sends out help to someone simply because it is beautiful…”
7 years ago Report
lori100: seth----- "Now all of this certainly sounds unscientific to many people, yet most of my readers have already picked up a different version of the nature of science, or they would not be reading this book to begin with. "
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I sometimes think that if I want something not to happen badly enough, then it doesn't happen. Then I think that maybe it was just a coincidence that something I didn't want to happen actually didn't happen.
7 years ago Report
lori100: cool,....well Seth always said to focus your attention only on what you want to happen, thoughts are energy you send out...
7 years ago Report
lori100: seth-----"According to what you have been taught, you are composed of physical matter and cannot escape it, and this is not so. The physical matter will disintegrate but you will not. I can assure you that death is another beginning. You have lived before and you will live again, and when you are done with physical existence, you will still live. I want you to feel your own vitality. Feel it travel through the universe and know that it is not dependent upon your physical image."

"What you call death is rather your choice to focus in other dimensions and realities. You do not acquire a 'spirit' at death. You are one, now! You adopt a body as a space traveler wears a space suit, and for much the same reason."

"In the dawn of physical existence, men knew that death was merely a change of form."
(Edited by lori100)
6 years ago Report
lori100: similar to seth----------Neils Bohr-----"The objective world of nineteenth-century science was, as we know today, an ideal, limiting case, but not the whole reality."----------------" The fact that religions through the ages have spoken in images, parables, and paradoxes means simply that there are no other ways of grasping the reality to which they refer. But that does not mean that it is not a genuine reality. And splitting this reality into an objective and a subjective side won't get us very far."---------------------------For a parallel to the lesson of atomic theory regarding the limited applicability of such customary idealizations, we must in fact turn to quite other branches of science, such as psychology, or even to that kind of epistemological problems with which already thinkers like Buddha and Lao Tzu have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence. -----------------Speech on quantum theory at Celebrazione del Secondo Centenario della Nascita di Luigi Galvani, Bologna, Italy (October 1937)
6 years ago Report
lori100: seth----The Worlds of Imagination and Reason, and the Implied Universe.

Beyond certain levels it is almost meaningless to speak in terms of particles, but I will for now use the term “invisible particles” because you are familiar with it. Invisible particles, then, form the foundation of your world. The invisible particles that I am referring to, however, have the ability to transform themselves into mass, or to divest themselves of it. And the invisible particles of which I speak not only possess consciousness — but each one is, if you will, a seed that contains within itself a potential for an infinite number of gestalts. Each such invisible particles contains within itself the potential to embark upon an infinite number of probably variations of consciousness. To that degree such psychological particles are at that stage unspecialized, while they contain within themself the innate ability to specialize in whatever direction becomes suitable.

They can be, and are, everywhere at once. Sometimes they operate with mass and sometimes without it. Now you are composed of such invisible particles, and so is everything else that you can physically perceive. To that degree — to that degree —portions of your own consciousness are everywhere at once. They are not lost, or spread out in some generalized fashion, but acutely responsive, and as highly alert as your familiar consciousness is now.

The self that you are aware of represents only one “position” in which those invisible particles happen to intersect, gain mass, build up form. Scientists can only perceive an electron as it is to them. They cannot really track it. They cannot be certain of its position and its speed at the same time, and to some extent the same applies to our consciousness. The speed of your own thoughts takes those thoughts away from you even as you think them — and you can never really examine a thought, but only the thought of a thought.

Because you are, you are everywhere at once. I am quite aware of the fact that you can scarcely follow that psychological motion. As you will see later, your imaginations can lead you towards some recognition, even toward some emotional comprehension, of this concept. While your reasoning abilities at first may falter, that is only because you have trained your intellect to respond in a limited fashion.
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
lori100: seth----When you leave the physical system after reincarnations, you have learned the lesson and you are literally no longer a member of the human race, for you elect to leave it. Only the conscious self dwells within it in any case, and other portions of your identity dwell simultaneously within other training systems. -----The teachers within your system are those in their last reincarnation, and other personalities who have left the system but have been assigned to help those still within it.
6 years ago Report
lori100: regressed to past life -----------Regression to Immediate Past Life ... cript.html --------- Regression to Immediate Past Life

S: It’s time now to travel back to your immediate past incarnation. Okay, first impression now, daytime or nighttime?
B: Daytime.

S: Inside or outside?
B: I guess you’d say inside. I’m on a train, moving with other soldiers. It’s World War I, we’re on our way to the front line.

S: Look down and tell me what are you wearing.
B: I’m wearing boots with a white wraparound... I forget the name. I’m with the United States Army. Uniform is brown with a sort of cowboy/drill instructor hat. We have backpacks and rifles. I think we’re in France. We’re fighting the Germans.

S: What’s your name? What do you look like?
B: (Name). I have thick red-brown hair, and a red mustache. Big ears. Blue eyes. I’m a large person... top-heavy, big shoulders, chest, and arms. Legs are smaller.

S: Okay (Name), what’s happening? How are you feeling?
B: I’m worried. The front line... I’ve talked to other people. Most of these kids... it’s gonna be bad.

S: “These kids...,” how old are you?
B: Older than most, 29. These kids have no idea that they’re not coming back. They’re full of patriotism.

S: Okay, without pain or discomfort, let’s go to the very last day of your life, in the lifetime we’re exploring together... you’ll not yet have crossed over, but it will be the last day of the life...
B: A field of mud. Barbed wire, trenches. We have orders to advance. Everyone’s wet and cold... it’s like a spring thaw. I know it’s suicide. They have machine gun nests set up, cross-triangulated.

S: How old are you on the last day of your life? What do you think about the life you just lived?
B: I’m 31. The life is a waste, in a sense. I don’t like war, or being a soldier. I’m adventurous and I like excitement; but when you realize you have to kill people, it takes on another reality. It makes you old quick.

S: Alright then, without pain or discomfort, it’s time to move forward to the moment just after death. Where are you in relation to your body?
B: I’m just above the battlefield. A bullet went through my eye... I’m a mess. But I’m kind of relieved. I’ve seen too much death and suffering. It didn’t make sense.

They’re throwing bodies into a horse-drawn cart. I’m glad that life was over. I wasn’t fulfilled... it was kind of pointless. Although, I had a closeness with the men I fought and died with.

S: How do you feel about your death?
B: I wasn’t worried... my family would survive. I was glad to leave.

Crossing Over & Spirit Guide Conference

S: If you’re ready to leave, describe what happens... are you moving?
B: Yes. It’s like moving toward a wormhole. Like being sucked through a straw!

S: Moving up, down, across? What do you see?
B: Moving through... There’s no sense of space or direction. I’m moving too fast to see... but space gets lighter... gray turns into light... gets brighter and brighter...

It’s home. There are other people, or ‘personalities,’ I’ll call them. I’m searching for my people... a certain vibration leads you there.

S: Describe how you go back to your people.
B: It’s like a vibrational homing or frequency that draws you to your own people. Consciousness has a certain frequency to it. It’s kind of like an invisible web, like intersecting lines of invisible vibrations that are like highways or freeways. Where you connect with... it’s like you’re drawn into it... especially when you’ve done many lives, it’s second nature. All you really have to do is think about what you want or where you want to go, and you’re there. Almost instantaneously. People with less experience are afraid, disoriented, not quite sure what they’re going to experience. They need guides, guardians to take them there. I don’t; I’ve been there too many times.

S: So, you know how to navigate these lines of force?
B: Yeah. Anyone with very many lives learns that quickly. You don’t really forget it. It’s kind of ‘in you.’

S: Becomes second nature... almost like you don’t have to think about it?
B: Yeah. The hardest thing is releasing the consciousness from the body. Although it’s quick, and it’s fairly easy, when you die... in fact it’s easier than birth, much easier.

S: What is hard about releasing the consciousness from the body?
B: Depending on the ties you have... we have more concern for people left behind... you’re torn between going, and leaving the ones you love behind. But you also know it’ll be all right, that it’s ‘meant to be.’ It’s only one step in a long staircase for all of us. It’s almost like we’re all on a long conveyor belt, at least in this physical life. It’s like you’re stuck on this conveyor belt until the conveyor belt just drops you off, and you’re free again. Birth is much harder than death.

S: Birth is harder than death? How so?
B: Death is like a renewal. We’ve got it all wrong. It’s reversed. There’s a reason a baby cries when he’s first born! Everyone should have a smile on their face when they die. Someday they will. It’s only their own illusions that give them a fear and insecurity and guilt of a life just spent. They’re just illusions. Just lessons.

S: Well, if you’re ready to move along to your group, would you like to do that now?
B: Okay.

S: By the way, is there a Guide with you? Do you have a Guide?
B: I’ve done this too many times. But yes, I have a spiritual Guide... male... he is here. (Name). He dresses in robes of silk.. has a long beard, white hair. He is kind, compassionate, wise. But no slack! Not too soft or lazy or complacent. (Guide’s Name) is old, very old. He instructs and teaches many people. He’s a teacher’s teacher. With my overall advancement, he’s somewhat pleased.

S: Are you receiving any telepathic or other communications? What are you being told?
B: He feels I showed great courage in the soldier life. I could have made better choices... been a farmer or something. But he seems pleased. I’ve lived many lives.

S: How does (Guide’s Name) feel about your performance in the last life?
B: The goals were met. I achieved ‘perseverance through hell.’ Though, I wish I was involved in a more philanthropic cause than war.

S: How would you compare your last few lives with all those you lived before, in terms of your continuing development?
B: In the last few lives... well, I’ll make the most progress in this life. It’s been difficult... but I’ve been working on love, wisdom, compassion. Real wealth is not material; real wealth is what you take with you.

Eternity is endless. Developing consciousness is endless. You continue to grow and develop... it never ends! There are lifetimes where more progress is made than others, and some where you slide back... it really doesn’t matter. Stay well-anchored...

S: “Well-anchored?”
B: Are you conquering fear? There are degrees of accomplishment in lessons. That’s why you need Guides. They help you to figure out what lessons to learn. There is a gradual upliftment.

S: Is there a link between your current life and your immediate past life?
B: I saw a lot of pain and suffering. I bonded with the soldiers. The soldier lifetime taught me love, compassion, and forgiveness. There are a lot of things in store for me...

The Purple Light

S: Sounds interesting... well, if you’re ready to move along to your group, would you like to do that now? Unless there’s somewhere else you’d like to go... you’re free to do as you will.
B: I think I’ll go to the purple light.

S: Go ahead and do that then, go to the purple light... what are you experiencing?
B: It’s rejuvenating; like bliss... I can only survive or stand so much of it, though. I’m not purified enough. It pulsates.

S: How does it affect you?
B: Like I’m losing weight. It’s like it destroys the heavy weight, the burden you have. It’s like it disintegrates your grief, your guilt, your insecurity, your fear, your worries. It’s like taking a shower after you’ve rolled in the mud.

It seems to work a lot on the emotional level, cleansing you from all those emotions... impurities, negatives. It kind of reaffirms your true essence. You know that true essence is within you, you just have to realize it. It’s easy to realize it ‘here’... it’s hard to realize it ‘there!’

S: What is the source of the purple light... is it proceeding from above you?
B: It’s everywhere. It’s omnipresent. It’s like nothing else exists but that, when you’re there. Even you become the purple light. I guess it’s like trying to stain white a certain color... the longer you’re there, the more you radiate it. Almost like you can only take so much of it.

S: Go ahead and enjoy that purple light while I count very slowly to ten, and by the time I get to ten, you’ll be just about complete (counts to ten). How do you feel, would you like more time?
B: I feel good.

S: Would you like more time in the purple light?
B: Yes.

S: Tell you what, I’ll just be silent, I won’t even count, you tell me when you’re complete. (Time passes... client signals.) How do you feel?
B: Refreshed. It’s better than the shower on earth.

S: How is it better?
B: It’s like bliss.

S: What is this purple light?
B: Love. It’s essence is love. Being in love, it just feels like you’re surrounded with warmth, no fears... it’s like ecstasy, bliss, joy... It’s where we all want to be. It’s like ‘all there is.’

S: Would you like to see your friends now, the people that you told me about...?
B: Okay.

S: How do you journey, how do you find them?
B: It’s by vibration; but we’re all specialists.

S: You’re all specialists?
B: Yeah. We all have our own developments and responsibilities, but we’re all healers. We’re all studying healing. Manipulation of energy. We work as guides or guardians in our own way.

S: So have you made contact with them?
B: Yeah.

(Edited by lori100)
5 years ago Report
lori100: more-----Reuniting with Soul Group

S: How are they arranged... in front of you, in a circle? How many of you are there?
B: We are five. We’re here together. They’re standing in front of me... arranged in a sort of crescent. They all communicate love... we’ve all been in each other’s past lives... it's my family, it's home.

S: Who is the first to approach you?
B: Actually my spiritual guide, well, he’s there. We’re all very close.

S: Does he communicate with you?
B: Yeah. He communicates with all of us; he’s a very old soul.

S: Does he communicate with you now? What does he say?
B: I think he’s pleased with what took place in my last life. As always, you could make better choices with each life; there’s always things you can improve or could have done better. But you look at the overall development. If you develop one or two qualities in each lifetime... strengthen them... you’ve accomplished a lot! It’s not easy. To truly progress, takes many lifetimes to learn many, many different aspects... it’s endless, it goes on forever. You just move from one stage of development to the next... it’s eternal, really. But with each stage you develop a deeper, stronger sense of that joy, that bliss, that ecstasy. It’s kind of like a radio, listening to a program... fine tune the knob until all the static’s gone. It’s that way with lives.

The spirit world’s a resting place. Rejuvenation. You teach, you learn, you reevaluate... different aspects of your own self and others, actually. You learn by teaching and living. It’s different than earth. There’s no deception. There’s really no ego. No treachery, no fear, there’s no insecurity... you learn much faster. But then you have to test what you’ve learned. To see if it’s truly become a part of your nature, your personality... your essence, I guess you’d say.

S: How do you test your learning?
B: You do it through lives... living different lives. You have tests and lessons, to see if you really firmly believe that, or if it’s really, truly part of your essence. It’s like, when you’ve been hurt, do you have it deep within you to forgive? Do you have it deep within you to show compassion? Do you have unconditional love without demands? All these things are tested in a life. That’s kind of like separating the wheat from the chaff.

S: So they’re in a cresent around you... who comes toward you first?
B: (Spirit Name 1). She’s a very loving person. She’s green in the center, with pinkish streaks. They all communicate love... we’ve all been in each other’s past lives, and (Guide Name) has helped. It’s like a puzzle: each piece is one of your lifetimes, and they fit together to form your picture. And each fits together with the others’ pictures, connecting to make a grand picture.

S: Who is the next soul?
B: (Wife’s Name). She’s my primary soulmate. We really enjoy being together in lifetimes, but we haven’t been together as much in the last few lifetimes. We’re almost in a dependency... lost without each other. She looks to me for help and support. Yet, when it comes to our progress... there is a delicate balance between helping and hindering.

S: (Wife’s Name) is your wife today, does she have a spirit name? What color is she radiating?
B: (Spirit Name 2). She’s yellow, with green. We all have green, it’s for healers. Healing combines spiritual qualities... and learning to manipulate energy. There are Guides, Teachers, Healers...

S: What is your own spirit name and color?
B: (Own Spirit Name). I’m blue in the inner core, with almost fluorescent green around the edges.

S: Who’s next?
B: (Spirit Name 3). He’s blue with green. He’s an old, old friend. We are all guardians.

S: And last is...?
B: (Spirit Name 4). He’s also mostly green, with blue streaks. He’s starting to turn blue at the core. He’s glad to see me. We all have our own responsibilities... We confer...

I guess you could say we’re all old souls. We’re all progressing. I’m learning a lot at night, when sleeping. I just seem to know things. When you ask for inspiration, it just appears. All knowledge is within the spirit world. The only thing we’re doing is discovering who we really are. ‘Vanishing our illusion.’

S: What did you mean by “We are all guardians?”
B: I escort people to the spirit world when sleeping, occasionally. People that have died... they are frightened and disoriented. You wrap... encapsulate them, encircle them. When the host body has died, I say, ‘They’re a dime a dozen!’ It’s an exaggeration, but... it’s a renewal. I get the person to their home group, and find their spirit guide.

S: Of all these souls in your group, who is in your life today?
B: (Spirit Name 2). That’s (Wife’s Name). We’ve been friends for... ever. She’s such a loving person. Compassionate. I enjoy being with her. She’s the salt of the earth, as they say.

S: Are there any of the others in your life today?
B: No.

S: Are any of them incarnate now?
B: Just (Wife’s Name). They all have their responsibilities. They act as guides and teachers and guardians. And learn from the teachers’ teachers. It’s just endless.

S: If I were to visit your group, what impression would I take away about all of you? Is there anything that sets you apart or says something about you as a group?
B: Our group isn’t much different from many, many, other people that are healers. The only difference between our group and many others, is the association between lives, the bonding between us. It’s like a certain mental frequency between us. We think very similar; the longer you’re together, the more you specialize in certain areas, the more you become alike. Part of it’s the training, part of it’s the interest, part of it’s the bonding. It’s home, it’s your family.

S: Is this a group that you were sort of ‘born with’ or is this something that formed later?
B: This is a group that formed... out of interest. But there’s many, many souls that are just as much like your family, that you start out with. You don’t really ever lose that closeness between each other, especially in the spirit world. It’s hard to describe... it’s not like there are distinctions between us, it’s like a blend. Everyone has his part. It’s like an orchestra, with all different instruments, they all have their different instrument sound or tone, but yet you hear only the symphony. That’s how we are, individually, and as a group. We’re kind of like the violin section of some symphony they’re playing. I don’t know if that makes sense, it’s kind of hard to describe.

S: So you’re part of a greater whole... playing a great music.
B: That’s really what the purple light’s about. We’re all a part of it. We’re all just gradually becoming purple. Pulsating, in and out, in and out. Life, spirit world, life, spirit world. Everything is connected, all of it. Everything you see in this life has a spiritual side to it. From a blade of grass, to a spider’s web. They’re all spiritual lessons. Spider spins his web, catches food. Man spins his web. It’s all the same. Just different ways of representing spiritual ideas.

S: If you’re involved in other activities in the spirit world, work, recreation, be there now and do that, and in a few moments, I’d like you to tell me about what you’re doing...
B: Focusing energy is a big part of, really, everyone’s training. It’s done with light, a lot of it. Light is energy. In fact, we are intelligent light energy, in our essence.

S: So how do you work on focusing energy... how do you do it?
B: It’s through concentration and focus... and consciousness, actually. The more intense the consciousness is, the easier it is to create, on a light level or frequency. I guess you’d say it’s like expanding your consciousness through a laser beam. Each color represents certain, I guess you’d say, physical and emotional characteristics, on an earthly scale. It does in the spirit world, too. But it takes a lot longer than humans can even imagine.

S: What takes longer?
B: Developing focus and consciousness to the point where you can actually manifest physical changes. Let’s say here on earth, it’s like going through layers of consciousness... the further down you go, to this level, the darker and denser the energy becomes. It’s kind of like lifting weights, training.

I have to use that bathroom!

S: Okay...

[Bathroom breaks are okay. We just bookmark where we are, and come right back.]

The Council of Elders

S: (Session resumes) Well... do you feel it is an appropriate time to go before a group of wise beings who are waiting to help you?
B: I don’t go before a big panel anymore, when I have my life re-evaluation. It’s kind of informal. There are only three or four of them. I go with my guide, he is part of the Council... hmm, he didn’t stay. It’s informal. I learned the lessons. We discuss the difficulties and sacrifices. Overall, they are pretty pleased with me. I learned to overcome fear; and I learned love, compassion, and forgiveness.

S: How do these beings appear to you?
B: The Elders appear radiant... like an all-knowing, all-wise feeling of omnipotence. They are far beyond me. Divinity... a light, like a deep purple presence. Like joyous... almost like sexual ecstasy. Like if you’re there long enough, you’ll disintegrate into bliss. The essence is love.

S: Can you describe the individual members? How are they dressed?
B: One is in a green robe. She is a master healer. Master of energy projection and thought projection. The one in the middle is in purple, the spokesperson. The other two are experts in different areas of development.

S: Since all communication will likely be telepathic, what do you hear in your mind?
B: In the past lifetime, I could have done more. I performed my purpose, ‘being put through the fire, like steel.’

S: What message is being given to you that could be useful in your current life? Also, before this session, we discussed a question you wanted to pose: ‘Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing?’ Go ahead and ask them now...
B: Yes, I am. I’m doing it.

They say, “Keep meditating; it keeps the door from developing rusty hinges.” I was meant to be a giver in this lifetime.

S: If there is another question you have, ask the Council now... let me know what happens...
B: I asked the Council why my son was born to me, and not someone else. It was because he needs balance... balance between the material and the spiritual. I provided the spiritual balance.


S: How do you feel about all that you have learned here today?
B: Like I’ve always known it! Always been there...

S: Why have you come here to work with me today? Or, why have you been brought here?
B: Because you’re an explorer... cutting a path through the wilderness.
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Does Seth have anything to say about ghosts?
5 years ago Report
lori100: seth------There are obviously as many kinds of ghosts and apparitions as there are people. They are as alert or as unalert to their situation as you are to your own. They are not fully focused in physical reality, however, either in personality or in form, and this is their main distinction. Some apparitions are thought-forms sent by survival personalities out of lingering deep anxiety. They portray the same compulsive-type behavior that can be seen in many instances in your ordinary experience. […] They are in themselves quite harmless. Only your interpretation of their actions can cause difficulties. Now in the middle of life, of life conditions, you also appear on occasion as ghosts in other levels of reality, where your “pseudoappearance” causes some comment and is the ground for many myths – and you are not even aware of this.
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I am certainly not aware of other levels of reality, or of appearing as a ghost in them.
5 years ago Report
lori100: it's said some dreams are a clue of your night can learn to leave your body consciously any time and do it fully conscious...
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: People say rather more than what is true so a little skepticism is in order.
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Omg, colin's been spewing on threads for years lol
4 years ago Report
lori100: seth----------[Upon death]There is an order of personalities, an honorary guard, so to speak, who are ever ready to lend assistance and aid, however. Now this honorary guard is made up of people in your terms both living and dead. Those who are living in your system of reality perform these activities in an out-of-body experience while the physical body sleeps. They are familiar with the projection of consciousness, with the sensations involved, and they help orient those who will not be returning to the physical body. These people are particularly helpful because they are still involved with physical reality, and have a more immediate understanding of the feelings and emotions involved at your end. Such persons may or may not have a memory of their nightly activities.

(Edited by lori100)
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: There you are, then. You pops your clogs and are met at the pearly gates by some helpful folks who want to show you around. I just hope they won't be selling raffle tickets for one of Paul's slumber parties.
4 years ago Report
lori100: livescience--"This means that an electron doesn't exist in a single place at a single time and with a single energy, but rather as a wave of probabilities."----seth-----from the 1960's----Seth on the Vibratory Nature of Existence-----

"Now the behavior of atoms and molecules is involved here, for again

these are only present within your universe during certain stages.

Their activity is perceived only during the range of particular

vibratory rhythms.

When your scientists examine them for example, they do not examine the

nature, say, of an atom.

They only explore the characteristics of an atom as it acts or shows

itself within your


Its greater reality completely escapes them.

You understand that there are spectrums of light.

So are there spectrums of matter.........Probable actions emerge, then, into matter systems quite as valid as

your own, and quite as consistent."
4 years ago Report