Is human his body?

Greyfeather: Is human his body? The lack of a part of his body members, his hand or his leg doesn't necessarily diminish something from his being, and therefore the part alone is not understanding itself.
Did one of the wise people say that human is his body? What is a person if he is not only his body?
(Edited by Greyfeather)
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: do we experience the world or experience ourselves? most people are proud of themselves? the world is an oyster.
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: We experience both because we couldn't exist without the tools of the world
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: our senses convey external stimuli through neural pathways to the brain. given the world exists do we live in the body or the mind? or are we in a matrix of life that has no end and no beginning? looking at that it would appear suffering is the missing ingredient and it is ideological of the mind. maybe a result of science.
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: If the mind is the master and the body is the slave, then the body is subject to the commands of the mind, but what is the mind? Is it part of the body, are the slave and master one thing? Where does a person live in the mind or in the body? If a person lives in his body, then its necessarily that this body has a master and the master is the thought or the ideology that governs his body and from this point of view many people are slaves of ideology, because human lives in a world of different theories, so philosophy search in everything and makes the questions alive and doesn't care if the questions have been answered by the ideology. Therefore philosophy as I believe, generates knowledge and awareness that reformulate questions and answers , and without it the person remains a slave of the body with an unthinking mind.
I dont think there's an absolute freedom as long as the mind couldn't exist without the info that's given to it, so somehow the body is subject to the the world but as long as the world became something changeable according to our theories then freedom or slavery are something related to our own views.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: if the mind is mind as we experience it then what is the unconscious (dreams)? you can't divide the mind or brain activity. so part of the mind our mind is not of our control? so this would effect the mind body debate.
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: if the mind is divided into a part we can control and a part we can't control then the part we can control should rule over the part we can't control.
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: Why not the opposite? Though we control the subconscious mind somehow by the info we give to our concious minds so our dreams that are unconscious often related to what we chose by the mind we control
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: Can the dream exist without the brain? In case of the cessation of the brain's work?
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: The dream of other people that ceased to exist lived in the minds that exist, and when they cease to exist they move to others that exist
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: The immortality of art
3 years ago Report
DIAMONDfire: it makes more sense to be in control. i don't know if we control the subconscious mind? but if we record our dreams we have a dominance over them. the psyche seems to be eternal by nature. if you find a law there what is it?
3 years ago Report