Why can't Muslims Take Criticism? (Page 197)

ghostgeek: All this leaves people victimized by said fanatics with one of two choices. Go under or fight back.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Now as to why certain individuals become fanatics, I really don't know.
3 years ago Report
hornchurchmale: deceived like atheists ? I think you will find its theists that have been deceived .denying logic. reason and science throughout history and even today. such rubbish by those unwilling to have another side to a coin.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost: "and because it [killing] gets rid of opponents. "

Yeah, like that has ever happened. Fanatics will always have opponents because they can't manage their own lives, much less anyone else's. Their opponents are still here long after the fanatics are dead and gone.

The real question is "Who let the dogs out?" The people, themselves. Lack of education and poor character is the spawning ground for radicals and other predators. No country can prosper under those conditions.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
Mabye we should just back to the good Ol days When you Could Pollute as much as ya wated and Could Strap a Cannon on ya Waggon
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Sounds great until you look at the clothes you'd have to wear.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Zanjan, there's not much you can do about a person's character except knock their head off.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Which, I suppose, is what the world's been trying to do with our fanatical Muslims.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Yes Apprently It was Comissioned By the french Military But they Didn"t Go Ahead with it for some Strange Reason
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Perhaps nobody could figure out what they were supposed to do with it.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Mabye that's where James Bond got his Inspiration from
3 years ago Report
donbranyolo: Cuz 90% of them are full of shit.
2 years ago Report
hornchurchmale: any negative comment or views on Islam is taken as both a personal attack and an attack on Islam itself . They are brought up to be very intolerant of such things and will often revert to violence in order to 'teach' opponents of Islam a lesson. Any non muslim person is viewed as an infidel and worthless with some sections of Islam saying the Koran advocates they must convert to Islam or be killed etc . sadly its is growing in world not just due to population increases and we face a 'dark age' where all must be subservient to the narrow minded religious hogwash or be killed.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: What Made Me Laugh is When ISIS was running around Chopping off heads and Running people over Going Allah agbck , Then Some Flat out Lier Like Obama is going Islam is a religion of Peace , Yeah right O what ever you reckon Moron
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: If any of you had read the Quran, you could throw it back at the fanatics. But since you won't, you're impotent, failing to send them running and your pathetic attacks fall on deaf ears.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Oh So these Fanatics Don"t Call themselves Muslims Hey , Yeah Right Go to saudi Arabia and Say that Zanjan
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
Where did they Get The Idear to Chop off Heads
Its a Total Mystery
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I like this quote seeing as though every one likes quotes

But Sir Putin is a Killer
Theres Lots of Killers , Think were So Innocent
Donald trump
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: "Where did they Get The Idear to Chop off Heads"

Probably from slaughtering animals for dinner. It's a quick death - over before one can say 'ouch' and much better than hanging, the Iron Maiden, the electric chair or gas chamber.
2 years ago Report
hornchurchmale: as to reading koran its amazing how few Muslims aware that it was not written by Mohamed but those that survived a battle and even then over 75% was destroyed in a fire ..and rewritten by others. hence it contains load of conflicting parts.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
Lets hear from people whonActually read it them ,
Obvious Who the Real Enemy Is Our Govenements
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Religion of Peace Hey What A lieing Sack of Crap
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: We know how to sort the fanatics and pretenders out from the sincere in religion.

Radicals are infiltrators - they don't follow the laws of God, they're hypocrites, using religion to meet their own ends.
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: Hornchurchmale, that's not true. Muhammad dictated to a secretary, most often His wife, and the words were read back to Him immediately for approval.

Later, all the surahs were gathered into a Book, numerous copies were made but many people were illiterate. Ergo, some people memorized a number of surahs while others memorized the whole Book. Nothing was destroyed.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
hornchurchmale: contradicts almost entirely what histories tell us.. so we have to decide whom to believe then! not a worry for me as I am lucky to have escaped all the religious indoctrination
2 years ago Report