JFK 50 years and still people believe conspiracies. (Page 22)

chronology: Think I mentioned this to you some years back David. There are no details on the web, but I remember reading that there are two or three Telegraph messages from the West to Washington DC sent a few days after the battle (or fake battle depending on your POV) . To this day these messages are never even refered to their contents disclosed. I don't even think the National Archive have the records, they are suggested to be held by the U.S. Army. Even if we ever have these messages made public people will dispute their contents, like Thomas Jeffersons private letters they will be in Code. The U.S. Army used a Encrypting machine invented by Jefferson. If you saw one of Mr Jeffersons letters all you will see is a string of letters and numbers in some letters, he encrypted really private mail. The NSA today could decypher his mail in seconds, but they would probably respect his privacy.
7 years ago Report
davidk14: .

BS. He was drunk when he wrote it.

7 years ago Report
briansmythe: lol no Chronno I never believed in consparicys before I came here any way they shot that lee Harvey Osweld and that got me thinking, Now they mixed up bodys America is a strange place 911 tho I go the the axis of evil
(Edited by briansmythe)
7 years ago Report
chronology: David, again reffering to The Flying Tigers, tho most people who know of those brave Guys remember the fighter pilots, it was the cargo plane Guys who played such a crucial part in the operation. They flew in thousands of tons of food, blankets and ammunition. The organisation skills they learned in the rough air fields keeping the aircraft flying, loading and unloading cargo, and organising the landing and take off none stop flights at the runways were later invaluable to Western Air Supply Groups. When U.S. and Allied air crews were flying in supplies to Berlin during the Air Lift there, some of the Vets from the Flying Tigers were called in to help organise the reliefe efforts.

We often forget the invaluable work of the supply Guys working so hard, often in harsh conditions, but hey, you could never do anything without their skills and hard work.
7 years ago Report
chronology: Brian, like I said, I do not believe in any conspiracy to kill Mr Kennedy, there is not a scrap of evidence for such wild speculations. But just consider this.

Will Fritz of the Dallas Police was a fine Policeman, a first rate Detective who fought in the field against gangsters like Bonnie and Clyde. You mention Lee Oswald being shot, well watch movie recordings of the shooting. Mr Fritz was there when Lee was shot, he walking ahead of Lee. For a full 3 seconds Mr Fritz does not react to the shot fired behind his back. Remember, this is a Policeman who had been in shoot outs across Texas all his life, he knew what a shot sounded like, yet he carries on walking for three seconds without even turning around to see what has happened.
Again I dont believe in conspiracies to kill JFK, but odd incidents like a fine Policeman like Mr Fritz apparently ignoring a gunshot seem inexplicable. One Guy says you can even see chalk marks on the floor of the basement where Lee and the Detectives were told to walk to to stage the (what they call) a hoax. Whatever.
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Chrno are u shore your not an ex CIA agent you always know some bloke how do u know there were chalk marks on the floor . What about Albert Fish . Jeffery damiler whats happening in the US
7 years ago Report
chronology: I never said anything about ' knowing ' any person who reckons there were chalk marks on the floor. That was his observations not mine.

What on earth has being connected to the CIA got to do with meeting and speaking with a lot of people over my life?

Were there chalk marks on the floor? I have no idea. I can only repeat brian that I do not believe there was any conspiracy to kill JFK but the events in Dallas make no logical sense at all.

Why would a fine Police Force like the fine folks in Dallas PD plan to place Oswald in the back of a civilian car and drive him over to the county prison? Oswald was the most high profile prisoner on earth at the time. The car could have been mobbed and Lee lynched by vigilantes. Or just turned over on it's roof.

No way would good police officers like Dallas officers plan such a trip. But we are told that they did.
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: whoes we thats what FBI agents say there been traind that way they raise more questions than they answer . Now they drove him round the block in a police car dallas is in texas strange things happen in the deset
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: I was just joking chronno I dont think your an FBI agent but conspiracys are neverending in what happened I suppose it depends on your perspective
(Edited by briansmythe)
7 years ago Report
davidk14: .

No...Chrono does not work for the FBI. However, I met this chap that said Chrono was involved with MI6 an that is where he gets all his information but of course Chrono must deny any involvement with any intelligence organization.

There was a possibility that Chrono might have been the leak of Hillary's e-mail scandal and not the Russians as some might want you to believe so as to protect their source....Chono.

Chrono brought Hillary down but of course he would never admit it.

7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Mi6 oh they say we too . What makes me laugh is how these organizations call themselves Intelligence organizations
7 years ago Report
chronology: Life is just filled with mystery.
Take Patty Hearsts kidnapping. Not many people know Patty actually knew the people who kidnapped her. It seems to have been more about some guy called depreeze who was head over heels in love with her or her money than about politics, at first anyway. What was a respectable girl like Patty doing around someone like depreeze? What indeed. The plot thickens when you consider jim Jones high tails it from San Francisco just after the SLA go on trial, Patty as well. Senator Leo Ryan investigated Patties kidnapping and becomes convinced she was brainwashed, but wait, Jones was brainwashing people as well. After investigating Patties kidnapping Leo travels to jonestown to meet with Jones and is gunned down on a runway. What did Leo discover that was enough to get him killed?

Virtually all the SLA were killed, virtually every one in jonestown was killed. Dead people tell no tales so we will never know why.

As ever I don't believe in government conspiracy or the usual BS about the CIA but as with JFK nothing adds up about the story. Depreeze was said to be a virtual moron, what did Patty see in him? Some say it is just a case of ' no good deed goes unpunished ' Patty gave him love and money, he repaid her by kidnapping her.

Whatever. A heap of bodies in LA and hundreds in Gyanna suggest that this is more than a selfish kidnapping.
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Jones town a cult them type of things like the branch dividans alwys end up in death when the leaders get found out cowards and take every one with them . I reckon jim just kept going as long as he could they werent going to let that senetor go he was onto him .Any one can get cault up with that type of thing if there not carefull they target ppl with money like patty hurst .Theres a cult here where I live there creepy brainwashed and scarey
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Oh and they wear funny clothes like hippies
7 years ago Report
Chops_______: Interesting points made...
6 years ago Report
chronology: Well after decades of BS stories about ' The Mob ' or CIA or Texas oil men or the Mossad killing JFK the most popular BS story these days is that LBJ did the job. Roger Stone has made this fantastic story popular with his book LBJ the man who killed Kennedy.

Despite most researchers these days at least considering that the entire Dallas event was fake Roger weaves a story about LBJ killing JFK.

5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Conspiracy theorists are probably all creationists and flat earthers too lol
5 years ago Report
Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: It‘s sweet & quaint that you think that many people remember Mr. Oswald. I think it says alot more for the sensibility of Americans then & now than we will ever be advertised.
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: I actually shot JFK.... I was on my classy mole and had an AK47 lol
5 years ago Report
fflkarenl: One of the things I have always thought about the JFK shooting and all of the stories that go around about conspiracies, is that there may have been all sorts of things happening, but Oswald just got him first.
5 years ago Report
chronology: ffk. The Case against Lee is 'slam dunk' as many Law Officers would say. He would be found guilty of being the assassin in any Court in virtually any country on earth.

If he was part of some conspiracy he would have been discovered to have been after 50 years, there has been not a scrap of evidence to show any such conspiracy.

So why do some of us believe the real story of Dallas has never been told? Just consider some facts. On the weekend of the assassination, Lee was seen driving out of Dallas P.D. car parking garage. He looked up and smiled at the man who witnessed him leaving. Lee was supposedly in a Cell at the time.
The night before the shooting a woman who was staying with Jack Ruby answered a knock at the door. Standing outside was Lee asking if Jack was in. She told him no he was probably at a cafe. A waitress at the cafe stated she saw Lee walk in and sit talking with Jack for around an hour. This was just 12 hours before the supposed shooting.

Consider this. Dallas is and was a prosperous city. Folks in Dallas had Home Movie cameras, and regular camaras, why have you never seen a single photograph of 'JFK' in his limo driving through Dalas taken by any of the fine folks of that town? I suggest to you that it is because the man in the car only 'looked' like JFK it was not JFK, and the Media do not want you to see that.

And let's not forgot JD Tippet. The last ever definite sighting of JD was by his wife when he left for work at 0730 on the morning of the shooting. No one has ever conclusively placed him anywhere that morning. Some say it is because JD was the man made up to look like JFK in the limo.
5 years ago Report
fflkarenl: I didn't say that he was part of a conspiracy, I said that there may have been a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, but Oswald got him first. That would account for a lot of the strange incidences that all happened around the event itself.

If, for example, the CIA was trying to do something, they were all setup and ready to go & before they could initiate the plan, Oswald shot him.

I always found it interesting that the end result is either ALL this or ALL that, and no consideration for many different things all happening around the same timeframe
5 years ago Report
chronology: Well after more than 50 years and billions of dollars of money spent privately and publicly there is zero evidence of any conspiracy.

There is curiously no motive at all for Lee to have wanted to shoot JFK. He thought JFK was a fine president.
Another odd point with Lee is that famous bottle of coke he was drinking when he was spoken to just minutes after the supposed shooting. As one of his friends said 'Lee never drank coke, he drank Dr Peppers '
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: This is an older thread but still fascinating, and relevant. So many Truthers and deniers wish to think that such conspiracies will make any difference perhaps. I do not know why conspiracy lingers on.
4 years ago Report
fflkarenl: because the human mind like a clean a narrative. We like straight lines, so when something shows up and the line is crooked, we want to make it straight. When something like the JFK assassination is talked about, the fact that weight of the action (the assassination of JFK) is out of balance with the perpetrator (Oswald), we want to put things into balance - it had to be more than just Oswald.

In the long run, it won't make much difference these days on who all was involved. It has little impact these days other than discussion and the desire for people to be right and others wrong . If I believe one way, I will try to prove you wrong if you don't believe the same way by only using the evidence or logic that I want. Its the beautiful things about conspiracy theories, once we have the thought stuck in our head, its difficult to get out
4 years ago Report