President Duterte of Philippines is our hero (Page 3)

Sir Loin
Sir Loin: That's right Itsme, cops in NZ are unarmed but if I recall Du30 correctly he told his police they could shoot to kill if drug dealers resisted arrest. Resisting arrest in Philippines almost always means shooting cops. Fair enough and I would support NZ cops taking weapons to an arrest where they were likely to experience the same resistance.
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: I find the sight of a strange woman and a man touching like that repellent too, its something for privacy, their gender or orientation should be irrelevant right?
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I wouldn't believe the figure of 20,000 killed or even 6600 by cops. These are figures made up by Aquino's media people in order to discredit Du30. Aquino still has hopes of returning to power, there are $ trillions he still hasn't stolen from the Filipino people.
4 years ago Report
itsmehere1001: How can people like Asiangirl really think this bloody thirsty unstable dangerous man is a hero? Is she brain washed or just ignorant? Considering she lives in NZ there is no excuse for such ignorance
4 years ago Report
itsmehere1001: Very similar to Pol Pot
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: How can you criticise him the way you do if you also live in NZ? Do you rely entirely on what you read, or have you lived in Philippines recently?
She has returned to Philippines several times since Du30 was elected, so have her friends who live in NZ. All of them support Du30 and all report there is an air of hope and optimism in the Philippines now which has been absent for decades.
I have also noticed an improvement in the peoples happiness each time I go there which is about once a year.
4 years ago Report
itsmehere1001: She actually has a close relationship to him which is why she supports him. As you well know
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I wouldn't call it a close relationship, he was her sister's boss a few years ago, they have met and my wife thinks he is a real gentleman.
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: Its not maybe a question of the end(happiness) but more the means (brutal annihilation of anything that stands in his way). We can definitely admire a man who can uplift a countrys morale but shouldnt we always question at what cost to human rights. Same thing is happening in China but instead of drug lords its economic expansion at any cost to human rights or life
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Agreed James, the difference being Xi was not elected by popular vote. The CCP imposed him on the Chinese people.
Du30 won a landslide victory in the polls despite the vote counting being blatantly fraudulent in Aquino's favour. He is even a major shareholder in Comelec the company which counts the votes
(Edited by Sir Loin)
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: The Chinese unfortunately wouldnt know what to do with a popular vote if they had one. probably would want Alibaba Jack Ma
4 years ago Report
itsmehere1001: I’m sure even Hilter could come across as a real gentleman
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: Trump still cannot obviously...
4 years ago Report
itsmehere1001: Agree with that
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I have just received word from other Filipinos saying everyone in the country now feels safer
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: note to self, do not click other forum threads or you may find rednecks defending trump and attacking impeachment which will make you question the entire basis of human nature...
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: James would Chinese voting for Jack Ma really be different to Muricans voting for Trump?
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: i love how they are so dumb they cannot.find the caps lock
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: it would be exactly the same. him or jackie chan or justin bieber
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: hahaha yep it's the celebrity vote no matter who what or where James. Sign of the times Mate
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: i wish Michelle Obama would go for it but she just has no interest in it
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I get the impression Mrs Oh Bummer is about as smart as the bricks I'm laying today
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: i thought she was one of the most inspirational, tough yet feminine figures of the 21st century. maybe a bit soft on drugs haha
4 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I thought she was a feminist
4 years ago Report
ShakespeareanJ: well every woman and every man should be a feminist then the world would be a better and more peaceful place. as shakespeare knew every woman who.marries marries down
4 years ago Report