Sick twisted and dark. (Page 7)

i am hatstand
i am hatstand:
Thursday seems like the best day...
the best day to take what you hold dear,
the things that keep you safe and pure...
I will take them all from you,
let me make it clear,
I don't care.
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by MishkaKitty15 3 years ago)
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: With the horizon upon you
Surrender to the sea
Your only hope is
That it will answer your plea
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by KittenM15 3 years ago)
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: Thanks Kitten.
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by KittenM15 3 years ago)
T'was the night before Christmas And all through the house, Everybody felt shitty Even the mouse.
Mum at the whorehouse And Dad smoking Grass, I'd just settled down For a nice piece of ass.
When out on the lawn I heard such a clatter, I sprung from my peace To see what was the matter.
Then out on the lawn I saw a big dick, I knew in a moment It must be Saint Nick.
He came down the chimney Like a bat out of hell, I knew in that second The fucker had fell.
He filled all our stockings With pretzels and beer, And a big rubber dildo For my brother, The Queer.
He rose up the chimney With a thunderous fart, The son of a bitch Blew the chimney apart.
He swore and he cursed As he rode out of sight, Piss on you all And have a hell of a night.!

Have a lovely Christmas

(Edited by LoisS)
4 years ago Report
i am hatstand
i am hatstand:
Everyone forgot little Jonny Nietzsche,
his daddy made his face a feature.

Little Jonny Nietzsche hides in the cupboard,
waiting for the monster to leave for work.

Little Jonny Nietzsche hates meal times,
and fears 6 pm when the big clock chimes.

Everyone forgot ittle Jonny Nietzsche,
he's now too scared to come and meet you.

(Edited by i am hatstand)
4 years ago Report
cassbath2000: Sick dark And twisted i think not none of you have true darkness in ur vains or in ur soul. It makes me sick that u people fear the darkness but not light the light shows everything while the darkness make everything go away and hide. And in the darkness one will find their true self cuz in darkness ur mind does nothing but shift thourgh the darkness trying to make any sounds they hear or beam of light they see into their own insecuritys and their own fear in light u can see those things for what they truely are and run from it cuz u see it, hear it, feel it, and YOU FEAR IT!! In the darkness u can run from anything cuz even if u do the next thing u see the next thing hear and the next thing feel will always be what u fear so in the darkness we grow stronger because in the darkness is. where we must face all of our fears.
4 years ago Report
Wild__: Roses are red
Lillies are white
Let's listen to Slayer
And fuck all night
4 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: I'll miss her
not her love
but the taste of her blood,
but I'm good, I'll find other blood
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: A gorilla with pneumonia in a batman costume covered in chocolate icing with the lights out behind a black curtain chanting Christmas carols silently... Sick, dark AND twisted...(With a timely holiday theme!)
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, no food was a stirring, not even a mouse. Stockings were hung 'round dad's neck like a tie, along with a note that said "presents or die". Children were plotting all night in their beds, while the wife's constant whining was splitting his head. But daddy had money this year in the bank, then they closed up early, now dad's in the tank. ... and all of a sudden Santa appeared, a sneer on his face, booze in his beard. Santa I said as he laughed merrily, you do so much for others do something for me. Bundy he said, you only sell shoes, your son is a sneak-thief, your daughters' a flooze. Ho Ho Santa said, should I mention your wife, her hairs like an a-bomb, her nails like a knife. As he climbs up the chimney, that fat piece of dung, he mooned me two times, he stuck out his tongue. And I heard him exclaim, as he broke wind with glee:....
You're married with children, you'll never be free....
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Roses are Yellow
Tulips are Blue
If I had the lotion
I would rub it on your dead body
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Wild__ 4 years ago)
smfournier10: Can't you hear my silent screams?
They are so loud they echo in my dreams.

Behind this face that carries a smile
Lies a dark road that goes on mile after mile.

My silent screams have been going on for years,
But it always falls on so many deaf ears.

How can they hear these silent screams in my mind?
They can't hear my thoughts if I keep telling them I'm fine.

What can I tell them? These silent screams carry no words.
It's just feeling of sadness and darkness that comes in its herds.

How can I explain so people understand this?
It's like walking around in a suffocating black mist.

Its holding on to happiness like holding water in your hands.
It just trickles between your fingers and disappears into the sands.

I can't explain how this feels; it's so extreme,
So I hold my mouth shut to cover my silent screams.

4 years ago Report
delling: Wild! Go die!
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by MishkaKitty15 3 years ago)
smfournier10: There's a lot there.
4 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: Roses are blue
Violets are red
I suck at colors
but great in bed
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Tulips are Yellow
Carnations are pink
One in the front
Dirty dishes in the sink.....
Some people are blunt
To them I give a wink
And some are just cunts
Put them in the stink....
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: Love is...…..

A poem by Nasty Boy

Love is...……. like turning from a butterfly into a cocoon.

Love is...…….the feeling of just returning from Afghanistan to see your epileptic daughter

Love is...…….like dancing on a table while people throw money at you.

I have experienced this kinda love.

Nasty Boy tip: Always tell several men/women you love them. This is called having a connection.

Hope I have helped,

Try love my friends.
3 years ago Report
LoisS: ^^Aww that was lovely
3 years ago Report