'The Billionairs Tea Party'

chronology: Taki Oldham is an Australian Film Maker who watched the rise of the Tea Party in the months following Barack Obama's Election success. He was told it a 'grass roots movement' of Americans, but Taki Oldham found the 'grass' of the 'grass roots' was as genuine as Astro Turf.

To create a Tea Party it is relatively simple. Take symbols and Institutions Americans love; their Flag, The Constitution, Historical Events, present your movement as a continuation of those Institutions or Events, then Demonize your Opponents by calling them 'Socialists' or 'Nazi's'.

This explains how most Tea Party members can be relied on to fill Public Meetings and Parrot the PR slogans of Health Care Insurers or Oil Company Lobby Groups, and how they can be persuaded to attack Unions who protect their interests and their fellow workers interests.

And what is the Agenda of the Tea Party? It is an America without a Safety Net, an America with all it's Public Services in Private Ownership, an America where there is practically no Legislation Protecting workers or the environment. An America without Unions, or Income Tax.

Taki Oldham will be releasing his Movie; 'The Billionaires Tea Party' shortly. He has a Face Book Page 'The Billionaires Tea Party'.
13 years ago Report
Wampum6: Chrono----if you want to get a good start, always spell the name of your thread in the correct way! Of course, even if you had, that would have had no effect on the lack of logic, research, or study you demonstrated by making such foolish and inaccurate opinions that you you did. How little you truly know and understand of the background.
13 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Chrono may be unaware that the Libertarian-conservatism theme of the "tea party" began with Republican Congressman Ron Paul supporters as a fund raising event during the 2008 presidential primaries to emphasize Paul's fiscal conservatism, which laid the groundwork for the modern-day Tea Party movement. But then maybe he knew that.

13 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Maybe Chrono is also unaware that the Tea Party platform is to reduce government spending,opposition to over taxation, a reduction of the national debt and federal budget deficit,and believe in the founding fathers interpretation of the United States Constitution.

13 years ago Report
Wampum6: David. Are you hinting that Chrono may be unaware of a lot of issues and relationships that are commonly known matters of fact in the USA? Chrono? I never would have thunk it!
13 years ago Report
davidk14: .

The movie Billionaires Tea Party was made by Taki Oldman who works for the the ultra left progressive...Center for American Progress....Funded by George Soros.

13 years ago Report
franklin1950: george soros ..... there a familiar name we here so little about .
13 years ago Report
Wampum6: Yet he is omnipresent in his extreme liberal associations!
13 years ago Report
qq2535212681: http://s.click.taobao.com/t_8?e=7HZ5x%2BOzc4TJaQmfavdouPbitY4%3D&p=mm_28877245_0_0
12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: " Demonize your Opponents by calling them 'Socialists' or 'Nazi's'. "

This isn't exclusive to the tea party, or american parties. I've seen Obama being compared to a fascist AND socialist, just as I saw Bush being portrayed in the same way. The words fascist and socialist are so overused that they've lost all meaning.

As for the agenda of the tea-party, I'm pretty sure they have no idea what their own agenda is, but they portray themselves as a party that hopes America defaults in order to constrict public spending, which is a completely ludicrous stance to take.
(Edited by Sarcastic Dots)
12 years ago Report
davidk14: .

As I stated earlier, the Libertarian-conservatism theme of the "tea party" began with Republican Congressman Ron Paul supporters as a fund raising event during the 2008 presidential primaries to emphasize Paul's fiscal conservatism, which laid the groundwork for the modern-day Tea Party movement. The overall Tea Party platform is to reduce government spending, oppose over taxation and to reduction the national debt and federal budget deficit, and believes in the founding fathers interpretation of the United States Constitution.

The United States every month spends approximately $300 billion dollars but only takes in approximately $200 billion dollars.

Lets just say..

You have a business. For years your CPA has been telling you that you have been spending money like a drunken sailor. Your CPA has also been telling you to take this seriously because the situation will eventually bankrupt you. You keep telling the CPA not to worry. You keep saying it’s not as bad as it looks.

For years you have been borrowing huge amounts of money so as to improve your product line.

Your CPA has been telling you that the people you have been borrowing money from are getting nervous that you may not be able to honor your commitments because your product line has not created any new revenues but in reality your income has gone down and you continue to borrow huge amounts of cash.

You’ve told your creditors that you were going to cut your expenses by 50% over four years but in reality, you increased your spending tremendously over two years.

You just again increased your line of credit by another tremendous amount of money without seriously cutting any expenses.

Your CPA just told you your credit rating has been downgraded because your creditors have serious doubts about your seriousness in reducing your spending.

With the amount that you owe, even if you raise your prices (taxes) to increase revenues, you are still only paying the interest on your loans and no one can see how or when you plan to start paying down your principle considering you continue to borrow money and will again have to take out another huge loan in a few years according to your business plan which includes a huge medical program that will cost huge amounts of cash in a few years.

Your employees, your customers and the people that you owe want to know ‘exactly’ what you are going to do to reduce your spending by 30% so as to pay your bills, pay your interest on your loans, stop borrowing money, and start to pay down the principle.

That’s where we are in a nut shell.

PS. FYI…even if you liquidated all of the assets of people in the US who make over 250k per year, that would equal approximately less than what is owed for one year’s interest on the debt.

12 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Oh and there was never a chance of a default on the debt since there is enough money coming in to pay the interest on the debt. Other bills wouldn't get paid, but the interest on the debt would have been paid so no default was possible.

12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: I always found the basic premise of the tea-party odd since there is already a libertarian party in the United States. It could be argued that you can force through more policies on the wings of the GOP, but it strikes me as odd that people would ignore a viable alternative.

I'm not exactly convinced that all tea-party members believe in libertarianism or neo-liberalism. Tea party members have a substantial base who believe in social conservatism that has no alignment to the liberal scale, even if that included libertarianism. The original aims of the tea party are becoming convoluted by a disgruntled rabble of voters who have expanded beyond fiscal conservatism.

I'm not entirely convinced that tea-party members understand the constitution they are protecting either. As dumb as Christine O'Donnell is, she is the perfect representation of a person that has no grasp of the constitution she claims to love. I recall her saying that the separation of church and state was unconstitutional.

The basic principles of the tea party seem noble and logical, but the party has members that are unable to understand those principles.
12 years ago Report
davidk14: And the Dem's and Rep's also seem noble and logical but then we can see where these two parties 'recently' have put us.
12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: That is true, but that's the interesting thing about the tea party... It claims to be free from corruption and pandering, but it has clearly made concessions in order to gain a larger install base.

The tea party are no different to what's come before. They'll end up reintegrating with the republicans when they have a taste of power, abandoning their ideals and claiming to still have a plan.

Wow. Now I'm depressed.

Change I can believe in, except when you are forced to govern.
(Edited by Sarcastic Dots)
12 years ago Report
davidk14: .


I don't agree with you. I have never heard that they claim to be free from those on the fringes. There is no national organization called The Tea Party. It is and has been loosely knit local groups who support local politicians who represent the basic ideals of the grass roots.

These groups are made up mostly fiscal concervatives, left and right, that are sick and tired of the deficit and wasteful spending of the federal government. Nothing more...Nothing less.

Now that's how I see it and further arguing wether or not they will bow to the established republicans or democrat's is not productive. What is productive is to support those who believe in conservative fiscal responsibility and not to the established lip service providers.


12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: You'll have to educate me. I'm unaware of anyone on the left supporting the tea party.

As for the rest of your post... Point taken.
12 years ago Report
One of dozens of articles.....

Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party

April 02, 2010|By Shannon Travis, CNN Political Producer

They are not typical Tea Party activists: A woman who voted for President Obama and believes he's a "phenomenal speaker." Another who said she was a "knee-jerk, bleeding heart liberal."

These two women are not alone.

Some Americans who say they have been sympathetic to Democratic causes in the past -- some even voted for Democratic candidates -- are angry with President Obama and his party. They say they are now supporting the Tea Party -- a movement that champions less government, lower taxes and the defeat of Democrats even though it's not formally aligned with the Republican Party.

(Edited by davidk14)
12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: I was more interested in politicians than their support base. You know, the kind of transformation that Winston Churchill went through when he left the liberal party and joined the conservatives.

It seems to me that both examples are anecdotal and even if they aren't, they strike me as swing voters more than hardened democrats.
12 years ago Report
Capitalist Pig
Capitalist Pig: the tea party has a simple message- live within your means, balance your budget. unlike our president who runs around telling lies like millionairs pay less taxes than their secretaries. spent a trillion dollars on shovel ready jobs which were fictional and now wants another 500 billion, what a joke!
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by spacecake 12 years ago)
Outbackjack: The Tea Party are an absolute laughing stock!
12 years ago Report
salisburycin: The current Tea Party movement originated from sending Tea bags to the white house to protest TARP.
12 years ago Report
salisburycin: In fact, somebody threw a whole box of teabags over the fence at the whitehouse and they had a robot to pick them up.
12 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
salisburycin: Haha they must have been afraid that it was a bomb or anthrex. All those guards and secret service there and they send a robot... (rolling eyes)
12 years ago Report
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