Should the G-7 join China's New Silk Road (Page 4)

(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
The flying Squirrel
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
ehartshorn77: The Questions I ask are serious the hating, if people are not going to be serious about the topic, then they should refrain from speaking about the topic. I have to say this, but people these days do not think about the art of peacecraft. They do not link the increasing of energy flux density increasing in a National economy as being positive and beneficial for the future. The New Silk Road is the future of man,and Trump if he has the United States join this, will go down as a great president. This will piss off neo cons and liberals who treat the U.S Constitution as toilet tissue.
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
ehartshorn77: Energy flux denstiy is an increase of productiveness, power. Like take for instance the stone ax. It is inferior to the copper axe. The copper axe is inferior to the bronze axe. The Bronzer axe is inferior to the iron axe. The Iron axe is inferior to the steel axe. The Steel eaxe is inferior to the steel saw. As you can see as man developed his energy flux desnity increased.
A labor saving machine is all about energy flux density.

Infrastructure projects are all about energy flux density. Infrastructure projects also increase the potential relative population density.

Like a water management project such as Trans Aqua. It will fillup lake chad.
Then we have the North Atlantic Power and Water Alliance.
This will provide water for the south west part of America. It will create tons of energy on behalf of Canada and the U.S.A

Being that man kind has the capacity to progress. This means that mankind is the species that is capable to improving upon his labor. Since we are the only species that have the capacity to progress, How can people limit human beings? Why do they insist that human creativity will amount to nothing? The New Silk Road will create more association, individuality/ diversity of employments responsibility towards god and his fellowman. This means man has a purpose he has a culture that calls him to do the beautiful. Lastly we have man having the capacity for progress. Degenerate cultures do not progress. Going from wood, to coal, to gas to oil , and to nuclear power is man just progressing. When we get to nuclear power, the energy flux density in the economy would be .unfathomable, but then again we are distinct from the beast. Humans can subdue and replenish the earth,and treat her like a great bank.
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
The flying Squirrel
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
ehartshorn77: The topic is the New Silk Road young lady.
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)
The flying Squirrel
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(Post deleted by ehartshorn77 4 years ago)