The Zenger Society: A Forum For Free Speech (Page 328)

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KeithJ: 20 year old from here in Mississippi
3 years ago Report

murrayduan posted this:

"How can anyone support such a pig of a human being let alone over 74 million?"

Its funny because my wife and I have been having that same conversation for days now. She was genuinely puzzled by the fact that, despite Biden's victory, seventy four million people cast a vote for that benighted numbskull, Donald Trump. How was such a thing possible?

So, that means that a goodly number of those people will probably regard Biden as an "illegitimate" president, which is stunningly ironic because that's EXACTLY what Donald Trump is--and was for his entire administration. Its manifestly clear now that Trump's victory WAS a colossal mistake from which it will take years, if not decades, to recover.

Its no secret that I detest Trump and recently it has shocked me to learn that some people hate him SO much that they actually want to see him dead. I know at least three people personally who have confided to me that they hate him that much and somehow I suspect that this might be a sentiment that many people share. Its not in my nature to hate somebody THAT much; I suspect that in the end, fate, God or history will render final judgment on him and it will not paint a pretty picture, either. People forget that Trumpism might be with us for some time but in the end, his place in American history will be that of a man whose pure, unadulterated HATRED galvanized seventy four million people to cast a vote for him in 2016. That is a disturbing and frightening thought.

The poison of hatred is like any disease; the cure will take time and recovery will be slow and painful. The trick is managing to avoid being infected with that hatred which, in turn, leads people to wish death on their hated political target, whoever it might be. The hatred is out there and I am not going to succumb to it; that would be too easy. On the other hand, Trump is the sort of person who will NEVER apologize, never second guess himself and NEVER, EVER accept defeat. And, to be frank about it, I can't really say that the hatred he will be receiving is only a reflection of what HE has done to promote hatred in this country and the results are tragic.

People on this thread as well as the thread that I started have said many things about Trump; some of them are interesting and literate, like Gram's, Beaver's, murray's or Keith's; then, we have the mangled English and the lunacy of Fractured and the occasional nutcase who posts here just to be provocative and bellicose. We have seen plenty of people just like that.

In the final analysis, it will be both refreshing and inspiring to see a government not mired in corruption, incompetence and general idiocy; we have had all together too much of that for the last four years. Now is the time to take stock of ourselves and try to act like a nation of free and prosperous individuals who believe in the rule of law and the principles of a genuine republic. That is our legacy to mankind and that is something which we should all be willing to create, if such a thing is possible. It seems quite clear, too, that Biden believes the same thing while Trump never stood a chance of grasping what every president who has preceded him always knew.

Trump lost; there are seventy four million people, however, who still refuse to believe and accept it. Yet the republic still stands and for that, we must all be grateful.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report
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MJ59: I can see it without logging in
3 years ago Report
KeithJ: can't see it either
3 years ago Report
MJ59: yer all blind dammit! lol
3 years ago Report

Here's a you tube
3 years ago Report
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KeithJ: yep my great grandmother RIP 1988 age 104
3 years ago Report
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KeithJ: Grandfather was born in 1912 died Nov 27th 1984 ,,he always told me many times that a virus would happen again like 1918 and a economic thing would follow afterwards again .
He was more of like a father to me than my actual father was .
3 years ago Report
KeithJ: but when a kid you dismiss it when they tell you someone tells you unless it is something at hand of the time like going fishing ,
3 years ago Report
murrayduan: Of course you dismiss it who listens to old people?

It is funny our perspective of age over the years.

How many of us remember when we looked at our Parents and thought damn better have fun, when I am their age it is all over.

Of course that is when we are teens or early 20's and the old people are early 30's.

Now 55 years later I wonder WTF was I thinking?
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Here's one for you Echo, I'm sure you'll like it lol
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
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MJ59: Poor lil donnie
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
KeithJ: 26th Nov ,,,he is so full of bull shit ,,he even said that Joe Biden said that I beat Obama in votes what the fuck is that the idiot Dump ? Joe Biden was on the ticket with Obama !!
3 years ago Report
MJ59: The real question is, why are his thickheaded supporters still parroting his ridiculous claims, which have been totally and categorically refuted and laughed out of court because they have NO EVIDENCE??

How dense are these people??
(Edited by MJ59)
3 years ago Report