The hideous march of the far-right anarchists

davesdatahut: Cruz, Palin, Allen and their band of ideological, demagogic lemmings....may they march themselves right into the political sea and NEVER emerge again.
See this for a cogent bit of commentary on those who would hijack this great country for their own brand of radicalism. It's the far-right's version of the far-left's political power whores....
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
chronology: Norman Mailer said how America's move to the Right was the most disappointing experience of his life. He summed up his disappointment; 'The Right oppose a Safety Net because they say some people would just take advantage of it and not work, but there is only a minority of people who do that, and that is their loss, their sin. It is vital that every American have a home to sleep in, enough food every day and heat in winter, and clothes'.

One of the most disturbing proposals of the Right is the removal of all and any Legislation on Business. Another disturbing vision the Right have is that America does not need an Infrastructure. The idea that people can just drive around holes in roads, and if a Bridge falls down a Guy can just start a Ferry Business to replace it. And these Guys say the Left is whacky.
10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: Chron, the most important thing is that the extremists have been sent to the woodshed and given a serious political beating, which they deserved and from which they hopefully will never emerge. Now, we can focus on getting the national debt and federal budget excesses and waste under control, as this is a legitimate issue. Just not under the threat of calamitous action.
It is my great hope that these reckless legislative thugs will be voted out of office - each and every one - and replaced with people who can work across party lines to address important issues. The ones you cited in your post are among them.
10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: What is fascinating about the recent couple of weeks is how the attack dogs in the Republican Party turned on their master. The party co-opted and supported the far right over three decades - both the deep fiscal conservatives and the deep social conservatives, no matter the nasty and backward attitudes that many expressed - and benefited grandly at the ballot box. And then the far-right turned on their benefactors, bit them on the ass and tried to declare themselves the new voice of the party. Their house is now as divided as a house can be, which threatens the moderate core that government needs to govern. What the GOP does now is anyone's guess, for their choices are not good: either throw the attack dogs some meat and bring them back in the fold, or purge them and risk long-term minority status in Congress, despite the gerrymandered legislative districts that currently favor them.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

What some fail to realize is that the Republican Party (left, right center) has become embroiled due to the progressives. The Tea Party is the Phoenix. It has risen from the 'people' and not from Washington. The professional politicians have fumbled the ball and it's time for 'the people' with some basic common sense to take control and right this ship.

If a company were run this bad, they would have a new Board of Directors, President and CEO every day if needed until the right people turned this ship around. We have a terrible economy, huge deficits and those in Washington are not getting the job done. Spend, spend and spend some more. That is not common sense, that is a recipe for disaster.

I have been reading about the Obamacare sign up mess. They had three years to get this site up and they can't even get the simplest programming to work. WTF.

And they want to tackle immigration reform? You have got to be kidding.


10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Here was the leader of the House of Representatives regarding Obamacare and the American people are shaking their did we do to our country....

...and this is the best they have come up with?

10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: If the far right is the Phoenix, then the country is headed straight for the ashes. They most certainly do not speak for a majority of Americans and they speak for moderates in no way, shape or form. They represent the fringe right, which was prepared to take down the economy because they simply could not accept that this law was enacted, upheld by the courts and upheld by the voters. Until this episode, I saw the Tea Party as having some reasonable points on government spending (notwithstanding their repugnant social views). This recent bit of stunning recklessness has eliminated that totally.
Call then what you wish...(i see them as selfish radicals and anarchists who simply hate government). They are policy pea-brains of the worst kind who have nary a clue as to the potential impact of what they propose.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Your post canceled itself out when you said, "... If the far right is the Phoenix". I never said the far right was the Phoenix. I said, the PEOPLE are sick and tired of Washington. No left or right is the Tea Party. Got it? The "left" tries to "label" the tea party as a right wing org but the Tea Party is just everyday working for a living Americans who actually work for a living.

Got it? Or are you listening to the left media again.

10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: The Tea Party is nothing of the kind. But ok. You want to remove 'far right' from the far right Tea Party? Fine. Remove the label and you are left with stunningly reckless radicals. No thank you. They do not represent anywhere close to the moderate view needed to resolve our problems.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Perhaps, just perhaps, you may have been listening to that left wing progressive liberal crap way too much.

Limited government, low taxes, balanced budgets. Simple. Bet you heard nothing of the kind have you.

(It's late...I'll pick up your response in the morning....)

10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: I am not sure what crap you think I may be listening to. I never watch MSNBC, just as I never watch Fox News, so I can dispense with the far left and far right spins and drivel. (i should note that i am more 'progressive' in my views and reject socially conservative views, but that's another matter) What I DO listen to are a range of other opinions, and, in this case, a lot of economist-types who were almost uniform in their views on how reckless it was to even consider having the government default on its debt. That was the area of total and complete irresponsibility that affirmed my view of how dangerous the Tea Party movement can be. These are not clear thinkers. These are angry zealots. They were ready and prepared to fuck around with the national economy, which was appalling. It wasn't stunning when you realize that a lot of these people are extremists, with widespread disdain for government. But it was appalling, nonetheless, when you consider their wildly ignorant and ill-informed view of the potential impact of a default.
As for limited government, low taxes and balanced budgets, that's a debate worth having. I don't know of too many people who don't like the idea of low taxes and balanced budgets. That's a no-brainer. How you get there is the real issue - but one that never should be discussed under the threat of a hammer coming down on the country's head.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Dave said:

They [the Tea Party] were ready and prepared to fuck around with the national economy, which was appalling.

Davidk responds:

Are you out of your mind?????

This administration caused this mess. They [this administration] spent trillions upon trillions on what?????

As of Jan. 20, 2009, the publicly held debt was $6.31 trillion and the gross debt was $10.63 trillion. As of May 14, 2012, the publicly held debt was $10.92 trillion and the gross debt was $15.68 trillion.

And you blame the Tea Party???? The Tea Party came into being because of Obama!

Spending TRILLIONS and getting nothing but Obamacare???? Are you nuts????

Dave continues:

It wasn't stunning when you realize that a lot of these people are extremists, with widespread disdain for government.

Davidk responds:

I guess I must be extrreme since I do not agree with spending TRILLIONS on nothing.

Dave continues:

But it was appalling, nonetheless, when you consider their wildly ignorant and ill-informed view of the potential impact of a default.

Davidk continues:

And you think printing $85 billion dollars every month to meet the bills is the right thing to do? Are you insane?

It's all gonna come crashing down so much worse and yah know what....Obama and his friends will be out of office when it does and yah know what? They will blame Bush.

And you will too.

10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: David, clear the glaze from your wild eyes and read what i am saying. To wit...
I agree fully that the national debt is a serious economy-threatening problem that must be addressed. MUST be addressed. The blame stretches back through the Bush years. Whatever. Focusing on the blame isn't productive. What's productive is finding ways to tackle the problem, with the moderates in both parties figuring it out.
What was massively ignorant, reckless and ill-informed was the willingness to let the government default on its debt. What was necessary was to raise the debt limit so the government could pay the debts ALREADY incurred, Pleasant? Of course, not. But the bad behavior of the past is there and the bills incurred have to be paid. That being done, you then focus hard on the debt problem. But you do NOT do it at the point of knife and you do NOT do something that could have seriously damaged the economy before addressing the bigger problem.
That would have been like a doctor knowing a patient has hemophilia, but cutting his or her skin instead of treating the illness.
So who's insane, David. Me or the Tea Partiers?
There...i hope that clarifies my view.

As for the trillions spent under Obama, it was spent largely because the economy was on the brink of a freezup when he came into office, Perhaps you oppose that spending and would have been alright with seeing what would happen without that injection of money. Personally, I'm glad the government intervened and stopped that bit of bleeding, with a potential economic depression thereby averted.
Feel free to counter that argument. It's what I have gleaned from much expert writing on the crash of 2008.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Blame Bush. I believe there is a thread named...

Bush did it.

Go give it a read.


10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: I'm not interested in who is to blame, as noted above. It is very informative to look at what led us to the current debt levels, so we can learn from that. But it is much more constructive to look forward.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: Ok, I saw the Bush Did It thread. Mildly amusing.
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Mildly amusing? He created your attitude right? So it's Bush's fault..right? Obama can do no wrong...right? Hell...even Piers Morgan from CNN and the Daily Show are abandoning Obama...but then...that's Bush's fault right?

Moving forward? We are currently spending 40% over budget every month ($85 BILLION).

Simple math.... (clears throat)....

Of every dollar the government spends, approximately....

20% Military
20% running the government
60% on entitlements (and that does not include Obamacare)

Where are you going to cut $85 BILLION a month to balance the budget?????????????????????????????????????????????????

(Edited by davidk14)
10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: Oh, David....just read my posts without getting sidetracked in blame and distorting what I wrote and making assumptions about my attitude. I don't make assumptions about yours. Don't make assumptions about mine. I doesn't matter so much who is to blame (Bush and Obama both). It matters now what to do about it. So, can you move off that?
And can you first tell me where you are getting these percentages? Then I can respond back.
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

There are numerous sites...this one is pretty good.

10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: I will check it out...but as a preliminary thought. We need to set up more means testing and sliding scales of benefits under Medicare. At the same time, there must be some kind of incentives to the medical industry to consolidate services and control costs.
More later....
10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: Before getting into the weeds of how to cut the federal deficit, let me offer this as worthwhile reading. I could not have put it better myself:
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

McCarthyism? Seriously? A socialist in the WH surrounded by socialists and if we question his / their motives...McCarthyism??? Seriously???

10 years ago Report
davesdatahut: It's not the questioning, David. It's the wildly irresponsible and reckless methods employed in trying to engage the political process. That is the key point.
Everyone in Congress is free to vigorously contest the health care act, or anything Obama and the Democrats want. They are not free to threaten the well-being of the economy in the process. Economist and business leaders from the left and right and around the world are in almost unanimous agreement that the methods employed by the Tea Party faction in Congress were extremely irresponsible.
(Edited by davesdatahut)
10 years ago Report
davidk14: .

That might be true if you believe in socialism and ramming a law that controls 20% of the US economy down the throats of the American people. Even the lawmakers had no idea what the 2000 pages of this healthcare monstrosity included. When Bush was President...Hillary stated it was a patriotic duty to question authority (during her run for the WH). So anyone that opposes Obama is what......irresponsible??? Seriously?


10 years ago Report
"A socialist in the WH surrounded by socialists..." Your not thinking of the the Socialist Republic of France are you ? There are many Socialist republics Everyone one else has a NHS ....really America? Get over it.
10 years ago Report
" if we question his / their motives".... don't you mean policies? And you say he is a Socialist surrounded by Socialists, so there will be plenty of variations on his policies?

The only country that can not have a NHS is Germany because of their mental health issues, so too many Germans in the WH perhaps?
10 years ago Report
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