When religion meets politics?

AretoNyx: What is the line one can cross or not cross before politics becomes religion or religion politics? Muslims have theocracies where some places publicly whip people as punishment...such as people holding hands in public. Some make laws else where based under religious views such as India and sacred cows some places. Even through out history from Manifest Destiny to other wise about belief of how to deal with witches. Even now there are ways people deal with such as if one can not say Merry Christmas but can, say how MMS bleach is a cure for disease and cancer under freedoms, and many other things affecting how policies and legally of such freedoms.
Even some having billboards and cake companies agreeing to contracts and ethics. There is that where some like JW do not have to pledge of alliance, and quakers can avoid the draft. There are so many ways people can protest like the WBC at funerals and KKK to stop them in counter protest...or however they protest as well even burning crosses and books.
Some may say some are not truly such religions but that is no true Scotsman fallacy and not the point I was asking.
How much do people really notice is advertised and shown propaganda ( good, bad, or whatever as definition of propaganda is what I mean)?
Young earth creationism to old earth creationism and whatever else changing education system, but left leaning and right leaning political folks also have differing views of policies. The way that many talk on all sorts of topics religions per country to what is the majority dominates often and then others struggle to be heard or just be to themselves on such beliefs it seems.

Often however instead is blamed atheists and such as if that is the solution. How many atheist politicians with laws not seeking to destroy atheists in countries are there? I mean looking at all of this I am really curious how politics in every country beyond the greed and corruption like a televangelist asking for a second private jet are improving things.
More good hopefully.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Also here is an interesting video on similar topic.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: How is nationalism good and how is it bad? What can be done to improve things?
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Religion should only occur in church, that's what they're for....... nowhere else
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 2 years ago)
AretoNyx: For some it is terrible and some not...depending on cult or religion I guess. Same with how politics works or doesn't I guess.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Religion and that means any religion should be BANNED from State / Politics everywhere in the world .
Nothing ever came good out of it and it will never in the future

Religion has killed more people around the globe than anything else.
Ideological beliefs and theories also have killed millions of people .
Dammit alone in animal sacrifices in the name of religion it has caused millions of deaths, let's not even mention the humans sacrificed in the name of religion.
That's my opinion and I a m sticking to it

3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: In the video it is mentioned how many say there is a war on Christmas. The only time it was canceled by law was by puritans but many complain about other holidays that exist that are Christian any how. Pagans are religious, and there are those prejudice towards others theist and nontheist that are not part of their groupish beliefs. Any how even though there is much bigotry and prejudices is it really that Christmas gets canceled today?

I do not mind if people are religious but also it shouldn't be part of laws. The beliefs should be part of who ever persons daily life while not imposing on others to harassment. Yes some cults do stalk and harass exmembers, and cause trouble for others.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: It is more likely a government would ban such under cults political or religious. Though banned things still exist in a democratic, republic, and theocratic government ...so not sure why people think theocrats are the answer to all.

True being majority that the world has been religious through out history that the majority of such was religiously or religious reasons people were killed. Some would just roll over and say even crusades were actually political but still religion was involved.

However banning a thing does not make such go away and some times new age or newer cults are created even out of scifi. Some say Scientology is not a religion even if labeled so. It is a religion to many however.

3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I haven't seen or heard any forecast on goverment introducing a Anti Christmas Police Department .
its political correctness , not religious beliefs on banning the Merry Christmas 🎅
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Governments cannot ban any religion or cults nor should Religion interfere in politics
3 years ago Report
Account Closed
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
chronology: Christmas has got nothing to do with Christianity. During the Empire period it was banned in America along with Halloween.
Christmas is actually an ancient Babylonian Festival. It was celebrated on December 25th to mark the fictional return of Nimrod an ancient King in what we now call Iraq. Ever Green trees were kept in the homes at the time with presents at the bottom for Nimrod on his return.

Thousands of years later in the Viking period Scandinavian people had stories of a jolly big man coming down the chimneys of their homes around winter solstice bringing presents.

The Roman Catholic Church set December 25 as the birthday for Jesus. There is no evidence Jesus was born that date. The Jewish folks only guarded their sheep flocks at night during lambing season, so that would be Spring in Judea. The Gospels specifically mentioned shepherd's. There would have been no night shift shepherd's in December. So Jesus was born around May.
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
The giant midget
The giant midget: I didn't see the video also .
It is the political correctness the root of the problem , it's becoming a personal , a commercial and institutional form of harassment resulting on people being fired and in some cases stripped virtually of everything off them including their families and bank accounts.
Political correctness only attack the weak and vulnerable, easy targets
Hollywood so called elite are the perfect example criticizing animal abuse and human rights violations but only in the western nations
Why don't these celebrities protest in China about the animals that are in the extinction danger list of the United Nations used for human consumption in widespread food markets throughout Asia .
It's just easy to harass a business to force or eliminate its ways of protocol and policies to please 1 % of its clients
I once was told by bylaw officials to remove so wording on a advertising add in the local newspaper "" fat fingered carpenters only needed "" I totally refused to stop the add
It's a term used in construction describing a carpenter with experience due to them smacking the hammer on their fingers and thumbs
Business and people should stand against political correctness, it's worse than cancer
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Its Political Correctness thats the root of the problem , Oh the gay community said this community that community virtue signaling , Need Some one like a potus that would be politically Incorrect , But if that ever happened , every one woulf Say he must go , so whatever
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: yep virtue Signalling , Must Condem things that any one with one iota of common sence should be obvious , Must Condem Condem i tell ya
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Do you presume every one is a Member of the KKK unless they say there Not , Whatever
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I wasn"t talking to you did i mention your Name Am i trying to Undermime every thing you say , I condem Condem I tell ya
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Stop virtue signalling . I rest my case
3 years ago Report
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