How To Scare The Shit Out Of Many American Gun Advocates: (Page 11)

Wild__: 123 Sesame St.
12 years ago Report
One Bar
One Bar: Hey...that's my address!
12 years ago Report
Wild__: A person sould NEVER have to retreat from the sactuary of ones own home. Does that mean that you can shoot someone in the back of the head as they flee with your flat screen TV? No, absolutely not. However, home invasions almost always involve perpetrator(s) who are also armed.
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: introspec says:
"Come on, stucko, a 75 yr old widow can not outrun a 21 yr old healthy) criminal..."

Who said she could?

Perhaps you can re-read my post, more CAREFULLY this time, and not impose what YOU WOULD HAVE LIKED me to say upon what I actually DID say (a typical response from you).

I agree, a 75 year old widow would be at a distinct disadvantage. She might not have fleeing as the "option" I mentioned.

OCD says:
"Why flee? It gives them even more power over you. THEY are the criminals."

Compared to killing someone, in circumstances where fleeing is an option, it's the option that will cause the victim the least amount of difficulty in a number of ways. Unlike you, I can't see how taking someone's life, even if you deemed it justifiable, would be a positive experience. And I'm not enthusiastic about exerting "power" over someone. That sort of mentality is, as you point out, the providence of the criminal. If it's possible to avoid that, I would.

12 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: >>>But is killing the invader to protect one's property justified when simply fleeing is an option?

Is killing in self-defense justified when you could just run?

You have the right to defend yourself and your property from people who intend to harm them/you. To suggest otherwise is outrageous.

(I wanted to include here a link to the Simpsons episode "Cape Feare" here, where Chief Wiggum tells homer "...And once a man is in your home, anything you do to him is nice and [winks] legal.", then homer invites Flanders over, but before he bashes him in with a club, the Chief reminds him he can't invite him over......but sadly, the internet doesn't seem to have that clip. Way to ruin another tongue in cheek response, internet....)
12 years ago Report
sebtheanimal: Look I've unfollowed this post ages ago but let me make it clear...How to scare the shit out of American gun advocates? - Disarm them all and have any banana republic overrun it the next day. That's how to do it.
12 years ago Report
Wild__: Disarm us? That's easier said than done.

The last day of the Second Amendment is the first day of the second revolution!
12 years ago Report
sebtheanimal: SITS is some left wing lib, I can point a carved stick through a pocket and he'd shit his pants.
12 years ago Report
Wild__: I choose to embark upon political debate without "name calling." I recently engaged in a political forum in a local coffee establishment with a fine gentleman and upon being out witted intellectually he refered to me as a "right-wing gun nut." I simply replied "Thats not true, I'm not right-wing!"
Although I cant deny being a "gun nut" I would prefer to labeled a "firearms enthusiast," or a "Second Amendment activist."
(Edited by Wild__)
12 years ago Report
sebtheanimal: Many a battle have been lost because the populace had been disarmed. It has far reaching consequences, never mind some criminal, who will be one anyway.
12 years ago Report

I never referred to you as a "right-wing gun nut."

If I did, copy/paste the link here.

12 years ago Report
Wild__: At StuckIn The Sixties: Read my post a little more carefuly. As I stated, said dicourse took place "in a local coffee establishment"
12 years ago Report

Ahh, of course.

My humble apologies.

12 years ago Report
Wild__: apologies accepted
12 years ago Report
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