Donald Trump $2.2 Billion to working class families

theHating: He wants our tax return so we can keep our house.

We just want his tax return because he's only president of a country with people in it..
3 years ago Report
theHating: If you didn't file a tax return, that means you were not impacted by covid-19.
3 years ago Report
theHating: The CARES Act redetermines eligibility retrospective of benefits paid before Aug 1st under a new set of restrictive criteria.

You're given 2 weeks to respond to the federal fact-finding questionaire, and failure to do so means literally this: you were not impacted by the national health emergency.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Only way to help middle class families is to impose higher tariffs on anything imported from abroad. Just like it was back in the mid 70's ,where it was only 1 single income in the household
Since the 70's when slowly the auto industry started to expand its focus on manufacturing abroad with cheaper labor costs that the USA and Canada couldn't compete with. It became a domino effect
Gee the public sector past 4 decades has had a pay increase of nearly 11 dollars
Buy local .buy what our countries produce
Its simple
3 years ago Report
theHating: Uh... No
3 years ago Report
theHating: 1,000 americans dying each day from a coronavirus and your solution is so simple: buy stuff, the stuff your community makes while dying from viral infections....

Bravo, dude, way to do your due diligence.
3 years ago Report
theHating: 20-30 million americans are fixin to be evicted.

"Buy local, SQUAWK!!!!!"
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
(Post deleted by theHating 3 years ago)
The giant midget
(Post deleted by theHating 3 years ago)