Yet another god doesnt exist thread. (Page 10)

Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Oh Zeff it amuses me to see you quote the bible as proof that the bible is correct. In any case does it matter HOW we came to exist? We're here now. I believe via evolution, you believe god created us. Who gives a fuck?
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Lots of people apparently.
3 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: No Zeff, only a few Americans
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by zeffur 3 years ago)
zeffur: You'd be surprised then...
~54% of the world population subscribe to Christianity, Judaism, & Islam--all of which believe in the bible (at least the Old Testament).
3 years ago Report
Account Closed
(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
zeffur: Indeed--and many of them do. Could you imagine how much worse the world would be if they were all deceived like the <4% of atheists in the world who think relativism & survival of the fittest are a sound basis of their belief system?
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
Account Closed
(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
zeffur: That's scary...I've seen more atheists misquote & pervert info from the bible than any other single group of people. That makes me wonder how much of what you learned from them is false.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
Account Closed
(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
zeffur: I've seen all kinds over the years...
3 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: The Bible is evidence ? There's evidence that the Bible was brought about by more than one Author, it doesn't supply within it evidence of God's existence. I've seen you pervert what is so into your version of what assume is reality, so no matter what is false by others and what isn't what you told me has been and still is false. The way you think is a completely unrealistic way of thinking. zeffur, Are we all descendants of those that committed incest ? PS Without even needing to read all the repeated waffle you really did show how incorrect you are about so many things when you mistakenly labelled me as a liar and a Atheist. You never want to consider yourself even possibly wrong because you consider yourself weak if you give into any kind of possibility. You not giving into the chance that you are possibly wrong about various and that you are, were and will be wrong about certain things has shown, is showing and always will show all of your weak arguments. Strong arguments come from the direct opposite than what you use. How the different Races came about according to Biblical Text is interesting, I will admit that, I don't buy it though. I shall agree to disagree with you because you are still stubborn and rudely like to do the word for word crap with at least my own messages. Are you a big fan of those messages ? Is that why ? Zoroastrianism and at least one other Monotheistic Religion predate Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Should the Zoroastrians sue for a certain degree of plagiarism in regards to the last 3 Religions I just mentioned ? Ask any from any of any of those Religions, ask yourself for example, each of them have it that their God and their Religious Tales are right and that everyone that questions any part of any Religious Story and if their God does exist then that Person is a wrong, either a Heretic or an Atheist. Is it possible that all of them, including yourself are wrong ? You'll tell yourself that you aren't wrong, but by what I've seen from you so far is that the more you tell yourself something the more you think you are right, you have conned yourself.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
3 years ago Report
zeffur: No sense continuing sharing anything with you as your brain apparently doesn't work properly.

Believe whatever rubbish you wish--it's your loss.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: My Brain works properly. Apparently their were Witnesses or at least one witness to when God made all life forms ? Did they all first appear in an Adult stage like Adam did, was at least one of them a Witness like maybe the Talking Snake ? Who witnessed how Adam came about and then how Eve came about ? Why do so many hard lined Christians hate the fact that even one couple performed including those that were around long before they were born yet are not against the idea that Adam impregnated Eve ? Where is the evidence that in one single moment People were suddenly put in different parts of the Earth, were suddenly different skin colours, races and so on ? Where is the evidence that any of the so claimed eyewitness accounts that have been mentioned have any credibility ? People in the past, some on drugs, some with mental illnesses have claimed that they have seen God or the vision of the Virgin Mary, crying Statues, the true piece of the Cross, the Spearhead/Lancehead, the nail of the Cross, the Shroud of Turin, Jesus's burial place (which happens to be in two locations at least) or heard the voice of God such as Joan of Arc. There has been no conclusive evidence for any of it and there still isn't. There is even on Catholic story that has that the reason why Attila the Hun gave up invading the rest of what was left of the Western Roman Empire or the Roman Empire (whichever was the case at the time) was because the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared in a giant form in front and struck down a giant Sword in front of him, this scared Attila away.

Even before that there is the story that the story that the Roman Emperor asked his entire Army to paint crosses on their Shield so that 'God' will protect them all and would lead them to victory, it has that they one, according to some none of his army lost their lives (yet there is no evidence of that) , anyway from then on his before that Pagan Army became Christians like him. Where is there anything to show that the Shield theory and what it led to is so ? Even now there are living 'Witnesses' to God's voice, image and whatever, where God speaks through them and so on. At least one even claims to be Jesus up in Russia. So in the past and now there was and still are People that tell me and others that there were eyewitnesses to everything that is in the Bible, most tell me because it tells that that is so in the Bible. The same Bible where the Authors of it came up with their stories from what you and others are from around 1200 BC to 160 BC for the early parts of it to at least 30 years after the claimed crucifying and resurrection of Jesus and that's just the earliest known Author of the New Testament that I'm referring to. So in reality the last sentence you put down refers to what you believe, not me. So being closed minded, thinking that because it tells that all of it is so in the Bible when there is no evidence shows what you mistakenly believe in and what you are 'unshakeable' about that. That's your loss, I haven't got an incorrect belief system about it, you do though. A great flood was mentioned well before the Bible in opposing Religions to that of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. It must be understood that a strong religious belief can mean that someone will think something is so when in reality it is doubtful or even wrong to think it is so, for example some People that have found Bones and so on of Homo Sapien Sapiens, what we all are, along with odd abstract Female Statues during the Ice Age, those Archaeologists with a religious belief assume that this is evidence that they had a religion back then. Also Neanderthal burial Sites are assumed by some to be evidence of an afterlife and that Neanderthals were religious. But then I guess I'm also to believe that in less than two weeks not only were all life forms were created, but so were the Stars, the Earth and everything else except for God that's supposed to have just been around. What came before God if there is or at least was a God ? This is something that you, me and everyone else at least alive if not also the dead (even if there is an afterlife) still doesn't have an answer to.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "GeraldtheGnome: My Brain works properly."

No, actually it doesn't.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: You can't even work that I'm not an Atheist so it shows that you are incorrect on so many things. Why should I take what you go on about as a no where you are right about it ? Don't answer, that it is a rhetorical question. You have no evidence and that's all there is to it. I'm not joining your Bible Bashers Matter movement.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Lol
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "GeraldtheGnome: You can't even work that I'm not an Atheist..."

Given that most of what you write is untrue/wrong--why would it matter what YOU think??
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I never wrote anything at all, I can’t write on here and neither can you. Apart from the rare occasion where I’ve typed so fast that I’ve left out a word or two the only other mistakes that I have made on here is thinking that Bible Bashers and other religious fanatics can at least be reasonable, logical and sensible even for a moment. You’ve made far more mistakes on here since I’ve known you than everyone else has on this site,You’re not the first religious Mad Man that I’ve seen on here and most likely not the last. You are worse than others and you are just as hypocritical as other religious fanatics are. I hope one day that you will no longer be brainwashed but that day probably will never come, at least not while we’re both alive.

Go and preach to the converted/brainwashed. It would be best for you to quit being the internet equivalent of a Parrot, you are a very rude, ignorant and arrogant Man and you have very bad manners. I’m still not an Atheist despite your assumptions about that and everything else that you are wrong about in regards to me.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Yeah, you are an atheist who is pretending to be agnostic--it's quite obvious--except perhaps to you.

Everything else that you've written above is rubbish--just like everything else that you've offered in this forum...

Continue being dishonest--you've got that freedom. In the end you harm yourself the most. Most other people will recognize you for who you truly are & avoid you like the plague.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I’m not pretending anything, I certainly am not kidding myself that God certainly does exist like you do and I’m certainly not kidding myself that he doesn’t. Where there is no evidence there is no certainty. I’m honest, I’m not harming myself in anyway that you think. Most People have, are and will see me for all I am and they won’t all avoid me but they won’t all join me and most don’t and never will like you for who you are. I hope you aren’t a Flat Earth believer and/or a Moon landing sceptic.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Again, I literally haven’t written anything, everything on here is a text message apart from the Videos on here.
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Ed zachary lol
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Write, type, text--it's irrelevant--you're picking a nit that matters not--it all renders the same on here...

Go pound sand--you're free to be as dumb as you want to be--and take your fanboy with you! You're both dishonest & dumb.

Have a nice day...
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report