The goal of the senses and the goal of the mind, including justice and afterlife

Greyfeather: What is the goal of the senses and the goal of the mind? Does the idea of God be realized in existence, and is there a possibility of life beyond existence?
3 years ago Report
Greyfeather: Human lives in one world, but it looks like millions of worlds through different thinking about this world.
But we must ask, what is the characteristic that made us realize that the world is one and yet many?

Human's experience with his senses around the world and its phenomena made him confirm that the experimental human world is made of earth, sun, moon, animal, plant, fire, water, soil, air
Where these are the basic components of human life and life is depending on the elements of this world
So life is being in the world, and death is ceasing to live in this world..

But human is not satisfied by the end, so why did he come to this world to get out of it? The person in the world is a servant of his life, so in order to live he needs to struggle for his life, but despite that, the struggle has an end, human ends and his struggle ends with him.

The world as something external to him, however it is the source of life and source of his questions..
Human is the being who asks about this world, and if the world isn't existent he would not ask about it.
So the world imposes itself on human as a condition for existence, however this world is not possible unless the person possesses the elements of reception, as human being exists with his senses, that the purpose of the eye for example is the sight and the purpose of the ear is hearing, also human receives and sends, he is a being that communicates with existence and its tools.
But if human is pre-prepared with his senses,so these senses have a purpose
but why he isn't able to reach the goal of existence since every part of his body existed for a purpose?

The purpose of the mind is thinking, analyzing , organizing, memorizing,remembering..etc and the goal of the senses is reception. The mind is prepared in advance to think as if existence is a riddle, but isn't there a solution for a riddle? What is the purpose of thinking? If a person is a being that exists only because of his instincts, then why is he a thinking being? Thinking must be the thing that elevates a person to something beyond the limited existence, because the mind transcends existence even though it is from existence, but it is the sublime thing in human.

Plato mentioned an example. If it happened that human lived in the ocean, he would imagine that he lives on the surface of the ocean, and the surface of the ocean is the sky, but because of his weakness, he will not move to the surface.
This is the state of human when he ends up in the realm of the senses, where he is judged to think only about this end, perhaps this world is a gateway to other worlds

But what what is the purpose of this world? If a person is pre-prepared to be a receiver and sender who possesses the mind, then this means that a person lives with others, sends and receives from them, and that relationship must not be in vain,
because the human being is conditional on the other because he listens from others and speaks with others.So the mind is the organization of that relationship in this world and this is what made human resort to the idea of ​​justice, which is an idea that is not alien to the mind because it is a sublime idea that does not limit the mind to the world of the senses and the survival of the strongest because the strongest will find someone who is stronger than him and therefore he is still ruled by others.

The mind is found to regulate relationships and get out from the ocean to the surface instead of drowning in weakness of his thought, though justice is equal to God in this world, and human reaches God in this way, between human and human there is a relationship, and God is the entity that is above the self. God can not exist except with the participation of minds to create justice together.
As for what comes after life, the mind is capable as an immortal entity in its nature of thinking to find logic through that, so this is a possible thing in my opinion.
3 years ago Report
Dimpledquirk: How would one know if it's a God... our brains are capable of doing so many that you won't be able to answer me since you're a deleted account but you wouldn't know how to prove if its God who gives you that thinking, analyzing ect. God is a concept that was written by a person who in his mind thinks there is a God speaking to them. Humans gave the name to God... and it might have been creatively made up by them too...well it was, it has to be proven...I wonder if people still think this way...🤔
4 months ago Report