What is Mr Cameron about? regarding the Euro?

duncan124: I ve started this conversation here but maybe it should be in the Science forum.

What exactly does it mean? Should n,t the wealthy UK use the power its strong pound creates to influence events in Europe?
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: lol Duncan why would it be in the science forum!! anyway, I personally think David Cameroon is doing it for show, as before he bullied his MPs to vote for us not to have a referendum about staying in the EU. But now he has isolate us from the rest of Europe I think if he is genuine with reserving Britain control over our nation then he is right but from what I understand its more about Britain keeping control over our financial sector. If we are suppose to be committed to be in the European Union then we need to do more as Britain is not bigger enough to go it alone.
12 years ago Report
duncan124: I thought because it is mainly about money we could be pretty exact about what we should or should n,t do and so this question could go in the science forum.
12 years ago Report
duncan124: As we have n,t got the Euro here in the UK what is it to do with us?

Why on earth should we do anything to help other peoples money problems?
Aren,t the UK financiers independant of the government anyway?
Mr cameron keeps talking about the Germans( !!! ) What s that got to do with the UK? Is he telling people who to do business with?
(Edited by duncan124)
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: Well Duncan because the economy of the rest of Europe does affect Britain I think over 50% of our import and export trade is with Europe, so to say we dont neeed Europe is naive. Yes the financial trade is independent of the government but I suspect some of the posh Tories friends work in that sector hence why they are so protective. lol

12 years ago Report
duncan124: C4 news site says hes not having a financial tax while the BBC says its about capping the public spending as % of GDP. Two different things ?
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: Its both I would consider C4 news more reliable and Cameroon has been slow in any form of regulation or punishment (after the banking crisis) when it comes to the financial sector, like I said his buddies work there. I also know that Europe want to control or dictate how much if GDP should be for public spending, which should be controlled nationally. So like I said I agree with David Cameroon resolve but maybe he should allowed us to leave Europe, as this is what being in a European community is all about.
12 years ago Report
duncan124: Someone must have thought of the GDP more recently as it does seem to be helpful. The German tax is an old idea and sounds like robbery.
Is he saying he won,t inforce a ban on "loans" to other European Governments?

"EuroZone" is the place(s) where the Euro is traded and it is not Europe itself.
12 years ago Report
duncan124: What does this rubbish from the "media" mean for you and I?

Well everywhere they are mentioning wars and debts are the places which the Spanish scamed. For instance the poles are now paying off the 200million Euro loan which was made to cover the Portugese loss when they payed the Spanish the money loaned to Greece.

It was Spanish policy to create debts within the countries where they were killing and have what ever real money involved paid to people they knew would "pass it along" to the Spanards.

The Portugese clearly stood to gain for a short while. And the Israilis also wanted to cut themselfs in, so much so that they started a direct flight to spain with its own airfield.

I was decorated by the Greeks for helping stop one of the several 200 million Euro loans. The Greeks will not have to pay any of the money "loaned to them" .

It was noted at the time that the Syrians had a "small loan" on behave of the spanish perhaps this is what is fueling unture reports about civil wars. Writing money off as spent by solders is a very old trick.

Are we going to face warfare again because Mr Camerons policys?
12 years ago Report
Outbackjack: A worldwide financial tax needs to be introduced.I pay tax when I purchase anything or pay tax when I earn money.

So why shouldnt the stock exchanges and trades done there be taxed.

Also Australia is apparently chucking in some money to help europe.I also ask why?
12 years ago Report
duncan124: Did Australia take out a loan or otherwise trade knowing the spanish killers were involved? Is it going to make people angry?

You can,t tax a loan or a borrower just the profits from trade.
12 years ago Report
duncan124: It is odd that Mr Cameron had such trouble when the Poles have rejected the single currency and don,t intend to ever join but seem to be chairing all European commitees.
Their President seemed to pride himself on claiming he was a good European and showed himself hosting EU meeting after meeting.
12 years ago Report
duncan124: PM D Tusk is reported as saying the recent EU meeting was "fifty fifty".

"An important effect is the fact that majority of the countries reached a compromise, whereas Britain's scepticism casts a sort of a shadow on the agreement" - he pointed out.

He has gone on to sign up Croatia for "assession" to the EU.

I thought Croatia ceased to exist some time ago, after the remaining croats asked for it to be stoped but I expect it too has some interesting debts and loans for the poles to play with.
12 years ago Report