Why can't Muslims Take Criticism? (Page 190)

Zanjan: Ghost, if it's comfortable, you've probably copied it from someone else. If it's delightful, you probably knew it all along. If you're awestruck and amazed, you've just realized your own stupidity. But if it's challenging, you're bound to do the hokey pokey dance.

Forget what you've been taught is true, decide if it works for the good of all.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Just been on the cider, so deciding anything at the moment is an uphill struggle.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Undoubtedly, you'll have no problem deciding to have another cider.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: There's only so many rich teetotalers and supply of potable water on tap. Where's all the sewage going?
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Isn't sewage a biodegradable source of nutrients?
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I suppose that's where the Old Saying comes from.
Don't live down stream of India
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Mmm ... with so many people crammed together, I suppose India does have a few problems.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Seems the plage isnt one of them. So many people crammed together on lock down . Verry few people died . You think it would be the opposite. Verry stange
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: One Good Thing that Came out of it For those . "Migrant workers" as they call them but there Really Indian Nationals from the Country side.
Sold Some False Dream move to the City get lots of Money as day Labour's on Construction or for the Rich people.
They find out the Reality is Crammed into Slums Only earning enough to get by . And send mony back to the Village.

They were all left high and Dry with 4 hours notice before all the transport was shut down.

I seen them Interviewing heaps of them walking hundreds of miles Home
They Said Im not going back . Were better off staying on the Farms with our Families.
Wise move good on them
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: People say a lot of things when they're pissed off that they quietly forget when times improve.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: History has shown, time after time, a trend of poor people moving from the country to the town. Only when they fill their pockets do they go the other way, so they can lord it over the remaining peons.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Yep unfortunately people never learn . They Could be the Masters of there own Destiny by living without the Illusion of being Rich . But they put themselves back under Slavery for someone else . Then repeat the Mantra . Its a Democracy Im free
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost: "a trend of poor people moving from the country to the town".

Farmwork is seasonal and its a very short season in temperate climates. That's why the workers have second jobs or at least go to school during the slow period - there's no trade schools, colleges or Universities out in the boonies. Even if you own the farm, you can't feed a family on part time work.

"Only when they fill their pockets"

Isn't that why everybody seeks gainful employment??

(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Wasn't it the case, once upon a time, that just about everyone spent their entire lives in the boonies?
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: No, they went to the local village, small town or castle for festivals, haircuts, worship, marketing their goods, and shop for things one can't grow. When I was young, there were still many who were born, raised, and died in the same place.

OTH, some tribes were fully or partly nomadic. They didn't need employment, they had occupations so could easily skirt larger settlements. The barter system worked fine because they all knew what things were worth and didn't jack up the price based on how badly someone needed an item. Mostly it was a one for one trade.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I find it a little difficult to imagine medieval villagers queuing up to be shorn like sheep.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Not everybody was shaved. They put a bowl on their heads and snipped around it. See, unlike us, they couldn't eyeball a straight line. It was, after all, the dark ages - no perspective. They kept just enough hair to hold their hats in place.

That reminds me of one of my talents - I don't need to use a plumb line or leveler. I've tested my judgment with them just for fun and I'm spot on. However, my non-talent is translating large distances into small numbers. Must have been a tradeoff somewhere.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: During the current lockdown I've noticed that a suspiciously large number of people seem to be impeccably coiffured. It's left me wondering how they manage it.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Some people are talented at doing their own hair. I noticed a famous news announcer with perfect hair suddenly going gray all over. Hah, her hairdresser used a 6 week rinse so it had all washed out - I always suspected it wasn't her natural colour so I feel totally vindicated!

Apparently, she didn't know to go to the drugstore and buy a rinse then re-do it herself. Well, she's wealthy, why should she learn?
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I'm walking around looking like the proverbial abominable caveman but I like to focus on the silver lining. It means more money stays in my pocket, where it belongs.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: You can always turn it into a man-bun and look totally cool.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Better still, wear a ghutrah with an agal. Make yours from material you have lying around the house. (just trying to be relevant here)
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The last time I looked cool was some time before I was born.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: This lockdown is burnishing my misanthropic side.
3 years ago Report