President Duterte of Philippines is our hero

Asiababe: Yesterday someone in PM get angry when I say Duterte is good.
People been brainwashed by Yellow media.
Last president, Aquino was evil murdering scum and he keep control of all Filipino media.... Newspaper, radio, tv, phone company, even internet. So he is use these to spread lies about President Duterte.
DO NOT believe what you hear about him. Duterte is a great man who can rescue Philippines from corruption and drugs.
Aquino and his friends also control drug trade along with corrupt cops and vice pres Leni Robredo they use prisoners for slave labour to make Shabu, like crystal meth.
Duterte is try to stop this so Aquino sends out killer squads to murder the dealers to stop them telling truths. He is killing his own people!
Peres Duterte maybe can't live long enough for another 6 year term but a new man is coming through; Glenn Chong Already Aquinos killers try to murder him but only get his friend and driver.
Do not believe anything you hear about Pres Duterte being bad man! He is real hero and most Filipinos love him. Please don't let your govts support Aquino to return or any of the Yellows,,, they are truly evil.
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Good on you Babe, too many people think he's bad for the Philippines when he's just a good honest man doing his best
4 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Philippines are the kindest human beings on earth... It is now one of the fastest economy in Asia. I think Duterte indeed is a hero.
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: How is he portrayed in US media? I get the impression he's being vilified by them
4 years ago Report
Asiababe: Same person still argue me and say Duterte is mass murderer. This is not true! Real killer is Aquino but blame it on Duterte coz he control media
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Asiababe would know, she lived there for the first 25 years of her life
4 years ago Report
itsmehere1001: Sounds like he’s a mass murderer. But if you say he’s a nice guy, we’ll believe you because you’re not brain washed at all.
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Good post, quite a bit of bullshit spread by Aquino's people but it does contain a lot of correct stuff. It says a lot that Du30 kept getting elected Mayor of Davao for 22 years. If he didn't have solid support this wouldn't have happened. Even now his daughter has followed as Mayor there. This doesn't happen for murderers.
4 years ago Report
Warrior Goddess
Warrior Goddess: is it majorly wrong to say if he was targeting the criminals and drug dealers for death then i woukd support him
4 years ago Report
Warrior Goddess
Warrior Goddess: i mean they are meating out death by hundreds if not more so if you kill them how many more did you save
4 years ago Report
Warrior Goddess
Warrior Goddess: not advocated for it just seeing it as the lives of many out way the lives of a few that the are a threat to those many lives
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: amnesty international and other human rights activists say murderer. people who hate drugs and ISIS say hero.
I say he is a politician therefore paid to lie. I also say you cannot make omelettes without breaking eggs. There are eternally polarised views in todays online world, the truth as WS will always show you, is somewhere in the middle
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Strange that ISIS should be showing support for Du30 James. He has sent troops into Mindanao against them and their allies, Abu Sayaff to take out an international terrorist bomb maker and is negotiating with the NPA for a joint offensive against all the islamic terror groups in Mindanao.
The "thousands" of deaths caused by his so called kill squads is pure bullshit being spread by Aquino's media. Aquino and his minions control the drug trade in Philippines, using prisons as factories for shabu (crystal meth) and prisoners as slave labourers. Now that Du30 is cracking down on them they are killing off their street dealers who could tell him who the bosses are.
Anyone who believes the crap being spread about Du30 is sadly brainwashed by the media and has no concept of the level of corruption in Philippines: I won't list it here because it is so immense nobody would believe it without experiencing it first hand
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: Yes that is what I said, if you hate drugs and gang culture and hate ISIS then he is a hero to you. I do think politicians are ordinary people really who try to do the right thing. I don't think he is a maniac like a Hitler or a Polpot etc but I am sure someone who is taking a hard line against people who only understand one language. But I would caution against sweeping statements about people being 'brainwashed' by the media. I read liberal newspapers like The Guardian and find it very hard to believe that what they print is the result of just blindly following state media. I see brainwashed people every day and they just blindly follow without question, so I know what brainwashing looks like. Certainly no-one would dare to suggest that I was brainwashed or couldn't tell propaganda when I saw it. Americans who blindly watch Fox News yes maybe, but I am not that.
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: pursuing closer ties with China and Russia, two of the most corrupt nations in the world, for a man who purports to be anti-corruption is just a little bit ironic...
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Compared to the corruption that has existed for decades in the Philippines both China and Russia are paragons of innocence and honesty James
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: Well that may be, but why would he want to associate himself so closely with those two particular regimes?
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: Vladimir Putin's Russia isn't a paragon of anything and Xi won't teach Philippines anything except how to be autocratic and authoritarian and crush human rights
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I understand his flirting with Xi is a kneejerk reaction to the abuses by USA and the unpopularity of american servicemen based at Subic
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: Abuses by the USA, I guess they are very arrogant and holier-than-thou and Trump is an aberration of a human being, but like Churchill said, 'Democracy is the worst kind of government, except for all the others'.
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: USA is hardly Democratic, its a dictatorship
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: I think we saw yesterday that that's not true is it - dictators get impeached and humiliated. Trump certainly puts the 'dic' in dictator but surely we can't suggest that Obama was a dictator, if he was then he wouldn't have struggled so much to put in place his much needed care reforms in the face of low-tax greedy populace.
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: He can be impeached but stay in power? That's a dictatorship
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: well I am not sure of the finer details, but I think that only the electorate can remove by voting him out. Clinton was pretty much gone after impeachment, I think but I was only a teenager
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Does anyone understand the US electoral system? I sure dont
4 years ago Report
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