Collapse, the documentary about oil shortage. (Page 2)

Paulo: LOL.....I can always go live to the country .. to my parents vineyard/ farm.......lots of fruit trees....and lots of space to cultivate vegetables.....
....Cities will suffer a lot with petrol high prices.......but we will slowly adapt... anyway cities will decay!!! Seems like a paradox now....but big cities are all an "illusion" created because of oil energy!!.......
....yes Winter we will have petrol till the end of our existance.....but its like Capitalism it "runs" because of continous increase of prodution ....if its production peaks like most authors defend he already did....everything will slow down cause its not enough to sustain all countries needs...and worst than that scenario the most strong ones take it by force so the others collapse faster....
12 years ago Report
Paulo: China in the regions with more factories... they save petrol to Industry....persons with cars dont find it avaiable every day!!!.....hahahaha....and Automobile Industry dreams with cars to all Chinese......never will happen ....never!!!!.........not even electric cars....they have huge polution problems even to produce most of their electric energy ....its from coal!!!!
12 years ago Report
Winter0fDiscontent: Cities are certainly an illusion. I completely agree with you, and hasit occured to you that worldwide violence, which mainly occurs in cities, is a result of repressing our predating and hunting condition by not having to hunt our food. Lol: supermarkets are to blame for violence. Hahaha Take that!
12 years ago Report
COLLAPSE - Trailer:
Director Chris Smith presents Michael Ruppert, former Lost Angeles police officer, now independent reporter in a documentary style film based on the book 'a presidential energy policy':

This is an interesting film which exposes both the nefarious nature of many United States agencies and the unviable nature of projects such as Ethanol bio-fuel, Alaskan oil drilling and tar-sands oil refining, yet fails to address just why such schemes exist when they make no economic or ecological sense. The true reason can only be realised once the corrupt nature of the Capitalist profit system is taken into account. Such contracts while illogical in their implementation are reaping rich rewards for carefully cultivating profiteers in the fold of governmental hierarchies Worldwide.

Only by removing the parasitic Capitalist class from the controlling echelons of society can any meaningful turn-around begin. But, unfortunately, as with 'Zeitgeist' authors while there is much energy and enthusiasm during description of the symptoms, a sudden malaise sets in when it comes to prescribing the cure.

Whilst on the whole Ruppert's gatling-gun delivered observations are quite revealing, some of his claims concerning renewable generation and technologies are absurd. For example, to suggest that producing hydrogen fuel vehicles is unviable because tyres and the paint are oil based is to unfairly dismiss a potentially revolutionary source of clean alternative energy.
12 years ago Report
Winter0fDiscontent: Thanks you/him over there. I should have linked the trailer myself. Thanks. This is the documentary I was talking about.

I totally agree with you. You are right in what you said in the last paragraph. He gets deviated from the righteous observation at some point, and that is certainly one plot hole: It doesnt matter that everything is oil based, what matters now, and this is an emergency, is to invest on new sources of energy like hydrogen fuel vehicles for instance, disregarding the fact that the rest is made of oil (tires etc) because you will be still saving a lot of oil in just having cars not running on oil. It's not that oil will completely run out until there is nada, it will run extremely short. But when? It's uncertain. I still think plenty of bizarre things will happen beyond the madness of 9-11. Something neighbouring his idea of melting the glaciars, for instance, to lesser the inversion in extracting oil from the Antartica. And similar actions.
It became sort of yellowish when he said: there is no time to run toa cabin in the mountains. Yes there is.

I suggest you also watch "Food INC" and "Food matters". At some point they are related with this big sinister monster capitalism has proven to be, and how it is ruining our lives and how it is possible to fight it. I think that just by making a proper choice in what has to do with food, people would be putting capitalist profit into a serial risk. And even oil unproportional usage/waste would be measured. But of course, this choice would have to be massive. If you watch them will you tell me what you think?
12 years ago Report
Paulo: And why not =

12 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: Just heard on the news that Iran decided to cut their oil exports, I know the EU was planning to impose an oil sanction but seems Iran beat them to it.
12 years ago Report
Winter0fDiscontent: HOw much I would love these cars to be put in the market. Less asthma, pollution, cancer etc, but it will never never happen because it's not bussiness for anyone yet,
12 years ago Report
Paulo: they dont need Europe... they can sell to china or its a shot in the foot to EU
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: The EU was stupid to get involved, it true that they don't need them, and Japan & China the ones who they really need are not getting deeply involved in the sanctions, sucks big time because Greece depends on Iranian oil I think 20% of it's oil imports but Iran wouldn't be affected by any oil sanctions by the EU.
12 years ago Report
Winter0fDiscontent: Lol Jack is mainly worried about Greece. Why is that Jack? huh?
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: haaha ...maybe...I have a conflict of interest the others can do what they want
12 years ago Report
Winter0fDiscontent: Hahahahahahaha That is so cute! And calling it a "conflict of interests" is the most romantic way of calling it actually. Im dying to hear from the recipient of such conflict
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: haaha c'mon shhh don't stray from the oil topic! haahaha
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
Winter0fDiscontent: "50%Discount winter fashion"???? Im not on discount!
12 years ago Report
Thank you Winter for the following fascinating link:

[Food Matters: Documentary film on healthy alternative treatments to those offered by pharmaceutical industries.]

I found this film very interesting viewing. Again those commenting voyage towards but fail to reach the salient conclusion: that the quintessential culprit which enables primary 'health' industries to work against the public's best interests is the very concept of private ownership of what should be a nationally owned asset. And even in countries where the state owns most health industries the pharmaceutical corporations dominate and profit from the treatment everyone receives. So the same parasitical corporation that for example manufactures sodium fluoride based psychotropic 'medication' for schizophrenic patients, then reap rich rewards through expensive £1000 per-session deadly chemotherapy, after the same unfortunate individuals are afflicted by the resultant bone and breast cancers which have been known to be caused by fluoride since the 50s.

Profit making and public interest do not make good bed fellows, and not only in the field of medicine but every other sphere of life. Only a Socialist transformation of society; a revolution in the ownership and the control of all significant industry, where the very reins of power are wrenched from an elite, into the hands of the working class, will rid us of these, and other basic contradictions which ruin general living standards and malign our well being.
12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
LilMissAlexandria: i blames boca juniors for the oil shortage
12 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
florianmiller123: ok bebe
12 years ago Report
florianmiller123: Winter0fDiscontent: Where are you from???
12 years ago Report
Winter0fDiscontent: Argentina, lol
12 years ago Report
LilMissAlexandria: and her boyfriend is Lionel Andres Messi
12 years ago Report