Seth by Jane Roberts---Excerpts on Life, Death, Health, Reincarnation... (Page 8)

ghostgeek: You can't explore something that isn't around to be poked and prodded, even if it's flashing away merrily somewhere else.
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: You don't visit very often, do you, Lori?
4 years ago Report
lori100: at times, yes, obers explore plenty
4 years ago Report
lori100: you need to stop limiting existence to a physical level....only a small part of it...
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If you cannot perceive something, how can you know it exists?
4 years ago Report
lori100: you perceive plenty when out of you have a mind? ...where is it?
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I'm not sure anyone has yet figured out where the mind resides.
4 years ago Report
chronology: 'Reality' can be very subjective. I remember the test where a hypnotized man was asked to eat a raw onion and was told he was eating a delicious apple. He munched into the onion taking big bites. Asked what he thought of the 'apple' he said it was delicious. He held the apple commenting how fresh it looked.

All of the man's sense's had been reprogrammed to see taste and smell the apple.

Reality can be subjective at times.
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: So have we all been hypnotized and everything we see around us is one big lie?
4 years ago Report
chronology: Good point ghost. I keep telling Lori to listen to her fellow American who loved her so much, Dr Billy Graham. Maybe she will one day. And they can all live for ever in a good place.
4 years ago Report
lori100: Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. – Niels Bohr
4 years ago Report
chronology: Aww come on lori. You know Dr Billy Graham loved you. And so do those fine folks in Dixie. They would tell you to accept Jesus Christ into your life.
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: When you start to get into unreality, everything just becomes so unreal.
4 years ago Report
chronology: A curious point about what Lori was saying about seeing objects and people. If some folks really are having these visits from Aliens, then what the Aliens are seeing is very different from what people see. When a snake looks at a human the human looks nothing like what another human would see. Same with birds.
So it is reasonable to assume that Aliens would not see humans as anything like we see them. Which gives an odd twist to the Bible account of the sons of God raping the daughters of men because they found them attractive. These sons of God were definitely not human. The hybrid offspring they produced rules that out. But the intoxication with women's beauty suggests a common connection at some point with homosapiens.
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Of course it does. Humans created the Sons of God.
4 years ago Report
lori100: not from seth but related...-----------destiny of souls book on regressed into past lives info------Because a portion of a soul remains in heaven during reincarnation, soulmates are never truly apart.
Spirits can use directed energy beams to provide comfort to those whom they left on earth.
Some spirits have the capability to modify occuring human dreams or generate new dreams in order to transmit messages and alleviate grief.
Souls lose negative emotions after crossing over.
There are special spirits who are concerned with bringing ghosts back into the spirit world.
Possession of a human by an evil spirit does not take place.
No patient of Dr. Newton has ever been met by Jesus or Buddha upon crossing over.
Wrongdoing needs to be redressed in a future life.
Souls can become contaminated by their earth bodies and will require energy restoration.
Energy restoration takes place upon arrival of the spirit after earth death.
Healing capability developed in the spirit world can be used on earth by incarnated practitioners.
Souls are "born" in heaven in a nursery and cared for by spirit specialists.
Past bodies inhabited by a soul are rarely in the same genetic line (family) as their present body.
Soul groups generally experience classroom surroundings.
"Libraries" contain books for each spirit that contain events of past lives and alternate paths that might have been taken.
Besides core or basic colors, spirits will also have a secondary halo color representing attitudes and beliefs.
Humans do not reincarnate in other animal forms (transmigrate).
Animals go to their own section of heaven.
In the Council of Elders, spirits feel a Presence, an even higher force than that represented by the Council.
A pair of primary soulmates were independently regressed by Dr. Newton to the same incident in their most recent past lives.
Spirits make use of leisure time for recreation.
Spirits can return to earth on a recreational visit.
Souls graduate from their primary groups into specialty groups.
Certain souls create inanimate and animate objects in newly emerged planets.
Some souls travel in several dimensions.
4 years ago Report
lori100: from same book^^^^..a group of people preparing to incarnate were planning to die together in a natural disaster at a young age....were told to live fully and their next life could be a long one if they wanted...also, a woman was adored as an empress and decided to balance that pampered life by being a gay man getting abused and hated to develop character.....-----------..people learned from being regressed to past woman was planning her next life....she planned to die as a young wife for the learning of her husbund who had a karma debt connected to the death...they lived in texas....she was given the option of dying from a stray bullet from a gunfight, being thrown from a horse and dying or drowning....she chose the stray bullet......----------------...another woman was very evolved and never chose a healthy body in any of her lives.....she was usually a healer in her lives....they learn to heal by learning what it is to suffer....-------------.....another person had learned most of what she needed and after her recent life there was a graduation and celebration ceremony with a certificate for her as she moved on to become a guide to others...---------------.....a guy studied time on earth between lives....he was learning to manipulate the energy sequences to eventually assist planners of future lives make their choices....-------......a couple were to be brother and sister in their next life...the brother was to develop als and lose all independence.....they planned when he couldn't take it any more that his sister would turn off his machines and let him die when he would blink 3 times.....which is what happened when she asked if he was ready to go and he blinked, she turned off the machines....----------..another was practicing as a creator on a planet similar to earth between earth lives....that planet had water and 4 moons.....this person was learning to create plants and rocks, flowers and low level live objects.....
4 years ago Report
chronology: Just curious Lori. There are around 60 people who claim to be Jesus christ reincarnated right, probably more in mental institutions. What are your thoughts on this Lori?
4 years ago Report
lori100: they are ill
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: At last. Something we agree on.
4 years ago Report
lori100: seth---"Your human stock did not all originate solely from your planet. I never told you that it did. In that respect your ancestry is indeed varied. Some of the information given in my own book, by inference, should have made that clear.

Evolution, as it is thought of, had many different aspects in those terms. There were three or four beginning points. Do you follow me?

There were then visits from others in other planetary systems. In that regard this is quite natural. Your own relative isolation is far from the average. The legends, many of them therefore, were of course chronicles of quite legitimate physical events, describing phenomena for example for which natives had no adequate vocabulary. They were forced to describe what they saw by making comparisons with objects and events already familiar to them.

Some such visitors in your terms were more evolved than others. All however would appear as superhuman in contrast to those civilizations that encountered them. There were some deliberate experiments that were in fact far more dangerous to the experimenters, always in which the experimenters tried in one way or another to advance man's knowledge.

It is not nearly as simple as that, however. There is not a one-line development. By the time that feasible intersystem space travel is practical, the psychic abilities are developed to a very high degree. One is necessary for the other. Therefore, it became much more feasible to approach earthmen during their dream state, when their natural fear reactions were somewhat minimized, and where the danger to the visitors was far less.

Out-of-body encounters were used as matter of course. The visitor could appear and disappear then without fear of pursuit. Civilizations were often warned in advance of natural disasters that were apparent to the visitors with their greater viewpoint.

Such warnings were either given in the dream state of the earthmen, for the reasons given, or often in some secluded place, for often the visitors would be attacked. During these eras in your terms, the speakers often acted as go-betweens. Often warnings of disaster were not followed. Some warnings were misunderstood, then, as punishment by the gods for "moral misdoing."

The whole moral code idea was originally tailored for the current scene as it was encountered, told in terms that the natives could understand. "
Seth (Jane Roberts) 'The Personal Sessions', Book Two , Session 604, Page 54-55.
3 years ago Report
chronology: Lori, just curious, do you live anywhere near Silicon Valley? The Techies up there are having quite a Spat with David Icke at the moment.
They are blocking David on some Web Sites and David is letting rip against them on his Web site and in interviews. He is accusing them of being the Storm Troopers of the World Government.
3 years ago Report
lori100: no,haven't heard that
3 years ago Report
lori100: "There are in your terms, then, unlimited probable future events for which you are now setting groundworks. The nature of the thoughts and feelings you originate and those that you habitually or characteristically receive set a pattern, so you will choose from those probable futures those events that will physically become your experience. (Pause.)"

—Seth Speaks Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971
3 years ago Report
lori100: seth-----It is very poor policy to dwell negatively on unpleasant aspects of the past that you know, because some portions of the probable self may still be involved in that past. The concentration can allow greater bleed-through and adverse identification, because that part will be one background that you have in common with any probable selves who sprang from that particular source.

To dwell on the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it, for time is no more something divorced from you than probabilities are.

The past exists in multitudinous ways. You only experienced one probable past. By changing this past in your mind, now, in your present, you can change not only its nature but its effect, and not only upon yourself but upon others.
3 years ago Report