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Postscript and addendum on the meaning of "covfefe":

At 12:06 a.m. Eastern time on May 31, 2017, Trump tweeted, "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"; the tweet stopped after that. "Covfefe" was an apparent mistyping of the word "coverage". Trump deleted the tweet about six hours later. The covfefe tweet quickly went viral and generated much joking and speculation in social media and the news about the meaning of "covfefe."

How do you like that????

4 years ago Report
chronology: Just seems curious how someone as well read and well traveled as yourself would expect to receive anything but drivil from the people you occasionally debate with here. You are like a person at the zoo who talks to monkeys for fun. Most of the people here are so low information they don't understand practically anything you say. They also seem to be in a drunken state.

Why do I stay here? It's just habit. I have been here since the site started. Also after the Iraq Liberation by the U.S. there was endless misinformation being posted which I felt should not go unchallenged. Most people don't know the United States actually saved more Iraqi lives by liberating the country. With a thousand Iraqis dieing every week during the sanction period. So far America has saved around 300000 Iraqi's from death. And every year 50000 Iraqi's are alive who would have died if not Mr Bush had saved that troubled country. I remember what Pope John Paul 2 said when he visited America back in the late 70s 'may God bless you in your noble destiny of service to mankind' . But hey, you are dealing with people, and dealing with people is never easy.
4 years ago Report
MJ59: Altruism, gotta love it
4 years ago Report
MJ59: I know I do lol
(Edited by MJ59)
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
theHating: Uncle Covféfe
4 years ago Report

By now, you’d think that this blithering idiot knew how to rely on spell check, although when he was still in grade school, I’m sure he was sleeping when basic spelling and grammar was being covered.

In education, it’s axiomatic by now to understand that the more you read, the better you can spell along with building a vocabulary that won’t embarrass you when you’re in the company of adults. Any fool knows that much.

Unfortunately, Trump has as much contempt for proper spelling and grammar as he has for scientifically verifiable knowledge which makes him a double threat: your rich, bigoted dad might be able to buy you a diploma but nobody can buy you genuine wisdom and knowledge, Even for Trump, those things still aren’t commodities you can purchase with money: you have to earn then through hard work and self discipline.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
4 years ago Report
chronology: Echo, Americans seem to be giving Mr Trump the benefit of the doubt in this crisis. They realise national unity and cooperation with Federal Government is vital if America is to get over this situation with as little trauma as possible.

Federal Agencies must be working flat out right now. The last problem they need is to be explaining to people 50 times a day why they have to do something.

America got through WW2, got through the Great Depression, only a decade ago liberated Iraq, so the American people can lead the world out of this global situation. But cooperation and optimism and trust are needed now. People need to assist the overworked Federal Agent's now, not constantly question them about why this and that needs to be done.
4 years ago Report

Chronology, I think you're being far too charitable. People ARE giving Trump the benefit of the doubt but the public has a short memory and many of them are too busy burying their dead to be that understanding. You really can't blame them if they expect more from Trump than his limited skill set can provide.

Cooperation and optimism I can understand but trust--- of Donald Trump? Come now, my friend...surely you jest.

Sorry, Chronology, you usually make a lot of sense but here, I respectfully beg to differ. How do you trust a man whose entire life and career are built on breathtakingly enormous lies?


(Edited by Echolegacy)
4 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Democrats lies are backed up by fake media
4 years ago Report
chronology: Echo, I appreciate your feelings. But the American people need to support the FBI and Health Agencies and Customs etc at this time. If Civil Services are accused of all kinds of crazy weird activities this will weaken America.

The real challenge is ahead. We don't know all the details yet, but all countries face hard times in the near future. In the past Americans showed the rest of the world that you can solve big economic crisis like the one's ahead without using thumb screw's, knuckle duster's, and concentration camps. Decent folks working together across America led by imaginative Government personnel in Washington DC solved the Great Depression, Americans can do it again.

And this is a time for young folks in America to face a national crisis by volunteering at food banks, homeless shelters and helping the elderly. Hopefully the rest of the world will follow American can do.
4 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Yeah the attack by the public encouraged by the media because the intelligence community called out the fake media telling them they needed to recant their fake schedule and timeline of details or face their consequences of their actions. I noticed that ABC admitted that they reported on a little misinformation they were given,I dont know about CNN I dont watch it even dont have that channel. I actually want to erase it from my phone but if I do it will not work ill have to buy a new phone. Should be against the law that in order for your phone to get service you have to have service of one media outlet on it or it wont work. Especially when they just make stories up and report them just out of the blue for no reason but to cause hatred.
4 years ago Report
chronology: Refurb, classic line from Russell Crowe in the Movie Gladiator, 'if we work together as a team we survive whatever comes out of those gates'

It's the same with Americans, we don't know what is coming soon. But if American's work together as a team you will all survive.
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO 3 years ago)
refurbwoodart: Maybe its my provider then but I tried to erase the CNN direct link from my phone and the Univision channel because I dint speak Spanish but they both before I erased them said if you eliminate this app you will lose some services available are you sure you want to delete this app. I dont know if it means ill just lose the link or service. I'm not a very digital guy except since this lockdown.
4 years ago Report

Chronology, what you say makes sense as long as the President keeps his big mouth shut and STOPS blaming the press and mounting personal attacks on ANYBODY who says anything remotely critical or even questions the way the administration is handling this whole thing. How come THAT is never mentioned and, for the love of God, can't he just keep his big yap shut long enough for the efforts of those working for the public good to take effect? Even his supporters have said as much from time to time when they're thinking straight.

After all, he is SUPPOSED to adopt an attitude of respect for everybody, even his critics, who, predictably, belong to a free press whose job it is to simply make sure that our elected officials are doing their jobs. Who else is supposed to hold these people accountable and who else has the means and the personnel to do it, even if its not done in a letter perfect fashion? If you expect a free press to simply praise the president and reflexively endorse and praise his actions no matter WHAT they are, you can't call the press "free" any longer but rather, you will have the sort of press that only dictators find to their liking and then, what good is it to anybody?

Its natural for the president, whoever he is, to have a contentious and prickly relationship with the press; that is part of the natural order of things. Anything other than that should be immediately suspect and that is the wrong attitude to take, in my opinion.

No, my friend, we need a free press if for no other reason than to keep people apprised of what's going on with the government. Yes, the media CAN have a partisan slant because that is expected but the basic premise of a free press is still legitimate after all this time and that is why dictators who seize power automatically shut down the press in order to create the impression of slavish obedience of the citizenry. I know that would appeal to Donald Trump but his ignorance of the law and the Constitution have done more harm than good and that, hopefully, will change once he is out of office.

Public attitudes towards the free press range from mild indifference to outright HATRED which makes journalism a profession worthy of the deepest contempt, to hear our President tell it. But journalists often take it on the chin and maybe that's because nobody wants to be the bearer of bad tidings but unfortunately, sometimes bad tidings ARE worthy of being reported and you will NEVER convince me otherwise. People, like it or not, must be willing to tolerate a free press that has the RIGHT and OBLIGATION to do exactly what it is doing right now: keeping the public informed both of the laudable and questionable actions of its government.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
4 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Oh yeah its a free press as long as ole Georgie boy approves of your reporting
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO 3 years ago)

Typical attitude of a press hating Trump "good soldier." Go back and reread the First Amendment to the Constitution, just to refresh your failing memory. Its clear to me that Trump never has.

After all, if you want to hide something from Donald Trump, put it in a book.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
The giant midget
The giant midget: Again the finger pointing and the blaming
The hardest hit areas in the USA is NYC, it's not even over yet but some Cosmos guy ,I think he is the mayor, it doesn't really matter to me but he is saying that some businesses should start to operate
Isn't that a bit premature??
4 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Midget ill tell you what that deal is there people who live in NYC think that America revolves around them. They think if they have to stay at home the red of the country should have to stay at home. Dont get me wrong I think all the hot spots should stay at home but the reason NYC is the epicenter in the US is because they live in a place that covers a small amount of acreage but.has very very tall buildings with hundreds of thousands of people all living on top of each other. I mean places like where I live if you want to see a neighbor you need binoculars' or you need to hop on your horse and ride across about 30acres to your fence and then you see them and have to yell to get their attention. Why do I nerd to stay in my house locked in just because 200,000 people live on the same acreage I live on alone with my dog and they all live in like five buildings. Thats their choice not mine. So what the deal is basically some parts of the country its easy to social distance and they can get things the people in places that can't get out and distance need to survive. The whole thing just boils down to people in places like NYC can't imagine having to go more than 50feet to a neighbor. If that far. Justblike that crazy ass AOC chic that wants to make it manditory to carpool to work and only have public transportation,can't see why in the world anybody can possibly need a vehicle. Ok fine let her get her ass dropped of in Texas and have to walk in July. Hell I bet she couldn't even do it here much less Texas.
4 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Some people have driveways that are five miles in Texas
4 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: You just blabbing on about how many people per square meter in NYC verus your neck of the woods
It's called urban living , I know about NYC been there few times
I have the pleasure of living in a urban area work days but also live in a very rural setting on weekends.
You didn't respond to my question
4 years ago Report